
Israel, at 62
Photo: AP

Israel at 62: Population of 7,587,000

Ahead of Independence Day, Central Bureau of Statistics reports population grew by 137,000 in past year. Over 75% of Israel's residents are Jews, 159,000 babies born in past year

Israel celebrates 62nd birthday: Two days before Independence Day, the population of the State of Israel stands at 7,587,000 people, data from the Central Bureau of Statistics revealed Sunday.


According to the CBS, the Jewish population in Israel numbers some 5,726,000 residents (75.7% of the entire population). The Arab population numbers some 1,548,000 residents (20.4% of the population).


The population defined as "other", which includes anyone not included in either of the previous groups, numbers some 313,000 (4.1%). Most of the people included in the "other" category are immigrants who are not registered as Jews at the Interior Ministry.


This time last year Israel had a population of 7,411,000 residents. Since last Independence Day some 159,000 babies were born in Israel, 37,000 people passed away, some 16,000 immigrants moved to Israel and another 9,000 people were added to the population as citizens.


In contrast, 10,000 Israelis left the country. In total, the Israeli population grew by some 137,000 residents in the past year – a 1.8% increase.


The numbers further show that over 70% of the Jewish population was born in Israel, compared to 35% in the year 1948.


In the year David Ben-Gurion declared the State's establishment, only one city in Israel – Tel Aviv-Jaffa – had a population of over 100,000 residents.


Today, Israel has 14 cities with over 100,000 residents. Six of these cities have populations that exceed 200,000 residents: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Haifa, Rishon Lezion, Ashdod and Petah Tikva.


פרסום ראשון: 04.18.10, 14:01
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