An emacs theme based on, which is in turn inspired by the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion
Simple notes for Emacs with an efficient file-naming scheme
Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
Custom build of Iosevka with different style and metrics than the default.
🌷 Run code formatter on buffer contents without moving point, using RCS patches and dynamic programming.
Colourful and legible themes for GNU Emacs
Emacs headerline indication of where you are in a large project
An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
Part guillotine, part graveyard for Microsoft's doomed apps, services, and hardware.
Versatile typeface for code, from code.
An alternative to Babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
A fancy and fast mode-line inspired by minimalism design.
The open-source hub to build & deploy GPT/LLM Agents ⚡️
csvreader library / gem - read tabular data in the comma-separated values (csv) format the right way (uses best practices out-of-the-box with zero-configuration)
Forked from source-foundry/HackA typeface designed for source code
Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs