WHO postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) summit

HRP Project Brief


Severe bleeding after childbirth - postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) - is the leading cause of maternal mortality world-wide. Each year, about 14 million women experience PPH resulting in about 70,000 maternal deaths globally. Even when women survive, they often need urgent surgical interventions to control the bleeding and may be left with life-long reproductive disability.

PPH Summit - 7 to 10 March 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Why is a PPH Summit needed and why now?

While international developmental partners tend to have similar objectives regarding PPH priorities, efforts are often misaligned because of a lack of cohesive coordination at the global and country levels, as well as a lack of end-to-end thinking as it pertains to product development, introduction, and impact assessment. Academic researchers and innovators in industry often do not know what type of evidence to generate and how to connect evidence to policy decision-making, leading to a lot of research waste, and a painfully slow process of translating research ideas to clinical impact at the patient level. Likewise, target product profiles [TPP] have not generally been described prior to R & D of PPH interventions, and the concept of target policy profiles [TPop] (to identify key research questions to support policy changes at the point of evidence generation and dissemination) is relatively new to those who make research funding decisions. In short, there is no clarity on what is in the pipeline regarding PPH products or interventions, or on what an ideal future PPH products or policy requirements should look like.

In recognition of the need for global action to improve the quality of PPH care, WHO/HRP is convening a PPH Summit from 7 to 10 March 2023 to bring together all relevant stakeholders to review and prioritize the most urgent PPH priorities to fast-track progress towards SDG 3.1 target in terms of research, guidelines, advocacy, and country-level implementation.

WHO Team
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH)
Number of pages
World Health Organization