- San Francisco Bay Area
- Pro
Continued development of the popular brainworkshop game
(Deprecated) Experimental PyMC interface for TensorFlow Probability. Official work on this project has been discontinued.
Anki's shared backend and web components, and the Qt frontend
Docker-based Development Environment for Linux and Mac OS X
A set of flashcards for vim command mastery, for use with Anki
alphasights / iban-tools
Forked from iulianu/iban-toolsValidate IBAN numbers
An ActiveModel::EachValidator for validating BICs/SWIFT-codes
opahk / capybara
Forked from teamcapybara/capybaraAcceptance test framework for web applications
opahk / Simplecov-Vim
Forked from nyarly/Simplecov-VimVim markup of coverage based on a Simplecov formatter
opahk / soap4r-1
Forked from felipec/soap4rSOAP4R is an implementation of SOAP 1.1 (W3C Note) for Ruby
opahk / soap4r
Forked from spox/soap4r-spoxModified soap4r library to run on Ruby 1.9
adriandulic / garb
Forked from Fosome/garbA Ruby wrapper for the Google Analytics API
Deprecated! Instead see: https://github.com/nyarly/cadre
Acceptance test framework for web applications
SOAP4R is an implementation of SOAP 1.1 (W3C Note) for Ruby
opahk / ParleyDroid
Forked from Ramblurr/ParleyDroidParleyDroid is a basic vocabulary trainer for Android devices. Intention of this fork is to provide LaTeX support.