This is a standalone (Python / Flask) service that allows users to submit GeoTIFF files (preferably by URL) and check their compliance with the Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) specification:
This utility is also compatible of being deployed as a AWS Lambda function, through the AWS API Gateway.
GET request, with the following query parameters :
- url (required): URL to the GeoTIFF file
- use_vsicurl=true/false (optional, defaults to true): if true, the file is read using the GDAL /vsicurl/ subsystem (using HTTP GET range requests). If false, the file is locally downloaded in its entirety before being validated (note: when the service run as a AWS Lambda function, only up to 500 MB can be downloaded)
For example: /api/validate?url=
POST request, with a form encoded with multipart/form-data
- file: file content as multipart attachment
POST request, with a form encoded with application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- url (exclusive with file): URL to the GeoTIFF file
- use_vsicurl=true/false (defaults to true). See above
- filename (optional, recommended): file name
- file_b64: file content as a Base64 encoded string
This later interface is mostly needed to overcome a current limitation of the AWS API Gateway interface that does not accept multipart/form-data
For all the above interfaces, the query will return a JSON document with the following keys:
- status (required): 'success' or 'failure'
- error (optional): error message. present when the request is invalid, or the file cannot be read
- validation_errors (optional): array of errors. Only present if the file is a GeoTIFF file but does not comply with the COG requirements
- gdal_info (optional): dictionary with the output of "gdalinfo -json". Only present if the file is a GeoTIFF file
- details (optional): dictionary with file offsets of IFDs and first data block of each IFD. Only present if the file is a GeoTIFF file
The service expose a basic HTML page for users to submit their GeoTIFF files and display the result of the validation
The service can be deployed as a AWS Lamba function, accessible through the AWS API Gateway.
Running "make" will generate a that contains the Python code of this service, the Python dependencies as well as a GDAL 2.2 build. This requires Docker to be available, to generate the (which contains the Python dependencies as well as a GDAL 2.2 build)
Assuming you have a AWS account with initial setup, follow the following steps to deploy the service:
Role creation
- Go to the AWS IAM management console
- Click on "Roles"
- Click on "Create new role"
- Click on the Select button of "AWS Lambda"
- In the Filter enter "AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" and check the corresponding checkbox
- Click on "Next Step"
- Enter "lambda_basic_execution" as role name
- Click on "Create role"
Lambda function creation
- Go to the AWS Lambda management console
- "Create function"
- In "Select Blueprint" step, select "Author from scratch"
- Skip Add Trigger with "Next"
- Give a name to the function, for example "cog_validator"
- Select "Python 2.7" as Runtime
- Select "Upload a .ZIP file" as "Code entry type"
- In "Function package", click on Upload an select the generated
- Enter "lambda_main.handle" in "Handler"
- In "Existing role", select "lambda_basic_execution"
- Click on Next, and Creation function to proceed on file uploading and lambda function creation
- Edit the Configuration / Advanced settings, to increase the timeout to 5 minutes and the memory to 512 MB, and Save
- To test everything works, in Actions dropdown list, choose "Configure test event" and enter the following payload.
"headers": { "Host": "foo" },
"httpMethod": "GET",
"queryStringParameters": { "url": "" },
"path": "/api/validate"
API Gateway deployment
- Go to the AWS API Gateway management console
- In APIs tab, click on "Create API"
- Enter "cog_validator" as API name
- Click on "Create API"
- In Resources tab, in Actions dropdown list, select "Create Resource"
- Check the "Configure as Proxy resource" checkbox and click on "Create Resource"
- In the "/{proxy+} - ANY - Setup" form that is now displayed, keep the "Lambda Function Proxy" integration type
- Select the appropriate Lambda region (the one in which you created the Lambda function in the above steps)
- In "Lambda Function" entry, type "cog_validator"
- Click on "Save" and confirm that you add permission to the API Gateway to invoke your Lambda function
- To test everything works, click on the TEST icon
- A new form is displayed. Select GET as method
- In Path entry, enter "/api/validate"
- In "Query strings" entry, enter "url="
- In "Headers" entry, enter "Host: foo"
- Click on Test. A JSON document should be displayed (with validation errors)
- In Resources tab, in Actions dropdown list, select "Deploy API"
- In Deployment stage, select "New stage"
- Enter "prod" as stage name
- Click on Deploy
- A new form is displayed with an invoke URL like
- Copy-paste it in your browser and add "/html" at the end. A HTML page "Cloud optimized GeoTIFF validator" should now be displayed !
GDAL 2.2 with its Python (2.7) bindings must be installed, as well as the Python flask and requests modules.
A basic self test is available with the ./ script
The following resources have served as inspiration for AWS Lamba and API Gateway deployment