n1n7a-server-php-f3 Public
N1n7a Server - PHP based Fat Free Framework (F3) with connectors to Mysql, Redis, MongoDb, Postgres, Neo4j, ...
1 UpdatedMar 29, 2020 -
n1n7a-server-php-laravel Public
N1n7a Server - PHP boilerplate based on laravel with connectors to Mysql, Redis, MongoDb, Postgres, Neo4j, ...
1 UpdatedMar 29, 2020 -
n1n7a-server-python Public
N1n7a Server - Python Webserver with connectors to Mysql, Redis, MongoDb, Postgres, Neo4j, ...
1 UpdatedMar 29, 2020 -
n1n7a-server-nodejs Public
N1n7a Server - Webserver with connectors to Mysql, Redis, MongoDb, Postgres, Neo4j, ...
upgrade-helper Public archive
Forked from react-native-community/upgrade-helper⚛️ A web tool to support React Native developers in upgrading their apps.
laravel-auth Public
Forked from jeremykenedy/laravel-authLaravel 6 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection. Uses offical [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com)…
zf1-future Public
Forked from Shardj/zf1-futurePHP 7.3 compatible version of ZF1 from version 15234, release-1.12 branches and 1.12 tags onwards.
SpotMyBackup Public
Forked from secuvera/SpotMyBackupBackup and Restore your Spotify Playlists and "My Music"
Duckduino-microSD Public
Forked from Seytonic/Duckduino-microSDInterpreter that runs on an arduino, decodes and executes ducky script on a microSD card.
kap Public
Forked from wulkano/KapAn open-source screen recorder built with web technology
react-material-admin-template Public
Forked from rafaelhz/react-material-admin-templateA simple responsive admin template using react and material-ui
jquery.qrctl Public
Forked from IkwhanChang/jquery.qrctlA simple jQuery plugin to control webpage via QR Code and smartphone (WebView)
seeThru Public
Forked from m90/seeThruHTML5 video with alpha channel transparencies
awesome-electron Public
Forked from sindresorhus/awesome-electronUseful resources for creating apps with Electron
1 UpdatedNov 17, 2017 -
ViewAnimator Public
Forked from florent37/ViewAnimatorA fluent Android animation library
twemoji Public
Forked from twitter/twemojiTwitter Emoji for Everyone
hubot Public
Forked from hubotio/hubotA customizable life embetterment robot.
Data-Analysis-and-Machine-Learning-Projects Public
Forked from rhiever/Data-Analysis-and-Machine-Learning-ProjectsRepository of teaching materials, code, and data for my data analysis and machine learning projects.
pychromecast Public
Forked from home-assistant-libs/pychromecastLibrary for Python 2 and 3 to communicate with the Google Chromecast.
exploit-database Public
Forked from offensive-security/exploitdbThe official Exploit Database repository
dirtycow.github.io Public
Forked from dirtycow/dirtycow.github.ioDirty COW
qooxdoo Public
Forked from qooxdoo/qooxdooqooxdoo - Universal JavaScript Framework
Rainbow-Code Public
Forked from CodingTrain/website-archiveA repo for code and captions for YouTube video tutorials. . .
webpack Public
Forked from webpack/webpackA bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be CommonJs, AM…
HoodLoader2 Public
Forked from NicoHood/HoodLoader216u2 Bootloader to reprogram 16u2 + 328/2560 with Arduino IDE