- Standard Library Map
- Standard Library IO - Input and Output
- Preprocessor and macros
- C and C++ Libraries Bookmarks
- Compiler flags and options
- https://devdocs.io/
- => DevDocs - Quickreference documentation of APIs of multiple programming languages, including, C, C++, Rust, DLang, JavaScript, Java, Typescript. C# (CSharp), GO (Golang),
- Technology Landscape and Usage of C++
- Understanding C++ (C++ in-depth)
- Exploring C++ basic and advanced concepts and also modern C++ features with both small and reproducible C++ sample programs and interactive examples taken from the CERN’s ROOT/Cling REPL tool.
- Passing C++ Lambdas to C function-pointer callbacks
- Standard Library Map
- Hyperlinks to the C++ standard library and C++ ISO standard documentation categorized by common functionality.
- STL Iterators and Algorithms
- Standard Library IO - Input and Output
- C++17 and C++20 - new features and containers
- Template Metaprogramming
- also known as generic programming.
- Preprocessor and macros
- Math and numerical computing
- Multithreading and concurrency
- Design Patterns
- Object Oriented Design Patterns + Generic Programming Design Patterns + Functional Programming.
- General Programming Reference Card
- Standard Library Map
- Hyperlinks to the C++ standard library and C++ ISO standard documentation categorized by common functionality.
- Boost Libraries / Boost Framework
- Boost Libraries (note: Boost libraries are regarded as a complement of the C++ standard library and many of its components come from Boost libraries.)
- C++ Libraries Review / Lightweight libraries
- C and C++ Libraries Bookmarks
- Bookmarks of C++ libraries and frameworks for many domains, including: general C++ programming; system programming; embedded systems; physics, engineering and numerical computing.
- Embedded Scripting Languages
- Survey of small and lightweight programming languages available as libraries that can be embedded in C++ application for adding scripting capabilities.
- Linux and Unix system programming in C++
- System programming on Unix-like operating system with focus on Linux.
- Windows API Programming in C++
- C++ system programming for Win32/Win64 API. Note: The Windows API is not part of the ISO C++ Standard and is exclusive to this operating system.
- Compiler flags and options
- Reference card for C++ compiler options. GCC, Clang and MSVC(VC++) compilers.
- Cmake Building System
- Coverage of CMake building system. One of the most used building system and with the best cross-platform support.
- Other building systems
- Coverage of C++ most used building systems such as GNU-Make and so on.
- Package Managers
- Tooling
- Compilation of several development tools for C and C++.
- C and C++ Debuggers Notes
- Notes about C and C++ debuggers. Covered: GDB (GNU Debugger) and WinDBG (Windows Debugger).
- Doxygen - Documentation Generator
- Doxygen documentation generator examples.
- CERN’s Root C++ REPL and CLING
- Notes about the CERN’s interactive interpereter based on Clang/LLVM for C++ where the user can type and evaluate C++ code, load libraries like shared libraries, boost libraries and and also test C++ with immediate feedback. ROOT is invaluable tool for learn, practicing C++ and create demonstrations.
- Computer Graphics
- Basics of computer graphics programming and math focused on OpenGL API.
- C++ Alternatives and mixed C++ development
- Mixed C++ development strategies and alternative programming languages to C++ with the following capabilities: native code compilation; high performance; static typing and ability to call C-APIs.
- Shared Libraries - DLL - Binary Components in C++ / FFIs - Language Interoperability
- Creating shared libraries, C-interfaces or C-APIs for C++ functions and classes. A C-interface allows a C++ library to be consumed from C and many programming languages with foreign-function interface support such as Python (ctypes FFI), C# Pinvoke, Java (JNA) and so on.
- C Wrapper for C++ Libraries and Interoperability
- Presents how to create C wrappers for calling C++ libraries from C and other programming languages via FFI - Foreign Function Interface. This note provides a sample C wrapper for QT-5 Widgets GUI library that allows calling QT from C, Julia language and D language. The techniques used in this particular case can be reused for interoperability between many other C++ libraries and programming languages.
- Interfacing C APIs and libraries
- Examples about how to interface and create wrappers to C APIs or libraries in modern C++ or C++ >= C++11 and use STL containers with C-APIs.
- Embed Resources into Executables (Resource compilation)
- About how to embed resources, assets, images, texts and binary files into executables.
- Sample programs in modern C++ style
- Complete small C++ programs and proof-of-concepts.
- Rosetta Stone - English/Portuguese - Technical Terminology
- Intended as reference about English technical terminology for Portuguese speakers. (Note: This text database has more 1.5 megabyte, what can be heavy for phone users)
- Bookmarks
- Bookmarks, tools, online tools, conference videos and so on.
- Videos and Conferences
This Repository
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- The HTML version of this document was tested on web browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Microsoft Edge. Unfortunately the html version still does not work well on Safari web browser.