Category:American biographies
Please note that this category is for biographical books by or about American people. It is not meant to categorize people themselves.
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "American biographies"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 402 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- The Accidental Billionaires
- Actor: The Life and Times of Paul Muni
- Against Medical Advice
- Alfred Kroeber: A Personal Configuration
- All Fall Down, The Brandon deWilde Story
- All In: The Education of General David Petraeus
- All the Right Enemies
- Allen Tate: Orphan of the South
- America in the King Years
- An American Anarchist: The Life of Voltairine de Cleyre
- American Caesar
- American Colossus: Big Bill Tilden and the Creation of Modern Tennis
- American Creation
- American Epic
- American Epic: The First Time America Heard Itself
- American Goddess at the Rape of Nanking
- American Lion (book)
- American Men and Women of Science
- American Terrorist
- Ana's Story
- Andy Kaufman Revealed!
- Angel of Darkness (book)
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh: First Lady of the Air
- Arthur Koestler (book)
- Ashes to Gold
- Atomic Spy (book)
- Audubon (book)
- The Authentic Life of Billy, the Kid
- The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
- Ava Gardner: The Secret Conversations
- Ayn Rand and the World She Made
- Backbeat (biography)
- Balm in Gilead (book)
- Bare-faced Messiah
- The Beach Boys and the California Myth
- Bearing the Cross
- A Beautiful Child
- A Beautiful Mind (book)
- Becoming the Beach Boys, 1961–1963
- Behind the Paint
- Belles on Their Toes
- Belushi: A Biography
- Benjamin Franklin, Self-Revealed
- Berlin Embassy
- Bette and Joan: The Divine Feud
- Better Known as Johnny Appleseed
- Beyond the Robot
- Beyond Uncertainty
- The Big Love
- Bitcoin Billionaires
- Black Apollo of Science
- Blacklisted by History
- Blind But Now I See
- Blond Barbarians and Noble Savages
- Blood & Thunder: The Life & Art of Robert E. Howard
- Blue Melody: Tim Buckley Remembered
- Body Count (book)
- Born to Run (autobiography)
- Boys of Steel
- Brazilian Bombshell: The Biography of Carmen Miranda
- Brigham Young: American Moses
- Bruce Lee: The Man Only I Knew
- Buck: A Memoir
- Burma Surgeon
- Burning Boy
- Burt Lancaster: An American Life
- Cartwheels in a Sari
- Catch a Wave (book)
- Cave of a Thousand Tales
- Charles Bukowski: Locked in the Arms of a Crazy Life
- Charlie Siringo's West
- Cheaper by the Dozen
- Choosing Truman
- Chronicles of Courage: Very Special Artists
- Class with the Countess: How to Live with Elegance and Flair
- The Code Breaker
- Colonel Roosevelt
- The Color of Truth
- A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
- Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana
- A Conspiracy So Immense
- Courtney Love: The Real Story
- Crashing the Party
- Curly: An Illustrated Biography of the Superstooge
- Damn Senators
- Dangerous Capabilities
- Daniel Boone (book)
- Dark Valley Destiny
- Daughter of the Dragon (book)
- A Daughter of the Seine
- Davy Crockett (book)
- The Dead Are Arising
- Deadly Little Secrets
- Dear Bess
- Death in the Desert
- The Death of Ben Linder
- Death Without Dignity
- Desert Flower
- Destiny and Power
- Dilla Time
- The Discomfort Zone
- The Disney Version
- Dr. America
- Dorothy Day: Dissenting Voice of the American Century
- Dream Brother: The Lives and Music of Jeff and Tim Buckley
- The Duchess of Windsor (Mosley biography)
- Duel in the Sun (book)
- Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan
- Dwight David Eisenhower and American Power
- The Dying President
- Ecology or Catastrophe
- Eden's Outcasts
- Edgewise (book)
- Educating the Disfranchised and Disinherited
- Education and Democracy
- Einstein and Religion
- Eisenhower Decides To Run
- Elon Musk (Isaacson book)
- Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
- Elvis and Gladys
- Elvis and Me
- Emily Dickinson (book)
- Eminent Lives
- Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American Century
- The Family Roe: An American Story
- The Far Side of Paradise
- Fearful Symmetry (book)
- Fell in Love with a Band
- The Female Marine
- The Fiery Trial
- The Final Frontiersman
- Finding Iris Chang
- Firefight at Yechon
- First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong
- Forced into Glory
- Forgotten Prophet
- Fortunate Son (Hatfield book)
- Founding Brothers
- Freddie Steinmark: Faith, Family, Football
- Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom
- Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History
- Free as in Freedom
- Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo
- G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century
- Genius in the Shadows: A Biography of Leo Szilard, the Man Behind the Bomb
- Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland
- Goddess of Anarchy
- Goddess of the Market
- Good Vibrations: My Life as a Beach Boy
- Gracie: A Love Story
- Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle with India
- Growing Up bin Laden
- H. P. Lovecraft: A Life
- Hadhrat Ahmad
- The Hairstons
- Halleck: Lincoln's Chief of Staff
- The Harness Maker's Dream
- Harold Lloyd: The Man on the Clock
- Harry S. Truman: A Life
- Have You Seen Tom Thumb?
- The Headmaster (book)
- Heavier Than Heaven
- Hello, I Must Be Going (book)
- The Hemingses of Monticello
- Henry Cow: The World Is a Problem
- Herman Melville (book)
- The Hero's Journey (book)
- Heroes and Villains: The True Story of the Beach Boys
- Hidden Valley Road
- History of Joseph Smith by His Mother
- Hope in a Scattering Time
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Dreamer on the Nightside
- Howard Stern Comes Again
- Huey Long (biography)
- Hunting Eichmann
- I Am Brian Wilson
- Ibsen's Kingdom: The Man and His Works
- Ill-Advised
- The Immortal Irishman
- In the Shadow of Greatness
- Incidents in the Life of Madame Blavatsky
- Indomitable Will
- Inside the Music of Brian Wilson
- Into the Wild (book)
- Invincible Louisa
- Is There No Place on Earth for Me?
- Ishi in Two Worlds
- Jackie - Public, Private, Secret
- Jackson Pollock: An American Saga
- Jefferson and His Time
- JFK: Coming of Age in the American Century, 1917–1956
- Jimi Hendrix: An Illustrated Experience
- Joe DiMaggio: The Hero's Life
- The Joe Shuster Story
- John Adams (book)
- John Brown (biography)
- Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling
- Joseph Smith: The Making of a Prophet
- Frank Jump