Contacts for Eurosystem collateral
For questions related to a specific eligible asset, please contact the national central bank responsible for reporting the asset for inclusion in the eligible assets database. This is usually the national central bank of the country in which the asset is admitted to trading. For questions regarding the reasons for an asset’s eligibility/ineligibility, you should again contact the relevant national central bank.
The contact information for the national central banks is set out in the table below.
On questions related to the Eurosystem collateral framework in general, please use the chatbot, which will answer your most relevant questions. For more specific inquiries, the chatbot will provide you with our online form, which will reach the ECB collateral team. An answer will be provided as soon as possible.
The former ECB's Eligible Asset Hotline, [email protected], will be maintained until the 4th of April 2025, after which it will be discontinued and replaced with the online form.
Messages to the ECB should be submitted in English so that they can be processed promptly. Please ensure that you include a message subject which is relevant to your question.
Belgium - National Bank of Belgium | [email protected] |
Czech Republic - Czech National Bank | [email protected] |
Denmark - Danmarks Nationalbank | [email protected] |
Germany - Deutsche Bundesbank | [email protected]+49 69 9566 32599 |
Greece - Bank of Greece | [email protected] |
Estonia - Eesti Pank | [email protected] |
Spain - Bank of Spain | [email protected] |
Finland - Bank of Finland | [email protected] |
France - Bank of France | [email protected] |
Croatia - Croatian National Bank | [email protected] |
Ireland - Central Bank of Ireland | [email protected] |
Italy - Bank of Italy | [email protected]+39 06 4792 4098 |
Latvia - Latvijas Banka | [email protected]+371 6702 2443 |
Lithuania - Lietuvos bankas | [email protected]+370 5 2680 620 |
Luxembourg - Central Bank of Luxembourg | [email protected] |
Netherlands - Dutch National Bank | [email protected]+31 20 524 3696 |
Austria - Central Bank of Austria | [email protected] |
Portugal - Bank of Portugal | [email protected] |
Slovenia - Bank of Slovenia | [email protected]+386 1 47 19 205 |
Slovakia - National Bank of Slovakia | [email protected]+421 25787 2518 |
Cyprus - Central Bank of Cyprus | [email protected]+357 2271 4319 |
Malta - Central Bank of Malta | [email protected][email protected]+356 2550 5402+356 2550 5401 |