The goal of this exercise is to study the kinematic variables of the jets produced by the Higgs boson decaying into c-quarks and prepare a proposal on how to perform this search at the CMS experiment. We assume that the production mechanism of the Higgs boson is the Vector Boson Fusion. We prepared a rootfile of events generated with Madgraph that underwent the transportation in GEANT4 and then the event reconstruction in the CMS experiment. The rootfile can be downloaded at:
The file contains several variables, but the relevant ones to be used are:
- For generator level jets: GENjet_pt, GENjet_eta, GENjet_phi, GENjet_mass
- For reconstructed jets: AK4PuppiJets_pt, AK4PuppiJets_eta, AK4PuppiJets_phi,AK4PuppiJets_mass, jet_pfParticleNetAK4JetTags_probc, jet_pfParticleNetAK4JetTags_probb, jet_pfParticleNetAK4JetTags_probuds, jet_pfParticleNetAK4JetTags_probg
We prepared a macro ( Exam_VBFHcc.C ) that can run on the events stored in the file, loop on the gen-leve jets and flag the ones coming from the Higgs boson.
Open a command prompt, then in a root session:
- root [0] .L Exam_VBFHcc.C
- root [1] Exam_VBFHcc t
- root [2] t.Loop()
The report and the relative documentation can be found in here.