User guide
Structure of the eligible assets database
The following table sets out the structure of the eligible assets data stored in the files available for download. This makes it easier to export these data to local databases. A list of the attribute values is available in the Eligible Assets Dictionary. An XML version of this dictionary is also included in the RSS feed referred to below.
Field name1 | Type |
Max. length |
Codes used |
(1) Please note that the field names displayed in the user guide refer to the list of eligible marketable assets download files, which are available here. Where codes are used in a field they are listed in the lookup tables available via the MID RSS feed under the release title "List of eligible marketable assets. If you wish to subscribe to the MID RSS feed, please refer to the RSS user guide MID integration guide. | |||
(2) Update: please note that the field HAIRCUT_CATEGORY refers to the "haircut categories" established in Decision ECB/2015/35. This leads to the following corresponding terms:
(3) The information provided in the field “Potentially own-usable covered bond” refers to eligible covered bonds that can be own-used, subject to compliance with Art. 138(3)(b)(ii) of ECB/2014/60 (as amended). Please note that the value of this field has no binding effect for regulatory treatment of those assets, nor should it be construed as anything other than the Eurosystem’s own assessment of the eligibility of those specific debt instruments referred to above. |
(4) The information provided in the field CHANGE specifies whether an asset has been newly added to the list of eligible assets ('N'), deleted from that list ('D') or the underlying data has been updated ('U'). |
ISIN_CODE | text | 12 | |
OTHER_REG_NUMBER | text | 20 | |
HAIRCUT_CATEGORY2 | text | 3 | Haircut category |
TYPE | text | 3 | Asset type |
REFERENCE_MARKET | text | 6 | Reference market |
DENOMINATION | text | 3 | Denomination |
ISSUANCE_DATE | date/time | ||
MATURITY_DATE | date/time | ||
ISSUER_CSD | text | 6 | Country of location |
COUPON_DEFINITION | text | 3 | Coupon definition |
COUPON_RATE (%) | number | ||
ISSUER_NAME | text | 255 | |
ISSUER_GROUP | text | 4 | Issuer group |
ISSUER_RESIDENCE | text | 4 | Issuer residence |
GUARANTOR_NAME | text | 255 | |
GUARANTOR_GROUP | text | 4 | Guarantor group |
GUARANTOR_RESIDENCE | text | 4 | Guarantor residence |
HAIRCUT | number | ||
HAIRCUT_OWN_USE | number | ||
text |
3 |
How to perform user-defined queries
The assets query form allows users to submit individual queries on the eligible assets data. You can enter search criteria in each field on the form. If you enter criteria in more than one field, your entries will be handled as logical "AND" conditions. Each field type has its own features:
You can use the "Clear filters" button to reset all settings in the form. After submitting the form, it will be possible to display the result on screen.
How to download files
Download data set
The ECB provides several files for public download in the Download area.
File format
Each file is available in compressed format (standard GZIP format), as well as in uncompressed format. Compressed files can be uncompressed using unzipping tools available for most operating systems (Winzip, GNU zip).
In most browsers, to download an uncompressed file (extension .csv or .xml) and save it to your local drive, you can click on a hyperlink with the right mouse button and select an item named "Save link as...", or similarly, from the contextual menu which appears.
Data format
The download files can either be in a CSV or XML format to be directly used by other software, automatic processes or by the user in any kind of spreadsheet software. The used character set in MID for CSV files is UTF-16LE and for XML files it is UTF-16.
Receive datasets via RSS
To be notified about new information and to receive new data published by ECB RSS is the recommended channel. After subscribing to RSS service, all information published via MID are collected in one feed, accessible via URL
In every case when updated data are available a new entry will be shown in the RSS containing the links to retrieve the updated data.
The relevant part in the RSS feed is the release Title, ‘List of eligible marketable assets’
All website pages are delivered through secure http. Files in the download area are also transmitted through secure http. For more information about the secure http protocol please refer to your browser documentation.
The MID messages for eligible assets contain a digital signature which is used to validate the authenticity of the sender (ECB) and to ensure that the message has not been altered after its creation. Further details regarding the usage of digital signature and how to verify it are explained in detail in the Integration Guide of MID.