📝 I regularly write articles on https://warisradji.com/
💬 Ask me about scala, python, reinforcement learning
📫 How to reach me contact@warisradji.com
📄 Know about my experiences https://warisradji.com/resume/
Hi! I'm Waris Radji and I'm an engineering student with a strong interest in artificial intelligence research. My favorite programming language is Scala, and I'm actively involved in the open-source community around this language.
I'm particularly passionate about bio-inspired algorithms, especially those related to evolutionary computation. I find these approaches to problem-solving to be both fascinating and effective.
Currently, my focus is on reinforcement learning, and I'm actively seeking out projects and opportunities to contribute in this area. If you have any ideas or opportunities for collaboration, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm always eager to learn and make a positive impact through my work. Thank you for considering me!