... TOYOTA HARRIER 2.2 (A) Unreg '99.5 units, f/spcc. met & Pearl white, low km. view to Justify UM152.800 loan 140K. Liin 92850036. 019-2287672. TOYOTA HARRIER 3.0 1999 unrcg, pearl white, electric seat, leather seat, tiptronic, very good ...
... TOYOTA HARRIER 2.4 unreg silver new light, high spec, view to justify RM179.800 loan 168K Kenny 92850036,019-2160488 TOYOTA HARRIER 3.0 V6 98'02. 1 owner met accident free leather scat high spec view to Justify RM131.SOO loan 123K Kenny ...
TOYOTA HARRIER 2.2 and 3.0 (Auto) VVTI '9«to '99 Unreg. Low mileage, sunroof, leather seats Tip Top. From KM213.000 Accept trade In. Tel 01H350B60U. 019-2701613, 019-3394030 . 4U249575 TOYOTA HARRIER 3.0 (Aulo). Imported ni-vv. full ...
TOYOTA HARRIER 2.2 (A) '99 L'urog Hi.uk. silt- ^unroof • TV n v low mileage KM oni 012 .1031 H2K chu. TOYOTA HARRIER 2.2 nnrc '99 High spec. Pearl while • mol like ni'W now to jusilfi RMl.i9.8iMi loan I27K Fo,.