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- Zig
An open, technical and introductory book for the Zig programming language
A zero-dependency Google Protocol Buffers implementation in pure Zig. Single allocation encode and lazy decode
Hyperlight is a lightweight Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) designed to be embedded within applications. It enables safe execution of untrusted code within micro virtual machines with very low latenc…
A place where you can find all the libraries that suit your Zig lang needs. ⭐️ Please star to support this work!
blazigly fast gRPC client & server implementation in zig
A cloud native embedded storage engine built on object storage.
Delve is a framework for writing Games in Zig and Lua. For those who value being cross platform and keeping things simple.
A framework for writing performant and reliable networked services.
Fast, Scalable, Flexible Static Site Generator (SSG)
SIMD algorithms for integer compression via bitpacking. This crate is a port of a C library called simdcomp.
A collection of some awesome public Zig programming language projects.
Fluent interface for REGEX, iteration, and algorithm chaining.
Commands, Options, Values, Arguments. A simple yet robust cross-platform command line argument parsing library for Zig.
Zig Mailbox is convenient inter-thread communication mechanizm.
HypergraphZ - A Hypergraph Implementation in Zig
Fine-grained parallelism with sub-nanosecond overhead in Zig
HTML Language Server & Templating Language Library
Install a Zig compiler for usage in GitHub Actions workflows.