Torrent Hunt Bot is a telegram bot to search and explore torrents from different sources. It can show you the result of your query in a snap. Furthermore, you can explore top, trending, & popular torrents and browse torrents of a certain category.
- Superfast and good pagination
- Supports 18 different languages
- Custom query search
- Explore trending, popular, and top torrents
- Browse torrents of a certain category
- Get info, images, magnet link and .Torrent file of the torrent
- Get the shortened URL of the magnet link
- Supports inline query with thumbnail
- Restriction mode to hide explicit content
- Directly add the torrent in your seedr account
- Auto typo correction and suggestions
Torrent Hunt Bot can talk in 19 different languages.
- Arabic (Added by Omar Khalid)
- Bengali (Verified by sobuj53)
- Belarusian
- Catalan
- Dutch
- English (Verified)
- French
- German
- Hindi
- Italian (Verified by bacchilega)
- Korean
- Malay
- Nepali
- Polish (Verified by Oskar)
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Turkish (Verified by Berce)
- Ukrainian
Unverified languages are translated with Google Translator and may contain errors. Feel free to create a Pull Request with modifications to the language.json file.
While making a PR, make sure to add yourself and a verified tag on the language.
If you want to host this bot for public use, you shall not remove or replace our links.
See LICENSE for more information.
Clone the repository, create a virtual environment, and install the requirements
git clone && virtualenv env && source env/bin/activate && cd torrenthunt && pip install -r requirements.txt
Host the Torrents-API on your own server for better performance or leave it default. This API will be used for inline query only.
Edit the src/sample-config.json file and rename it to
βοΈ Click here to see a sample config file
{ "botToken": "<BOT Token>", "connectionType": "polling", "webhookOptions":{ "webhookHost": null, "webhookPort": null, "webhookListen": "", "sslCertificate": null, "sslPrivateKey": null }, "adminId" : "<Admin UserId>", "database": "torrenthunt.sqlite", "magnetDatabase": "magnets.sqlite", "cache": "cache", "cacheTime": 86400, "language": "language.json", "apiLink": "" }
Run the file to open a database.
Now, start the bot polling
While polling and webhooks both accomplish the same task, webhooks are far more efficient. Polling sends a request for new events (specifically, Create, Retrieve, and Delete events, which signal changes in data) at a predetermined frequency and waits for the endpoint to respond whereas, webhooks only transfer data when there is new data to send, making them 100% efficient. That means that polling creates, on average, 66x more server load than webhooks. (r)
Generate an SSL certificate
>> openssl genrsa -out sslPrivateKey.pem 2048 >> openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key sslPrivateKey.pem -out sslCertificate.pem
"Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name)" should be your Host IP.
Rename the src/sample-config.json file to
and set- connectionType = webhook
- webhookHost = IP/Host where the bot is running
- webhookPort = PORT (Need to be opened)
- webhookListen = or IP address in some VPS
- sslCertificate = Directory of SSL certificate
- sslPrivateKey = Directory of SSL private key
And, start the aioHttp server.
You can set up GitHub actions to update the bot automatically on every push.
Fork the repository on your GitHub account.
Create a directory
mkdir /opt/TorrentHunt && cd /opt/TorrentHunt
You should create a directory with the same name as above inside /opt, or edit the deploy.yml and
Create a virtual environment in the directory with name
virtualenv env
Clone the repository and install the requirements in the virtual environment
git clone && cd TorrentHunt && source /opt/TorrentHunt/env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a database and move the database into
python && mv database.sqlite /opt/TorrentHunt
Generate SSH keys for your VPS and keep the private key in your GitHub secrets
- Create the ssh key pair using the
command. You must leave the passphrase empty while generating the SSH key. - Copy and install the public ssh key on the server using
sh-copy-id -i your_public_key user@host
command or add the content of the public key in~/.ssh/authorized_keys
. - Now, copy the content of the private key and paste it on your GitHub secrets with the name
. (Repository settings >> secrets >> New repository secret)
- Create the ssh key pair using the
Create another GitHub secret with name
and save your Host IP. -
Rename the src/sample-config.json file to config.json and set
- database = /opt/TorrentHunt/database.sqlite
- If you are using webhooks, copy the SSL certificate and private key in
and set- sslCertificate = /opt/TorrentHunt/sslCertificate.pem
- sslPrivateKey = /opt/TorrentHunt/sslPrivateKey.pem
Copy the content of the edited config.json and save it on your repository secrets with name
. Don't forget to wrap the content of config file with single quotes like this'Content of config.json'
. -
And, start the bot.
source /opt/TorrentHunt/env/bin/activate && screen -dm python /opt/TorrentHunt/TorrentHunt/
Now, every time you push on the main
branch, the bot automatically gets updated.
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
For minor fix, you can directly create a pull request and for adding a new feature, let's first discuss it in our telegram group or in GitHub Discussion.
π Special thanks to Ryuk-me for creating Torrents-Api which is used for inline query in Torrent Hunt.
βοΈ Made using 1337x and pyTelegramBotApi in Pythonπ by Hemanta Pokharel [βοΈ π¬ πΊ]