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Creative tools meet the internet.

In 2011, a lightbulb went off. Could tools for designers be built on the web?

We knew that if we could pull it off…

more people, from more places, could have access to powerful design tools
anyone in the world could finally work together in the same design file
and questions like “where’s the final version?” would be a thing of the past

We started experimenting with what was possible in the browser.

A weekend of playing around with WebGL’s image processing proved that the web was ready. That one weekend turned into three more years building a vector-based design tool.

In 2015, the first design tool that combined the accessibility of the web with the functionality of a native app was born. And we made it free for anyone to get started.


If this is the future of design, I’m changing careers.
This sounds like my very worst nightmare.
Tripping over each other on one artboard is an extremely hostile assault on our visual system and workflow.
Cool idea, but seems non-practical…

But once designers started working together in Figma…


Real-time collaboration didn’t seem so scary after all


Teams welcomed more people into the design process


Workflows sped up and got a lot more fun


And, Figma became a home for working together beyond company walls

Now, companies from all over the world are redesigning the way they design.

“We’re collaborating better and getting faster feedback, so we end up building the right things.” —Airbnb“Figma has replaced the whiteboard for us.” —Github“Figma gives teams visibility into design projects so everyone is always in the know.” —Condé Nast

We look forward to a future where design is even more:

  • collaborative
  • borderless
  • transparent
  • community-driven
  • open-sourced

Our vision is to make design accessible to everyone.

make design accessible to everyone.

The best way to design is together.

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