HORNMORPHO is a Python program that analyzes Amharic, Oromo, and Tigrinya words into their constituent morphemes (meaningful parts) and generates words, given a root or stem and a representation of the word’s grammatical structure. It is part of the L3 project at Indiana University http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~gasser/Research/projects.html, which is dedicated to developing computational tools for under-resourced languages.
Natural language applications, such as question-answering, speech recognition, information retrieval, and machine translation, rely on a lexicon of possible forms in the relevant language. Morphological analysis is important for morphologically complex languages like Amharic, Oromo, and Tigrinya because it is practically impossible to store all possible words in a lexicon, and many words have close to 0 probability of occurrence in any given corpus. This becomes obvious in the context of machine translation to a morphologically simple language such as English, where the correspondence between words in Amharic, Oromo, or Tigrinya and the other language will often be many-to-one. The Amharic word ባይከፈትላቸውም, for example (which incidentally does occur in an online corpus), could be translated as ‘even if it isn’t opened for them’. While a system for processing English could include all of the English words in the translation (even, if, it, isn’t, opened, for, them) in its lexicon, an Amharic system that includes all words such as ባይከፈትላቸውም is clearly impractical. For translation into Amharic, Oromo, or Tigrinya and sophisticated question-answering, morphological generation is also desirable because it is probably impossible to store all of the words that the system will output. Finally, for Semitic languages such as Amharic and Tigrinya, morphological analysis can make explicit some of the phonological features of the languages that are not reflected in the orthography; these features may be important for text-to-speech applications. For example, the Tigrinya word ዚፍለጥ ‘which (it) is known’ is correctly pronounced with gemination (lengthening) of the third consonant: zifIlleT. The gemination in this case is grammatical, and a morphological analyzer can infer it based on its knowledge of Tigrinya verb roots and the particular templates that they occur with (see Section 5 for more on this aspect of Amharic and Tigrinya grammar).
To install HORNMORPHO, you will need to open a shell (often called “command prompt window” in Windows). In the shell, go to the HornMorpho2.5 directory (folder), and enter the following if you are on a Unix or Unix-like system, making sure that you are running Python 3.0 or 3.1.
python setup.py install
If you are using Windows, it will probably suffice to enter:
setup.py install
To test whether the installation succeeded, start up the Python interpreter, again making sure that you are running at least Python 3.0 (see Section 8.a in the horn2.5.pdf file if you don’t know how to do this), and type
import l3
If you don’t want to install the program, you can still use it. Just move the whole directory to a con- venient place in your file system, and then make sure you run the Python interpreter from the HornMorpho-2.5 directory, wherever that is.
Options for each function are shown with their default values.
anal(language, word)
Options: roman=False, root=True, gram=True, citation=True, raw=False, nbest=100 [Amharic only]
Performs morphological analysis of the word. For ambiguous words returns the first nbest
analyses. For Amharic only, analyses are ordered by their estimated frequency.
>>> l3.anal('ti', 'ናብ')
word: ናብ
>>> l3.anal('ti', 'ፔፕሲ')
?word: ፔፕሲ
>>> l3.anal('am', 'የማያስፈልጋትስ')
word: የማያስፈልጋትስ
POS: verb, root: <fl_g>, citation: አስፈለገ
subject: 3, sing, masc
object: 3, sing, fem
grammar: imperfective, causative, relative, definite, negative
conjunctive suffix: s
>>> l3.anal('om', 'afeeramaniiru')
word: afeeramaniiru
POS: verb, root: <afeer>, citation: afeeramuu
subject: 3, plur
derivation: passive
TAM: perfect
>>> l3.anal('ti', 'ብዘጋጥመና')
word: ብዘጋጥመና
POS: verb, root: <gTm>, citation: ኣጋጠመ
subject: 3, sing, masc
object: 1, plur
grammar: imperfective, reciprocal, transitive, relative
preposition: bI
>>> l3.anal('am', 'አይደለችም')
word: አይደለችም
POS: copula, root: <ne>
subj: 3, sing, fem
>>> l3.anal('ti', 'ዘየብለይ')
word: ዘየብለይ
POS: verb, root: <al_e>, citation: ኣሎ
subject: 3, sing, masc
object: 1, sing
grammar: present, relative, negative
>>> l3.anal('om', 'dubbanne')
word: dubbanne
POS: verb, root: <dubbadh>, citation: dubbachuu
TAM: past, negative
POS: verb, root: <dubbadh>, citation: dubbachuu
subject: 1, plur
TAM: past
>>> l3.anal('am', 'lezemedocacnm', roman=True)
word: lezemedocacnm
POS: noun, stem: zemed
possessor: 1, plur
grammar: plural
preposition: le, conjunctive suffix: m
>>> l3.anal('am', 'ቢያስጨንቁአቸው', root=False, gram=False)
word: ቢያስጨንቁአቸው
POS: verb, citation: አስጨነቀ
>>> l3.anal('am', 'ለዘመዶቻችንም', raw=True)
[('zemed', [-acc, cnj='m', der=[-ass], -dis, +plr, pos='n',
poss=[+expl, +p1, -p2, +plr], pp='le', rl=[-acc, +p], v=None])]
>>> l3.anal('am', 'ይመጣሉ')
word: ይመጣሉ
POS: verb, root: <mT'>, citation: መጣ
subject: 3, plur
grammar: imperfective, aux:alle
POS: verb, root: <mTT>, citation: መጠጠ
subject: 3, plur
grammar: imperfective, aux:alle
POS: verb, root: <mT'>, citation: ተመጣ
subject: 3, plur
grammar: imperfective, aux:alle, passive
>>> l3.anal('am', 'ይመጣሉ', nbest=1)
word: ይመጣሉ
POS: verb, root: <mT'>, citation: መጣ
subject: 3, plur
grammar: imperfective, aux:alle
anal_file(language, input_file, output_file)
Options: root=True, gram=True, citation=True, raw=False
Runs anal on the words in a file.
>>> l3.anal_file('am', 'l3/languages/am/data/ag.txt',
Analyzing words in l3/languages/am/data/ag.txt
Writing to l3/languages/am/data/ag_out.txt
seg(language, word) [Amharic and Oromo verbs and Oromo nouns only]
Options: roman=False, gram=True, raw=False
Performs morphological segmentation on the word. Morphemes are separated by ‘-’; stems/roots
appear within ‘{}’.
>>> l3.seg('am', 'ሲያጭበረብሩን')
>>> l3.seg('om', 'afeeramaniiru', gram=True)
word: afeeramaniiru
POS: verb, segmentation: {afeer-am}-an-r-u
subject: 3, plur
derivation: passive
TAM: perfect
seg_file(language, input_file, output_file)
Options: gram=True, raw=False
Runs seg on the words in a file
>>> l3.seg_file('am', 'l3/languages/am/data/ag.txt',
Segmenting words in l3/languages/am/data/ag.txt
Writing to l3/languages/am/data/ag_out.txt
phon(language, word) [Amharic only]
Options: gram=True
Converts an Amharic word written in Ge’ez characters to a romanized form that shows consonant
gemination and the epenthetic vowel (represented by ‘I’). If multiple pronunciations are
possible, they are ordered by estimated frequency.
>>> l3.phon('am', "ይመታሉ")
yImetal_u (132) yIm_et_al_u (61)
>>> l3.phon('am', "ይመታሉ", gram=True)
-- yImetal_u
POS: verb, root: <mt'>
subject: 3, plur
grammar: imperfective, aux:alle
-- yIm_et_al_u
POS: verb, root: <mt'>
subject: 3, plur
grammar: imperfective, aux:alle, passive
>>> l3.phon('am', 'እንድብር')
?IndIbIr (0)
phon_file(language, input_file, output_file) [Amharic only]
Options: gram=True, print_ortho=False, word_sep='\n', anal_sep=' '
Runs phon on the words in a file.
>>> l3.phon_file('am', 'l3/languages/am/data/ag.txt',
Analyzing words in l3/languages/am/data/ag.txt
Writing analysis to l3/languages/am/data/ag_phon.txt
>>> l3.phon_file('am', 'l3/languages/am/data/ag.txt',
print_ortho=False, word_sep=':')
Analyzing words in l3/languages/am/data/ag.txt
izE:tal_aq_ tal_aq:cIg_Ir:feTrob_IN_:neb_er:.
gen(language, root/stem, [grammatical_features])
Options: roman=False, guess=False [Amharic, Tigrinya only]
Generates the surface form of a word given a root or stem and optional grammatical features.
With no features specified, a default form is output.
>>> l3.gen('am', "mWl'")
>>> l3.gen('am', "mWl'", roman=True)
>>> l3.gen('om', 'sirb')
>>> l3.gen('ti', "gWyy")
>>> l3.gen('am', "mWl'", '[sb=[+p2,+fem],ob=[+plr,+l]]')
>>> l3.gen('am', "mengst", '[+plr,+def]')
>>> l3.gen('am', 'sdb', '[pos=n,v=agt,vc=cs,as=rc]')
>>> l3.gen('am', 'brkt', '[pos=n,v=ins,pp=ke,cnj=m,+def]')
>>> l3.gen('am', 'ne', '[+neg, sb=[+p1,+plr]]')
>>> l3.gen('am', 'kongo', '[pp=be]')
This word can't be generated!
>>> l3.gen('am', 'kongo', '[pp=be]', guess=True)
>>> l3.gen('am', 'wddr', '[+gen, poss=[+p1,+plr]]')
This word can't be generated!
>>> l3.gen('am', 'wdd_r', '[+gen, poss=[+p1,+plr]]')
>>> l3.gen('om', 'sirb', '[sb=[+fem],tm=prf]')
>>> l3.gen('om', 'barbaad', '[+inf,cnj=f]')
>>> l3.gen('om', 'sob', '[der=[+autoben],sb=[+p2],+neg,tm=prs]')
>>> l3.gen('ti', 'HSb', '[sb=[+p2,+fem],ob=[+plr]]')
>>> l3.gen('ti', 'n|qTqT', '[vc=ps,tm=imf,sb=[+p1,+plr]]')
>>> l3.gen('ti','gdf','[tm=j_i,+neg,sb=[+p2],ob=[+plr],vc=ps,as=rc]')