Russia (Россия, Rossiya in Russian) is by far the world's largest country, spanning a little over 150° in longitude. It is organized as the Russian Federation (Rossiyskaya Federatsiya) with members known as federal subjects (sub'yekty federatsii). Russia is primarily a continental nation but it has important coastlines on the Baltic, Black, and Caspian Seas and very long coastlines on the Arctic Ocean and North Pacific Oceans. To guard these coasts it operates hundreds of lighthouses, many of them historic. Lake Ladoga, (Ladoga in Russian, Laatokka in Finnish), the largest lake in Europe, occupies a vast oval roughly 200 km (130 mi) by 130 km (80 mi) a short distance northeast of Saint Petersburg. Prior to World War I the northwestern half of the lake was in the Grand Duchy of Finland, a part of the Russian Empire. In 1917 Finland declared its independence from Russia and the northwestern half of the lake was then in Finland. As one of the results of World War II the Soviet Union took control of all of the lake, organizing the Finnish border region as the Karelian Soviet Republic within the USSR. In 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, this formerly Finnish area became the Republic of Karelia (Karjala in Karelian) a member state of the Russian Federation. At present the northern and eastern shores of the lake are in the Republic of Karelia while the southern and western shores are part of Leningrad Oblast (province). Both federal subjects are divided into districts (raions). The lake receives water from Lake Onega through the Svir River and drains through the Neva River to reach the Gulf of Finland at Saint Petersburg. The route of the White Sea-Baltic Sea Canal crosses the southern end of Lake Ladoga from the Svir River to the Neva River. The local language in much of this area is Karelian, a language closely related to Finnish. The Finnish and Karelian word for a lighthouse is majakka, similar to the Russian word mayak (маяк). In Russian ostrov is an island, rif is a reef, mys is a cape, bukhta is a bay, zaliv is a larger bay or gulf, proliv is a strait, reka is a river, and gavan' is a harbor. Aids to navigation on the lake are presumably maintained by Rosmorrechflot, the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport. Since aids to navigation on these inland waterways are not listed on international light lists we have little information on which lighthouses are active or, if they are active, on their light patterns. ARLHS numbers are from the ARLHS World List of Lights.
Leningrad Oblast Lighthouses
![]() Osinovetskiy Light, Vsevolozhsky District, August 2024 Instagram photo by Smirnova Alevtina |
Republic of Karelia Lighthouses
![]() Nikol'skiy Light (left) and Cathedral, Valaam, March 2002 Flickr Creative Commons photo by Mike Fedorov |
Lake Ilmen Lighthouse
Information available on lost lighthouses:
Notable faux lighthouses:
Adjoining pages: North: Lake Onega | South: St. Petersburg Area | West: Vyborg Area
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Posted May 22, 2005. Checked and revised September 23, 2024. Lighthouses: 40. Site copyright 2024 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.