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This project is an iOS wrapper for the Trello REST API, making use of RestKit and GTMOAuth. The interface should be considered unstable as the project is early in development. Currently, only GET is supported and only members, boards, lists, and cards can be requested. The requested objects are mapped to a local Core Data store. A sample project is included as a demo.

iOS 5+ is supported. ARC and non-ARC are/will be supported.

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Libraries (built using iOS SDK 7.0)
  1. RestKit: libRestKit.a (version 0.22.0)
  2. GTMOAuth: libOAuthTouch.a (modified to conform to the Trello API)
  1. ios-trello source directory: IOSTrello
  2. headers for RestKit and GTMOAuth: Libraries/Headers

Build Settings

Link Binary With Libraries:
  1. MobileCoreServices.framework
  2. CoreData.framework
  3. CFNetwork.framework
  4. SystemConfiguration.framework
  5. Security.framework
  6. CoreGraphics.framework
  7. UIKit.framework
  8. Foundation.framework
Other Linker Flags:
  1. -ObjC
  2. -all_load
Header Search Paths:
  1. The Headers directory, e.g. $(SRCROOT)/../Libraries/Headers

Authorizing the client

  1. Log in to and get a developer key and secret:
  2. Enter the key and secret into TRSensitiveConfigs.h.
  3. Get a OAuth view controller from the TRManager singleton to present to the user to get permission to access his Trello account. At the same time set a completion handler called when authorization completes or fails.
UIViewController *viewController = [[TRManager sharedManager] authorizationViewControllerWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL isAuthorized, NSError *error) {
    if (isAuthorized) {
        NSLog(@"Authorized user: %@", [TRMember localMember]);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Failed to authorize user: %@", error.localizedDescription);

if (viewController) {
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
Other authorization related messages you can send to [TRManager sharedManager]:

Deauthorize the device from accessing the current user's account. (Note that this currently does not remove the application permission token from Trello)

- (void)deauthorize;

Check if the device has access to a user's Trello account.

- (BOOL)isAuthorized;

This returns the token required for API requests for private objects.

- (NSString *)authorizationToken;

Requesting Objects

Restkit maps API responses to NSManagedObjects. Classes in this wrapper representing Trello objects are subclasses of the abstract superclass TRManagedObject, which inherits from NSManagedObject. TRManagedObject currently has only one public instance method, which retrieves an object and attributes of its children:

- (void)requestDetailsWithSuccess:(void (^)(TRManagedObject *object))success
                          failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

Therefore, objects are accessible only after a parent of that object has been requested. Once the local user is authorized and the local user's member object is requested, his boards will be accessible. Attributes of each board is requested, but relationships such as a board's lists must be requested independently:

To GET details of the local user:

[TRMember getLocalMemberWithSuccess:^(TRMember *member) {
    NSLog(@"GETted local member: %@", member);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    NSLog(@"Failed to GET local member: %@", error.localizedDescription);

To GET details of the local user's boards, lists, and cards:

// This gets the |member| object corresponding to the local user
TRMember *localMember = [TRMember localMember];

// This gets his boards.
// Only attributes are available unless details had been requested before.
NSSet *boards = localMember.boards;

for (TRBoard *board in boards) {
// NSLog(@"%i", board.lists.count) returns 0.

// This gets the board's lists and their attributes
[board getDetailsWithSuccess:^(TRManagedObject *object) {
    TRBoard *detailedBoard = (TRBoard *)object;
    // Now lists of each board are available.
    for (TRList *list in detailedBoard.lists) {
        // NSLog(@"%i", returns 0.
        [list getDetailsWithSuccess:^(TRManagedObject *object) {
            TRList *detailedList = (TRBoard *)object;
            // now attributes of cards in the list are available
                     failure:nil]; // Failure is not an option! ;)

To save the NSManagedObjectContext (persist objects mapped by RestKit):

[[TRManager sharedManager] save];


Support for other objects, attributes, and relationship can be easily added by modifying:

  1. Core Data model: TRModel.xcdatamodeld

  2. RestKit mapping definitions: Mappings.plist
    (See RKEntityMapping for more information)

  3. Trello request parameters: Parameters.plist
    (See Trello API Reference for more information)

  4. RestKit routing parameters: Routes.plist
    (See RKRoute for more information)


iOS wrapper for the Trello API







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