Urtica dioica
Taxonomy: Angiospermae, Rosales, Urticaceae, Urtica
Links: http://flora.nhm-wien.ac.at/Seiten-Arten/Urtica-dioica.htm
Published: 2021-06-21
Pollen Description
Shape, Size and Aperture
pollen unit: monad, dispersal unit and peculiarities: monad, size (pollen unit): small (10-25 µm), size of hydrated pollen (LM): 16-20 µm, shortest polar axis in equatorial view (LM): 16-20 µm, longest polar axis in equatorial view (LM): -, shortest diameter in equatorial or polar view (LM): 11-15 µm, longest diameter in equatorial or polar view (LM): 16-20 µm, pollen class: porate, polarity: isopolar, P/E-ratio: oblate, shape: spheroidal, outline in polar view: circular, dominant orientation (LM): oblique, P/E-ratio (dry pollen): -, shape (dry pollen): irregular, outline in polar view (dry pollen): irregular, infoldings (dry pollen): irregularly infolded, aperture number: 3, aperture type: porus, aperture condition: triporate, porate, aperture peculiarities: operculum, annulus, oncus
Ornamentation and Structure
LM ornamentation LM: psilate, nexine: -, sexine: -, SEM ornamentation SEM: microechinate, microverrucate, suprasculpture SEM: -, TEM tectum: eutectate, infratectum: columellate, foot layer: absent, endexine: compact-continuous, intine: monolayered, wall peculiarities: -, supratectal element: -
pollen coatings: absent, reserves in cytoplasm: starch, cell number: 2-celled, Ubisch bodies: present
Annotations: endexine very thin
Author(s) of diagnosis: Halbritter, Halbritter; Schneider, Heinz; Diethart, Bernadette; Heigl, Helmut; Auer, Waltraud
Picture legend
- habitus, photographer: Diethart, B.
- flower(s), photographer: Halbritter, H.
- male flowers, photographer: Schneider, H.
- pollen grain with generative cell - fresh, unfixed, aceto-carmine, photographer: Diethart, B.
- polar view (proximal) - fresh, acetolyzed, unstained, photographer: Diethart, B.
- optical section - fresh, acetolyzed, unstained, photographer: Diethart, B.
- polar view (distal) - fresh, acetolyzed, unstained, photographer: Diethart, B.
- hydrated Pollen - fresh, glycerine, unstained, photographer: Heigl, H.
- hydrated Pollen - fresh, glycerine, ruthenium red, photographer: Heigl, H.
- hydrated Pollen - fresh, glycerine, ruthenium red, photographer: Heigl, H.
- polar view - fresh, rehydrated (water) & critical point dried & sputter coated with gold, photographer: Diethart, B.
- equatorial view - fresh, rehydrated (water) & critical point dried & sputter coated with gold, photographer: Diethart, B.
- aperture - fresh, rehydrated (water) & critical point dried & sputter coated with gold, photographer: Diethart, B.
- exine surface - fresh, rehydrated (water) & critical point dried & sputter coated with gold, photographer: Diethart, B.
- dry pollen grains - dry, sputter coated with gold, photographer: Diethart, B.
- anther wall with Ubisch bodies - fresh, rehydrated (water) & critical point dried & sputter coated with gold, photographer: Diethart, B.
- pollen grain in cross section - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, modified Thiéry-test, photographer: Diethart, B.
- interapertural area of pollen wall - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, modified Thiéry-test, photographer: Diethart, B.
- interapertural area of pollen wall - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, potassium permanganate, photographer: Diethart, B.
- interapertural area of pollen wall - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, uranyl acetate & lead citrate, photographer: Diethart, B.
- interapertural area of pollen wall - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, potassium permanganate, photographer: Diethart, B.
- apertural area of pollen wall - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, lipid-test, photographer: Diethart, B.
- Ubisch bodies on inner anther wall - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, modified Thiéry-test, photographer: Diethart, B.
- vegetative nucleus - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, modified Thiéry-test, photographer: Diethart, B.
- generative cell - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, modified Thiéry-test, photographer: Diethart, B.
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Cite this publication as:
Halbritter H., Schneider H., Diethart B., Heigl H., Auer W. 2021. Urtica dioica. In: PalDat - A palynological database. https://www.paldat.org/pub/Urtica_dioica/306202;jsessionid=D4A9E4AA993A706A4BB8B02673F5F94D; accessed 2025-03-27