Jon Stewart Walks Off Laughing in Middle of Bill O’Reilly Interview | Video

“I truly hate him,” the fired Fox News commentator said on “The Daily Show”

The Daily Show
Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" (Photo Credit: Comedy Central)

Jon Stewart couldn’t hold it together during his “Daily Show” interview with former Fox News staple and political commentator Bill O’Reilly. Toward the end of the duo’s nearly 13-minute back-and-forth, Stewart got up from his desk laughing and literally walked away from the other man.

The interview started off contentious, but Stewart’s big departure didn’t come until O’Reilly claimed that if Donald Trump hadn’t denied the results of the 2020 presidency and “done that” on January 6, “he’d be ahead of Biden 25% in the polls.” “That’s how bad Biden has been for the country,” O’Reilly said.

“Well, I disagree with that,” Stewart replied.

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