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Perceptions of nature conservation work Is British nature conservation work male dominated? Traditionally countryside and habitat management tasks might have involved much physical and manual outdoors work. This might mean it is perceived as a career more suitable for men than for women, and thus encourage more men to aim for the sector, or the outdoors management strands of it. However, professional nature conservation work today is as likely to involve office based project management, engagement with communities, and advice to organisations and landowners, alongside the need for physical habitat management. These are tasks which women are just as suited to than men, thus no difference in the gender balance needs to be seen. The Wildlife Trusts as a sample I decided to investigate the numbers of men and women in conservation roles in the Wildlife Trusts. Although the basic figures of each sex working in the sector do not necessarily indicate whether the general environment is conducive for women, they are at least an indication of underlying trends. The 47 Wildlife Trusts are at the forefront of British nature conservation, playing a vital part in managing nature reserves, organising local conservation efforts and educating the public about wildlife. Annually they run over 11,000 conservation related events, directly manage 95,000 hectares of land, and indirectly influence conservation on more than 200,000 hectares. Thus examination of the gender of their staff could provide some indication of the general situation in nature conservation nationally. The websites of all the Wildlife Trusts in Britain were visited
Many in the conservation sphere have noted that robust and gender-equitable stakeholder engagement is crucial in achieving conservation outcomes, ensuring project sustainability and supporting human well-being. However, despite policies, international agreements and increasing requirements of donors, gender is still often viewed as an add-on rather than as a fundamental element of effective conservation. In an effort to overcome this, Conservation International has invested in nearly 20 project sites since 2014 to support targeted gender integration into existing conservation projects. We conducted a survey with practitioners across these sites to examine the barriers to and enablers of gender integration, and practitioners’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges involved in this. Our findings demonstrate the importance of both external drivers (funding requirements) and a supportive environment (capacity building, technical and financial support) in incentivising a focus on gen...
Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 2019
This paper examines data from two AIC/FAIC compensation surveys to look at evidence for pay disparities between men and women in conservation. In addition to identifying widespread and pervasive gender-based gaps in earnings, it also highlights and discusses evidence for two additional types of inequity, the glass ceiling and glass escalator effects. To explain how these types of inequity are created and maintained, three decades of research in the fields of sociology, labor economics, and business management are summarized, and special attention is given to the mechanisms of gender discrimination in occupations dominated by women. To provide context for understanding the gender composition of conservation in the United States, the paper also explores how fields become sex-segregated and how the same biases that lead to occupational sex-segregation contribute to devaluing the work of women. To conclude, it summarizes evidence-based research into strategies for combatting gender inequities in workplaces.
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2023
There is evidence from the development and humanitarian sectors that purposeful engagement of women can increase the impact of development. We conducted a literature review to examine whether this is also evident in conservation and natural resource management. The following themes emerged from our review: existing societal and cultural norms affect and generally limit how women can engage in conservation and natural resource management; women interact differently with the environment than men, so if they are excluded, their knowledge and perspectives on particular resources may not be considered in conservation actions; and there is often a lack of resources or dedicated effort by conservation or natural resource management programmes to understand and address the barriers that prevent women's engagement. Although there was evidence of a positive relationship between the engagement of women and environmental outcomes, some studies showed that positive conservation outcomes do n...
East African journal of environment and natural resources, 2022
Gender equity and women's empowerment are prerequisites to effective biodiversity conservation, climate action and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. In view of its ecological, social, and economic value, wildlife is an important renewable natural resource. Its significance is felt in areas such as rural development, land-use planning, food supply, tourism, scientific research, and cultural heritage. A better understanding of the different roles, knowledge, needs and aspirations of women and men with regard to wildlife management and conservation can help us achieve the twin goals of better conservation outcomes and increased gender equity. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of men and women in wildlife management and conservation and sustainable community based conservancies within the Maasai Mara ecosystem, Narok County, Kenya with the aim of coming up with the best strategies to enhance gender-responsive and sustainable wildlife ecosystem. The study was carried out in four Maasai Mara wildlife conservancies. A descriptive survey and sequential explanatory mixedmethod approach were adopted for the study. A sample size of 167 respondents comprising wildlife managers, conservancy, landowners, and conservancy rangers participated in the study. Data collection was done using questionnaires, Focused Group discussion and interviews. The data collected quantitatively was analysed using descriptive statistics and the findings were presented using percentages, graphs, and tables. The findings showed that there were gender differentials in prevalence of men and women in wildlife management and conservation in the Maasai Mara ecosystem. Women were underrepresented as staff, wildlife managers, and landowners in the conservancies. The study recommends that the wildlife conservancies, institutions, and managers should find ways of incorporating more women into wildlife management and conservation as well as employ gender advocacy and empowerment programmes to facilitate gender equity in wildlife ecosystems.
Wildlife Biology in Practice, 2008
Throughout history, the science of wildlife biology and the profession of wildlife management have been dominated by men. In the early part of the 20 th century there were few women wildlife biologists and they were typically junior collaborators or assistants. We quantified the evolving roles women have in The Wildlife Society (TWS) by documenting their contributions to the Journal of Wildlife Management (JWM), the Wildlife Society Bulletin (WSB), and Wildlife Monographs (WM) from the origin of TWS (the international professional society for wildlife biologists) in 1937 through 2006. Data were collected from peer-reviewed publications, participation in TWS (i.e., membership, meeting attendees, committee members, and officers), journal editors, awards, and honorary membership. While women played a minor role in TWS in 1937, their contributions have steadily increased through the years. However, publications by women have not represented their membership in TWS. Only 18% of 11,363 TWS journal articles from 1937-2006 have female contributors. In 1937, 1 of 12 JWM articles had a female author. By 2006 that contribution increased to 45%. It was not until the early 1980s that contributions by females accelerated. In 1944 2% of TWS members were women; by 2006 22% were women. Out of 488 TWS awards since 1937, 5% have been presented to women. One female was president of the society, but none has served as editor-in-chief. Three women have received an honorary membership, and 2 of the 54 recipients of the Aldo Leopold Award, the most prestigious award given by TWS, have been women. Because 22% of TWS memberships were women in 2006 they need to be encouraged to accept leadership roles in TWS. With changing demographics and 50-75% of natural resource professionals retiring by 2015, women will have important new opportunities to shape the direction and progress of wildlife management.
Conservation Science and Practice
Leadership and inclusivity are increasingly recognized as fundamental to conservation success, yet women's leadership within the conservation profession is understudied. This study identifies gender-related challenges women conservation leaders experienced in their careers, and supports helping them advance. Using an intersectionality framing to identify intersections between gender, race/ethnicity, age, and leadership position, we conducted and analyzed semi-structured interviews with 56 women leaders in conservation organizations across the United States. All interviewees reported experiencing or witnessing a gender-related workplace challenge in at least one of six categories, and the vast majority reported encountering four or more of these challenges: salary inequality and difficulty negotiating, formal exclusion, informal exclusion, harassment and inadequate organizational response, assumptions of inadequacy, and assumptions of wrongness. Participants also experienced two categories of supports: structural supports and supportive relationships. Women's experiences varied based on age, race and ethnicity, and leadership position. Our results indicate more effort is needed to identify effective strategies for making conservation a more inclusive, empowering, and appealing profession in which to work.
Pacific Conservation Biology, 2018
Conservation science has a long history of providing the evidence-base that underpins management of diverse and unique biota and landscapes. This special issue brings together the stories of a range of women in conservation science to showcase the great work being done to develop and improve our knowledge and understanding of Australian plants, animals and ecosystems, across a range of disciplines and sectors. We focus on Australia in recognition of recent commitments by Australian institutions to achieve gender parity in Australian science, while acknowledging the achievements of women in conservation science globally. In this overview we highlight several exemplary women who have paved the way for those of us who have come after them, and present a brief snapshot of the careers of these women to acknowledge their contributions to the development of conservation science, and its associated disciplines. We also distil some common themes that have been identified by the women in the ...
Society & Natural Resources, 2018
Scholars conducting research on either the social or biological dimensions of conservation practice may confront harassment, violence, and sexual assault. While guidelines for researcher safety usually cover the obvious perils encountered while conducting research in nature and with wild animals, less attention has been focused on the dangers associated with encountering and confronting humans. The aim of review boards for both human and animal subjects is to protect research participants. But who protects the researcher? This paper extends these calls to conservation researchers, initiating an open discussion on fieldwork safety, particularly the role of gender and power dynamics within the conservation field. We offer two themes for discussion: institutional responsibility and professional community responsibility. Our aim is to encourage dialogue regarding codes of practice for fieldwork safety at multiple institutional levels that acknowledge and provide support for the varying forms of harassment researchers face during fieldwork.
Society & Natural Resources, 2018
Scholars conducting research on either the social or biological dimensions of conservation practice may confront harassment, violence, and sexual assault. While guidelines for researcher safety usually cover the obvious perils encountered while conducting research in nature and with wild animals, less attention has been focused on the dangers associated with encountering and confronting humans. The aim of review boards for both human and animal subjects is to protect research participants. But who protects the researcher? This paper extends these calls to conservation researchers, initiating an open discussion on fieldwork safety, particularly the role of gender and power dynamics within the conservation field. We offer two themes for discussion: institutional responsibility and professional community responsibility. Our aim is to encourage dialogue regarding codes of practice for fieldwork safety at multiple institutional levels that acknowledge and provide support for the varying forms of harassment researchers face during fieldwork.
Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2000
Without a Doubt by Marcia Clark (Paperback
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2008
Publicado en Santiago Castillo (ed.), Solidaridad desde abajo. Trabajadores y Socorros Mutuos en la España contemporánea, Madrid, UGT Centro de Estudios Históricos y Confederación Nacional de Mutualidades de Previsión, 1994, p. 245-255.
Neural Information Processing Systems, 2003
International Journal of Primatology, 2009
Wavelets XI, 2005
Phytoparasitica, 1990
Jurnal Lentera Pengabdian, 2024
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 2017
Acta Chromatographica, 2011
The Journal of rheumatology, 2015