English | 中 文 |
Air | 大氣空氣 |
Air quality monitoring | 空氣品質監測 |
Ambient air quality monitoring stations | 一般監測站 |
Climate change and environmental impact | 氣候變遷與環境衝擊 |
Disaster prevention and response | 災害防救 |
Drinking water | 飲用水 |
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) | 環境影響評估 |
Environmental information | 環境資訊 |
Environmental sanitation and drinking water | 環境衛生及飲用水 |
Execution of water quality monitoring | 水質監測作業 |
Food waste recycling | 廚餘回收 |
Fuels control | 燃料管制 |
Groundwater remediation | 地下水污染與整治 |
Handling of public nuisance petitions | 公害陳情處理 |
Hazardous air pollutant control | 有害空氣污染物管制 |
Identification of indicator organisms | 指標生物鑑定 |
Import and export of industrial waste | 事業廢棄物輸出入 |
Industrial park sewage systems | 工業區污水下水道系統 |
Industrial waste management | 事業廢棄物管理 |
Industrial waste water management | 事業廢水管制 |
Infectious medical waste | 感染性醫療廢棄物 |
Management of building sewage treatment | 建築物污水處理管理 |
Management of environmental agents permits | 環境用藥許可管理 |
Management of general waste | 一般廢棄物管理 |
Mandatory recyclables | 公告資源回收物 |
Marine pollution Control | 海洋污染防治 |
Microbiological testing | 微生物檢測 |
Noise control | 噪音管制 |
Oil product control | 油品管制 |
Organic testing | 有機檢測 |
Particulate matter supersites | 超微粒測站 |
Public sewage systems | 公共污水下水道系統 |
Publicly and Privately Owned Waste Management Organizations | 公民營廢棄物清除處理機構 |
Reservoirs | 水庫 |
Resource recycling | 資源回收 |
Rivers and streams | 河川 |
Soil and groundwater | 土壤及地下水 |
Soil pollution remediation | 土壤污染整治 |
Stationary air pollution source control | 固定污染源防制 |
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) | 政策環境影響評估 |
Testing methods for soil | 土壤檢測方法 |
Testing methods for water quality | 水質檢測方法 |
Toxic chemical substances | 毒性化學物質 |
Trace pollutants testing | 超微量物質檢測 |
Ultraviolet radiation forecasts | 紫外線測報 |
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol | 氣候變化綱要公約及京都議定書 |
Vehicle noise controls | 機動車輛噪音管制 |
Waste controls | 廢棄物管制 |
Water pollution control fees | 水污染防治費 |
Water quality management for river | 河川水質管理 |
Water quality protection | 水質保護 |
- 發布日期:2022/05/23
- 發布單位:基隆市環境保護局
- 最後更新時間: 2022/05/23
- 點閱次數:1943