Process Hacker v2.39

webfork on 5 Feb 2021

Process Hacker is a feature-packed tool for manipulating processes and services on your computer. Includes a simple, customized tree view, detailed performance graphs, list of network connections, comprehensive process list (including hidden), full control over processes, rootkit termination, and DLL controls.

Alternatively, Process Hacker Portable is stealth.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Settings location is specified by passing the -settings parameter to Process Hacker, together with the full path to the settings file.
Stealth: ? No. To make stealth:
  1. Delete/rename kprocesshacker.sys before launch or start the program with -nokph argument. Note that this will disable some advanced features
  2. Delete/rename plugins\UserNotes.dll before launch. The UserNotes plugin saves its settings in %APPDATA%\Process Hacker 2\usernotesdb.xml
  3. Although there is no automatic update checker, avoid this option in the Help menu as it will leave a trace in the Internet Explorer browser cache
License: GPLv3
How to extract:
  1. Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice
  2. Create an empty text file named ProcessHacker.exe.settings.xml in the x86 subfolder for 32-bit or x64 for 64-bit
  3. Launch ProcessHacker.exe
Similar/alternative apps: Process Explorer
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26 comments on Process Hacker  The Portable Freeware Collection Latest Entries Feed

Midas 2025-03-11 09:03

Latest ProcessHacker nightly binaries I was able to find, seemingly v3.0.5553 released 2022-11-22, archived 2023-01-27:


__philippe 2025-03-07 07:47

ProcessHacker no longer available.

Superseded by System Informer from same stable:


Midas 2021-03-02 09:39

Process Hacker is still being updated through so-called nightly builds: see forum topic or


misan 2016-02-04 20:15

Thank you.
It's a great app, I personally prefer it over Process Explorer.


SYSTEM 2016-02-03 07:48

I added a link to Process Hacker Portable.


misan 2016-02-02 17:39

btw the link for the BAT launcher seems to be broken.


misan 2016-02-02 17:33


CornHolio the Gringo 2015-05-02 16:54 got v.2.34, and its Stealth.
The UPDATE function is a plugin in folder /plugin, called Updater.dll.
You configure it through hacker/plugins.
If You ever not gonna update, just delete Updater.dll.
Also consider OnlineChecks.dll, who checks Your searches for descriptions
of files/resources etc.


webfork 2013-03-20 00:06

Love the "Disk" tab -- frequently when there's a computer slowdown and it's clearly not a processor issue, it's because the hard drive is read/writing some crazy amount of data from antivirus to some background maintenance. Very useful to see what's going on under the hood.


polas 2012-01-22 16:02

Cause it is a delthi and you can't make the process hacker works untill you install it and when go to c:\program files and copy process hacker 2 folder and data from appdata if you can't find or do not know how to find this place so you can download everything program and then you can find it just type in the search box process hacker and that's it :)
Happy making protables ;)
if you wannt make it hide all source codes from users you can make it with winrar :D
and make it more professional app.


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