You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 1
MaterialDesign symbols
Kirsty McNaught edited this page Jun 26, 2024
2 revisions
_3dRotation![]() |
AccessAlarm![]() |
AccessAlarms![]() |
Accessibility![]() |
Accessible![]() |
AccessTime![]() |
AccountBalance![]() |
AccountBalanceWallet![]() |
AccountBox![]() |
AccountCircle![]() |
AcUnit![]() |
Adb![]() |
Add![]() |
AddAlarm![]() |
AddAlert![]() |
AddAPhoto![]() |
AddBox![]() |
AddCircle![]() |
AddCircleOutline![]() |
AddLocation![]() |
AddShoppingCart![]() |
AddToPhotos![]() |
AddToQueue![]() |
Adjust![]() |
AirlineSeatFlat![]() |
AirlineSeatFlatAngled![]() |
AirlineSeatIndividualSuite![]() |
AirlineSeatLegroomExtra![]() |
AirlineSeatLegroomNormal![]() |
AirlineSeatLegroomReduced![]() |
AirlineSeatReclineExtra![]() |
AirlineSeatReclineNormal![]() |
AirplanemodeActive![]() |
AirplanemodeInactive![]() |
Airplay![]() |
AirportShuttle![]() |
Alarm![]() |
AlarmAdd![]() |
AlarmOff![]() |
AlarmOn![]() |
Album![]() |
AllInclusive![]() |
AllOut![]() |
Android![]() |
Announcement![]() |
Apps![]() |
Archive![]() |
ArrowBack![]() |
ArrowDownward![]() |
ArrowDropDown![]() |
ArrowDropDownCircle![]() |
ArrowDropUp![]() |
ArrowForward![]() |
ArrowUpward![]() |
ArtTrack![]() |
AspectRatio![]() |
Assessment![]() |
Assignment![]() |
AssignmentInd![]() |
AssignmentLate![]() |
AssignmentReturn![]() |
AssignmentReturned![]() |
AssignmentTurnedIn![]() |
Assistant![]() |
AssistantPhoto![]() |
AttachFile![]() |
Attachment![]() |
AttachMoney![]() |
Audiotrack![]() |
Autorenew![]() |
AvTimer![]() |
Backspace![]() |
Backup![]() |
BatteryAlert![]() |
BatteryChargingFull![]() |
BatteryFull![]() |
BatteryStd![]() |
BatteryUnknown![]() |
BeachAccess![]() |
Beenhere![]() |
Block![]() |
Bluetooth![]() |
BluetoothAudio![]() |
BluetoothConnected![]() |
BluetoothDisabled![]() |
BluetoothSearching![]() |
BlurCircular![]() |
BlurLinear![]() |
BlurOff![]() |
BlurOn![]() |
Book![]() |
Bookmark![]() |
BookmarkBorder![]() |
BorderAll![]() |
BorderBottom![]() |
BorderClear![]() |
BorderColor![]() |
BorderHorizontal![]() |
BorderInner![]() |
BorderLeft![]() |
BorderOuter![]() |
BorderRight![]() |
BorderStyle![]() |
BorderTop![]() |
BorderVertical![]() |
BrandingWatermark![]() |
Brightness1![]() |
Brightness2![]() |
Brightness3![]() |
Brightness4![]() |
Brightness5![]() |
Brightness6![]() |
Brightness7![]() |
BrightnessAuto![]() |
BrightnessHigh![]() |
BrightnessLow![]() |
BrightnessMedium![]() |
BrokenImage![]() |
Brush![]() |
BubbleChart![]() |
BugReport![]() |
Build![]() |
BurstMode![]() |
Business![]() |
BusinessCenter![]() |
Cached![]() |
Cake![]() |
Call![]() |
CallEnd![]() |
CallMade![]() |
CallMerge![]() |
CallMissed![]() |
CallMissedOutgoing![]() |
CallReceived![]() |
CallSplit![]() |
CallToAction![]() |
Camera![]() |
CameraAlt![]() |
CameraEnhance![]() |
CameraFront![]() |
CameraRear![]() |
CameraRoll![]() |
Cancel![]() |
CardGiftcard![]() |
CardMembership![]() |
CardTravel![]() |
Casino![]() |
Cast![]() |
CastConnected![]() |
CenterFocusStrong![]() |
CenterFocusWeak![]() |
ChangeHistory![]() |
Chat![]() |
ChatBubble![]() |
ChatBubbleOutline![]() |
Check![]() |
CheckBox![]() |
CheckBoxOutlineBlank![]() |
CheckCircle![]() |
ChevronLeft![]() |
ChevronRight![]() |
ChildCare![]() |
ChildFriendly![]() |
ChromeReaderMode![]() |
Class![]() |
Clear![]() |
ClearAll![]() |
Close![]() |
ClosedCaption![]() |
Cloud![]() |
CloudCircle![]() |
CloudDone![]() |
CloudDownload![]() |
CloudOff![]() |
CloudQueue![]() |
CloudUpload![]() |
Code![]() |
Collections![]() |
CollectionsBookmark![]() |
Colorize![]() |
ColorLens![]() |
Comment![]() |
Compare![]() |
CompareArrows![]() |
Computer![]() |
ConfirmationNumber![]() |
ContactMail![]() |
ContactPhone![]() |
Contacts![]() |
ContentCopy![]() |
ContentCut![]() |
ContentPaste![]() |
ControlPoint![]() |
ControlPointDuplicate![]() |
Copyright![]() |
Create![]() |
CreateNewFolder![]() |
CreditCard![]() |
Crop![]() |
Crop169![]() |
Crop32![]() |
Crop54![]() |
Crop75![]() |
CropDin![]() |
CropFree![]() |
CropLandscape![]() |
CropOriginal![]() |
CropPortrait![]() |
CropRotate![]() |
CropSquare![]() |
Dashboard![]() |
DataUsage![]() |
DateRange![]() |
Dehaze![]() |
Delete![]() |
DeleteForever![]() |
DeleteSweep![]() |
Description![]() |
DesktopMac![]() |
DesktopWindows![]() |
Details![]() |
DeveloperBoard![]() |
DeveloperMode![]() |
DeviceHub![]() |
Devices![]() |
DevicesOther![]() |
DialerSip![]() |
Dialpad![]() |
Directions![]() |
DirectionsBike![]() |
DirectionsBoat![]() |
DirectionsBus![]() |
DirectionsCar![]() |
DirectionsRailway![]() |
DirectionsRun![]() |
DirectionsSubway![]() |
DirectionsTransit![]() |
DirectionsWalk![]() |
DiscFull![]() |
Dns![]() |
Dock![]() |
Domain![]() |
Done![]() |
DoneAll![]() |
DoNotDisturb![]() |
DoNotDisturbAlt![]() |
DoNotDisturbOff![]() |
DoNotDisturbOn![]() |
DonutLarge![]() |
DonutSmall![]() |
Drafts![]() |
DragHandle![]() |
DriveEta![]() |
Dvr![]() |
Edit![]() |
EditLocation![]() |
Eject![]() |
Email![]() |
EnhancedEncryption![]() |
Equalizer![]() |
Error![]() |
ErrorOutline![]() |
EuroSymbol![]() |
Event![]() |
EventAvailable![]() |
EventBusy![]() |
EventNote![]() |
EventSeat![]() |
EvStation![]() |
ExitToApp![]() |
ExpandLess![]() |
ExpandMore![]() |
Explicit![]() |
Explore![]() |
Exposure![]() |
ExposureNeg1![]() |
ExposureNeg2![]() |
ExposurePlus1![]() |
ExposurePlus2![]() |
ExposureZero![]() |
Extension![]() |
Face![]() |
FastForward![]() |
FastRewind![]() |
Favorite![]() |
FavoriteBorder![]() |
FeaturedPlayList![]() |
FeaturedVideo![]() |
Feedback![]() |
FiberDvr![]() |
FiberManualRecord![]() |
FiberNew![]() |
FiberPin![]() |
FiberSmartRecord![]() |
FileDownload![]() |
FileUpload![]() |
Filter![]() |
Filter1![]() |
Filter2![]() |
Filter3![]() |
Filter4![]() |
Filter5![]() |
Filter6![]() |
Filter7![]() |
Filter8![]() |
Filter9![]() |
Filter9Plus![]() |
FilterBAndW![]() |
FilterCenterFocus![]() |
FilterDrama![]() |
FilterFrames![]() |
FilterHdr![]() |
FilterList![]() |
FilterNone![]() |
FilterTiltShift![]() |
FilterVintage![]() |
FindInPage![]() |
FindReplace![]() |
Fingerprint![]() |
FirstPage![]() |
FitnessCenter![]() |
Flag![]() |
Flare![]() |
FlashAuto![]() |
FlashOff![]() |
FlashOn![]() |
Flight![]() |
FlightLand![]() |
FlightTakeoff![]() |
Flip![]() |
FlipToBack![]() |
FlipToFront![]() |
Folder![]() |
FolderOpen![]() |
FolderShared![]() |
FolderSpecial![]() |
FontDownload![]() |
FormatAlignCenter![]() |
FormatAlignJustify![]() |
FormatAlignLeft![]() |
FormatAlignRight![]() |
FormatBold![]() |
FormatClear![]() |
FormatColorFill![]() |
FormatColorReset![]() |
FormatColorText![]() |
FormatIndentDecrease![]() |
FormatIndentIncrease![]() |
FormatItalic![]() |
FormatLineSpacing![]() |
FormatListBulleted![]() |
FormatListNumbered![]() |
FormatPaint![]() |
FormatQuote![]() |
FormatShapes![]() |
FormatSize![]() |
FormatStrikethrough![]() |
FormatTextdirectionLToR![]() |
FormatTextdirectionRToL![]() |
FormatUnderlined![]() |
Forum![]() |
Forward![]() |
Forward10![]() |
Forward30![]() |
Forward5![]() |
FreeBreakfast![]() |
Fullscreen![]() |
FullscreenExit![]() |
Functions![]() |
Gamepad![]() |
Games![]() |
Gavel![]() |
Gesture![]() |
GetApp![]() |
Gif![]() |
GolfCourse![]() |
GpsFixed![]() |
GpsNotFixed![]() |
GpsOff![]() |
Grade![]() |
Gradient![]() |
Grain![]() |
GraphicEq![]() |
GridOff![]() |
GridOn![]() |
Group![]() |
GroupAdd![]() |
GroupWork![]() |
GTranslate![]() |
Hd![]() |
HdrOff![]() |
HdrOn![]() |
HdrStrong![]() |
HdrWeak![]() |
Headset![]() |
HeadsetMic![]() |
Healing![]() |
Hearing![]() |
Help![]() |
HelpOutline![]() |
Highlight![]() |
HighlightOff![]() |
HighQuality![]() |
History![]() |
Home![]() |
Hotel![]() |
HotTub![]() |
HourglassEmpty![]() |
HourglassFull![]() |
Http![]() |
Https![]() |
Image![]() |
ImageAspectRatio![]() |
ImportantDevices![]() |
ImportContacts![]() |
ImportExport![]() |
Inbox![]() |
IndeterminateCheckBox![]() |
Info![]() |
InfoOutline![]() |
Input![]() |
InsertChart![]() |
InsertComment![]() |
InsertDriveFile![]() |
InsertEmoticon![]() |
InsertInvitation![]() |
InsertLink![]() |
InsertPhoto![]() |
InvertColors![]() |
InvertColorsOff![]() |
Iso![]() |
Keyboard![]() |
KeyboardArrowDown![]() |
KeyboardArrowLeft![]() |
KeyboardArrowRight![]() |
KeyboardArrowUp![]() |
KeyboardBackspace![]() |
KeyboardCapslock![]() |
KeyboardHide![]() |
KeyboardReturn![]() |
KeyboardTab![]() |
KeyboardVoice![]() |
Kitchen![]() |
Label![]() |
LabelOutline![]() |
Landscape![]() |
Language![]() |
Laptop![]() |
LaptopChromebook![]() |
LaptopMac![]() |
LaptopWindows![]() |
LastPage![]() |
Launch![]() |
Layers![]() |
LayersClear![]() |
LeakAdd![]() |
LeakRemove![]() |
Lens![]() |
LibraryAdd![]() |
LibraryBooks![]() |
LibraryMusic![]() |
LightbulbOutline![]() |
LinearScale![]() |
LineStyle![]() |
LineWeight![]() |
Link![]() |
LinkedCamera![]() |
List![]() |
LiveHelp![]() |
LiveTv![]() |
LocalActivity![]() |
LocalAirport![]() |
LocalAtm![]() |
LocalBar![]() |
LocalCafe![]() |
LocalCarWash![]() |
LocalConvenienceStore![]() |
LocalDining![]() |
LocalDrink![]() |
LocalFlorist![]() |
LocalGasStation![]() |
LocalGroceryStore![]() |
LocalHospital![]() |
LocalHotel![]() |
LocalLaundryService![]() |
LocalLibrary![]() |
LocalMall![]() |
LocalMovies![]() |
LocalOffer![]() |
LocalParking![]() |
LocalPharmacy![]() |
LocalPhone![]() |
LocalPizza![]() |
LocalPlay![]() |
LocalPostOffice![]() |
LocalPrintshop![]() |
LocalSee![]() |
LocalShipping![]() |
LocalTaxi![]() |
LocationCity![]() |
LocationDisabled![]() |
LocationOff![]() |
LocationOn![]() |
LocationSearching![]() |
Lock![]() |
LockOpen![]() |
LockOutline![]() |
Looks![]() |
Looks3![]() |
Looks4![]() |
Looks5![]() |
Looks6![]() |
LooksOne![]() |
LooksTwo![]() |
Loop![]() |
Loupe![]() |
LowPriority![]() |
Loyalty![]() |
Mail![]() |
MailOutline![]() |
Map![]() |
Markunread![]() |
MarkunreadMailbox![]() |
Memory![]() |
Menu![]() |
MergeType![]() |
Message![]() |
Mic![]() |
MicNone![]() |
MicOff![]() |
Mms![]() |
ModeComment![]() |
ModeEdit![]() |
MonetizationOn![]() |
MoneyOff![]() |
MonochromePhotos![]() |
Mood![]() |
MoodBad![]() |
More![]() |
MoreHoriz![]() |
MoreVert![]() |
Motorcycle![]() |
Mouse![]() |
MoveToInbox![]() |
Movie![]() |
MovieCreation![]() |
MovieFilter![]() |
MultilineChart![]() |
MusicNote![]() |
MusicVideo![]() |
MyLocation![]() |
Nature![]() |
NaturePeople![]() |
NavigateBefore![]() |
NavigateNext![]() |
Navigation![]() |
NearMe![]() |
NetworkCell![]() |
NetworkCheck![]() |
NetworkLocked![]() |
NetworkWifi![]() |
NewReleases![]() |
NextWeek![]() |
Nfc![]() |
NoEncryption![]() |
NoSim![]() |
Note![]() |
NoteAdd![]() |
Notifications![]() |
NotificationsActive![]() |
NotificationsNone![]() |
NotificationsOff![]() |
NotificationsPaused![]() |
NotInterested![]() |
OfflinePin![]() |
OndemandVideo![]() |
Opacity![]() |
OpenInBrowser![]() |
OpenInNew![]() |
OpenWith![]() |
Pages![]() |
Pageview![]() |
Palette![]() |
Panorama![]() |
PanoramaFishEye![]() |
PanoramaHorizontal![]() |
PanoramaVertical![]() |
PanoramaWideAngle![]() |
PanTool![]() |
PartyMode![]() |
Pause![]() |
PauseCircleFilled![]() |
PauseCircleOutline![]() |
Payment![]() |
People![]() |
PeopleOutline![]() |
PermCameraMic![]() |
PermContactCalendar![]() |
PermDataSetting![]() |
PermDeviceInformation![]() |
PermIdentity![]() |
PermMedia![]() |
PermPhoneMsg![]() |
PermScanWifi![]() |
Person![]() |
PersonAdd![]() |
PersonalVideo![]() |
PersonOutline![]() |
PersonPin![]() |
PersonPinCircle![]() |
Pets![]() |
Phone![]() |
PhoneAndroid![]() |
PhoneBluetoothSpeaker![]() |
PhoneForwarded![]() |
PhoneInTalk![]() |
PhoneIphone![]() |
Phonelink![]() |
PhonelinkErase![]() |
PhonelinkLock![]() |
PhonelinkOff![]() |
PhonelinkRing![]() |
PhonelinkSetup![]() |
PhoneLocked![]() |
PhoneMissed![]() |
PhonePaused![]() |
Photo![]() |
PhotoAlbum![]() |
PhotoCamera![]() |
PhotoFilter![]() |
PhotoLibrary![]() |
PhotoSizeSelectActual![]() |
PhotoSizeSelectLarge![]() |
PhotoSizeSelectSmall![]() |
PictureAsPdf![]() |
PictureInPicture![]() |
PictureInPictureAlt![]() |
PieChart![]() |
PieChartOutlined![]() |
PinDrop![]() |
Place![]() |
PlayArrow![]() |
PlayCircleFilled![]() |
PlayCircleOutline![]() |
PlayForWork![]() |
PlaylistAdd![]() |
PlaylistAddCheck![]() |
PlaylistPlay![]() |
PlusOne![]() |
Poll![]() |
Polymer![]() |
Pool![]() |
PortableWifiOff![]() |
Portrait![]() |
Power![]() |
PowerInput![]() |
PowerSettingsNew![]() |
PregnantWoman![]() |
PresentToAll![]() |
Print![]() |
PriorityHigh![]() |
Public![]() |
Publish![]() |
QueryBuilder![]() |
QuestionAnswer![]() |
Queue![]() |
QueueMusic![]() |
QueuePlayNext![]() |
Radio![]() |
RadioButtonChecked![]() |
RadioButtonUnchecked![]() |
RateReview![]() |
Receipt![]() |
RecentActors![]() |
RecordVoiceOver![]() |
Redeem![]() |
Redo![]() |
Refresh![]() |
Remove![]() |
RemoveCircle![]() |
RemoveCircleOutline![]() |
RemoveFromQueue![]() |
RemoveRedEye![]() |
RemoveShoppingCart![]() |
Reorder![]() |
Repeat![]() |
RepeatOne![]() |
Replay![]() |
Replay10![]() |
Replay30![]() |
Replay5![]() |
Reply![]() |
ReplyAll![]() |
Report![]() |
ReportProblem![]() |
Restaurant![]() |
RestaurantMenu![]() |
Restore![]() |
RestorePage![]() |
RingVolume![]() |
Room![]() |
RoomService![]() |
Rotate90DegreesCcw![]() |
RotateLeft![]() |
RotateRight![]() |
RoundedCorner![]() |
Router![]() |
Rowing![]() |
RssFeed![]() |
RvHookup![]() |
Satellite![]() |
Save![]() |
Scanner![]() |
Schedule![]() |
School![]() |
ScreenLockLandscape![]() |
ScreenLockPortrait![]() |
ScreenLockRotation![]() |
ScreenRotation![]() |
ScreenShare![]() |
SdCard![]() |
SdStorage![]() |
Search![]() |
Security![]() |
SelectAll![]() |
Send![]() |
SentimentDissatisfied![]() |
SentimentNeutral![]() |
SentimentSatisfied![]() |
SentimentVeryDissatisfied![]() |
SentimentVerySatisfied![]() |
Settings![]() |
SettingsApplications![]() |
SettingsBackupRestore![]() |
SettingsBluetooth![]() |
SettingsBrightness![]() |
SettingsCell![]() |
SettingsEthernet![]() |
SettingsInputAntenna![]() |
SettingsInputComponent![]() |
SettingsInputComposite![]() |
SettingsInputHdmi![]() |
SettingsInputSvideo![]() |
SettingsOverscan![]() |
SettingsPhone![]() |
SettingsPower![]() |
SettingsRemote![]() |
SettingsSystemDaydream![]() |
SettingsVoice![]() |
Share![]() |
Shop![]() |
ShoppingBasket![]() |
ShoppingCart![]() |
ShopTwo![]() |
ShortText![]() |
ShowChart![]() |
Shuffle![]() |
SignalCellular4Bar![]() |
SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet4Bar![]() |
SignalCellularNoSim![]() |
SignalCellularNull![]() |
SignalCellularOff![]() |
SignalWifi4Bar![]() |
SignalWifi4BarLock![]() |
SignalWifiOff![]() |
SimCard![]() |
SimCardAlert![]() |
SkipNext![]() |
SkipPrevious![]() |
Slideshow![]() |
SlowMotionVideo![]() |
Smartphone![]() |
SmokeFree![]() |
SmokingRooms![]() |
Sms![]() |
SmsFailed![]() |
Snooze![]() |
Sort![]() |
SortByAlpha![]() |
Spa![]() |
SpaceBar![]() |
Speaker![]() |
SpeakerGroup![]() |
SpeakerNotes![]() |
SpeakerNotesOff![]() |
SpeakerPhone![]() |
Spellcheck![]() |
Star![]() |
StarBorder![]() |
StarHalf![]() |
Stars![]() |
StayCurrentLandscape![]() |
StayCurrentPortrait![]() |
StayPrimaryLandscape![]() |
StayPrimaryPortrait![]() |
Stop![]() |
StopScreenShare![]() |
Storage![]() |
Store![]() |
StoreMallDirectory![]() |
Straighten![]() |
Streetview![]() |
StrikethroughS![]() |
Style![]() |
SubdirectoryArrowLeft![]() |
SubdirectoryArrowRight![]() |
Subject![]() |
Subscriptions![]() |
Subtitles![]() |
Subway![]() |
SupervisorAccount![]() |
SurroundSound![]() |
SwapCalls![]() |
SwapHoriz![]() |
SwapVert![]() |
SwapVerticalCircle![]() |
SwitchCamera![]() |
SwitchVideo![]() |
Sync![]() |
SyncDisabled![]() |
SyncProblem![]() |
SystemUpdate![]() |
SystemUpdateAlt![]() |
Tab![]() |
Tablet![]() |
TabletAndroid![]() |
TabletMac![]() |
TabUnselected![]() |
TagFaces![]() |
TapAndPlay![]() |
Terrain![]() |
TextFields![]() |
TextFormat![]() |
Textsms![]() |
Texture![]() |
Theaters![]() |
ThumbDown![]() |
ThumbsUpDown![]() |
ThumbUp![]() |
Timelapse![]() |
Timeline![]() |
Timer![]() |
Timer10![]() |
Timer3![]() |
TimerOff![]() |
TimeToLeave![]() |
Title![]() |
Toc![]() |
Today![]() |
Toll![]() |
Tonality![]() |
TouchApp![]() |
Toys![]() |
TrackChanges![]() |
Traffic![]() |
Train![]() |
Tram![]() |
TransferWithinAStation![]() |
Transform![]() |
Translate![]() |
TrendingDown![]() |
TrendingFlat![]() |
TrendingUp![]() |
Tune![]() |
TurnedIn![]() |
TurnedInNot![]() |
Tv![]() |
Unarchive![]() |
Undo![]() |
UnfoldLess![]() |
UnfoldMore![]() |
Update![]() |
Usb![]() |
VerifiedUser![]() |
VerticalAlignBottom![]() |
VerticalAlignCenter![]() |
VerticalAlignTop![]() |
Vibration![]() |
VideoCall![]() |
Videocam![]() |
VideocamOff![]() |
VideogameAsset![]() |
VideoLabel![]() |
VideoLibrary![]() |
ViewAgenda![]() |
ViewArray![]() |
ViewCarousel![]() |
ViewColumn![]() |
ViewComfy![]() |
ViewCompact![]() |
ViewDay![]() |
ViewHeadline![]() |
ViewList![]() |
ViewModule![]() |
ViewQuilt![]() |
ViewStream![]() |
ViewWeek![]() |
Vignette![]() |
Visibility![]() |
VisibilityOff![]() |
VoiceChat![]() |
Voicemail![]() |
VolumeDown![]() |
VolumeMute![]() |
VolumeOff![]() |
VolumeUp![]() |
VpnKey![]() |
VpnLock![]() |
Wallpaper![]() |
Warning![]() |
Watch![]() |
WatchLater![]() |
WbAuto![]() |
WbCloudy![]() |
WbIncandescent![]() |
WbIridescent![]() |
WbSunny![]() |
Wc![]() |
Web![]() |
WebAsset![]() |
Weekend![]() |
Whatshot![]() |
Widgets![]() |
Wifi![]() |
WifiLock![]() |
WifiTethering![]() |
Work![]() |
WrapText![]() |
YoutubeSearchedFor![]() |
ZoomIn![]() |
ZoomOut![]() |
ZoomOutMap![]() |