Nodez is a low-fidelity HTML5 / javascript game engine. Still under construction.
Copy the dist/Game.js file into your project, and link to it using a script tag in your HTML.
Here is an example:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>My Nodez Game</title>
<meta name="description" content="My fabulous nodez game.">
#game { /* Basic styling for our #game element (600x600 and centered) */
width: 600px;
height: 600px;
margin: 50px auto;
<div id="game"></div> <!-- This is the element which will contain the game's renderer -->
<script src="./Game.js"></script> <!-- This is the dist/Game.js file found in this repository -->
<script src="./game.js"></script> <!-- This is where your game code could go -->
const game = new Game({
maxUpdatesPerSec: 10, // Max amount of times to call update() each second
element: document.getElementById('game'), // The HTML element that contains the game
size: 32, // Grid size. Maximum is 128x128
baseColor: '#c4c5d0', // Default node color
colors: { // Colors you can access later via game.colors[colorName]
'red': '#f94144',
'darkOrange': '#f3722c',
'orange': '#f8961e',
'yellow': '#f9c74f',
'green': '#90be6d',
'aqua': '#43aa8b',
'blue': '#577590'
inputs: [ // Array of inputs you will use
'up', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'space'
create(game){ }, // Called once at the start of the game.
update(game){ // Called every tick.
console.log(game.inputs) /* { up: false, down: false, ... } */
for(let i=0;i<10;i++){
end(game){ } // Called after game.stop()
game.start() // Call game.start() to launch it!
Check out the /examples folder
- Random Dots — the most basic example, a bunch of randomly changing dots
- Zombies — a more advanced example, demonstrating user input handling