
<uri-relative-filter-group android:allow=["true" | "false"]>
  <data ... />
contained in:
can contain:
Creates precise Intent matching rules that can include URI query parameters and URI fragments. The rules can be inclusion (allow) rules or exclusion (blocking) rules, depending on the android:allow attribute. The matching rules are specified by the path*, fragment*, and query* attributes of the contained <data> elements.


To match a URI, each portion of the URI relative filter group must match a part of the URI. There can be portions of the URI that are not specified in the URI relative filter group. For example:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="true">
    <data android:query="param1=value1" />
    <data android:query="param2=value2" />

The filter matches https://project.example.com/any/path/here?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3 because everything specified by the URI relative filter group is present. The filter also matches https://project.example.com/any/path/here?param2=value2&param1=value1 because the order of the query parameters doesn't matter. However, the filter doesn't match https://project.example.com/any/path/here?param1=value1, which is missing param2=value2.

OR and AND

<data> tags outside a <uri-relative-filter-group> are ORed, while <data> tags inside of a <uri-relative-filter-group> are ANDed.

Consider the following example:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
  <data android:pathPrefix="/prefix" />
  <data android:pathSuffix="suffix" />

The filter matches paths that start with /prefix OR end with suffix.

In contrast, the next example matches paths that start with /prefix AND end with suffix:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
    <data android:pathPrefix="/prefix" />
    <data android:pathSuffix="suffix" />

As a result, multiple path attributes in the same <uri-relative-filter-group> don't match anything:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
    <data android:path="/path1" />
    <data android:path="/path2" />

Declaration order

Consider the following example:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
    <data android:fragment="fragment" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="false">
    <data android:fragmentPrefix="fragment" />

The filter matches the fragment #fragment because a match is found before the exclusion rule is evaluated, but fragments like #fragment123 don't match.

Sibling tags

<uri-relative-filter-group> tags work together with their sibling <data> tags (that is, <data> tags that are are outside the <uri-relative-filter-group> but inside the same <intent-filter>). <uri-relative-filter-group> tags must have sibling <data> tags to function properly because URI attributes are mutually dependent at the <intent-filter> level:

  • If a scheme isn't specified for the intent filter, all the other URI attributes are ignored.
  • If a host isn't specified for the filter, the port attribute and all the path* attributes are ignored.

The <data> children of an <intent-filter> are evaluated before any <uri-relative-filter-group> tags. Then the <uri-relative-filter-group> tags are evaluated in order, for example:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="false">
    <data android:path="/path" />
    <data android:query="query" />
  <data android:path="/path" />

The filter accepts https://project.example.com/path?query because it matches <data android:path="/path" />, which is outside the <uri-relative-filter-group> exclusion rule.

Common use case

Imagine you have the URI https://project.example.com/path, which you want to match to an Intent depending on the presence or value of a query parameter. To create an intent filter that matches https://project.example.com/path and blocks https://project.example.com/path?query, you might try something like:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="true">
    <data android:path="/path" />

This, in fact, doesn't work. The https://project.example.com/path?query URI matches the path /path, and the <uri-relative-filter-group> tag allows extra parts when it is matching.

Revise the intent filter as follows:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="false">
    <data android:path="/path" />
    <data android:queryAdvancedPattern=".+" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="true">
    <data android:path="/path" />

This filter works because the blocking rules that forbid nonempty query parameters are evaluated first.

To simplify the code, flip the behavior to allow query parameters and block URIs without query parameters:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="true">
    <data android:path="/path" />
    <data android:queryAdvancedPattern=".+" />

URI-encoded characters

To match URIs that contain URI-encoded characters, write the raw, unencoded characters in the filter, for example:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="true">
    <data android:query="param=value!" />

The filter matches ?param=value! and ?param=value%21.

However, if you write encoded characters in the filter as follows:

  <data android:scheme="https" android:host="project.example.com" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="true">
    <data android:query="param=value%21" />

The filter matches neither ?param=value! nor ?param=value%21.

Number of elements

You can place any number of <uri-relative-filter-group> elements inside an <intent-filter>.

Additional resources

For information on how intent filters work, including the rules for how intent objects are matched against filters, see Intents and Intent Filters and Intent Filters.

For information on <uri-relative-filter-group>, see UriRelativeFilterGroup and UriRelativeFilter.

Whether this URI relative filter group is an inclusion (allow) rule rather than an exclusion (blocking) rule. The default value is "true".
Value Description
"true" (default) If the URI relative filter group matches, the intent filter matches
"false" If the URI relative filter group matches, the intent filter doesn't match
introduced in:
API level 35
see also: