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1992, Mammal Review
On the basis of currently available data, two main mammalian faunal complexes can be recognised in Sardinia from the Pliocene to the Late Pleistocene-Holocene: the “Nesogoral” a n d “ M i c r o t us (Tyrrhenicola)” faunal complexes. Notable faunal renewal characterises the transition between the two major complexes, while individual appearance and disappearance bioevents permit the recognition of less important renewals, which however allow one to distinguish, in the sphere of the two major complexes, subcomplexes of biochronologically-distinct fauna. The occurrence of endemic bovids, suids and archaic micromammals typified the earliest Sardinian LFAs. This faunal complex was present during the Pliocene and the beginning of the Early Pleistocene and was probably characterised by local evolution of some lineages, by a reduced extinction rate and by a moderate immigration rate. Two subcomplexes may be detected within this complex. In the earliest Mandriola faunal sub-complex, descenda...
catalaDurant els darrers deu anys, el coneixement sobre la fauna de grans mamifers del Pleistoce de Corsega s'ha incrementat significativament gracies a I'estudi de vuit conjunts fossilifers provinents de 6 jaciments fossilifers : Castiglione 1 et 3 (Oletta/Haute-Corse), La Coscia abri sud, abri nord-oeust (Rogliano, Cap Corse, Corte (Haute-Corse), Punta di Calcina (Corse du Sud). Divuit especies extingides (6 micromamifers i 12 macromamifers) es troben distribtiides en un interval de temps que abasta des del Pleistoce Mitja fins a la fi del Pleistoce Superior. Aquests taxa, o be son endemics de Corsega i Sardenya, o be nomes de Corsega i fins a la data no es coneixen de nivells sards d'edat similar o mes primerenca. Els estudis revelen una fauna disharmonica, i no il-lustren cap cas de nanisme o gegantisme insular durant aquest interval temporal. Durant el Pleistoce Mitja, els membres d'aquesta fauna ja havien adquirit les caracteristiques de les especies evoluciona...
Palombo M.R., Biochronology of Plio-Pleistocene Mammalian Faunas on the Italian Peninsula: Knowledge, Problems and Perspectives. IT ISSN 0394-335, 2004 The biochronological setting thus far proposed for mammalian faunas from the Italian peninsula (constructed on the basis of classic criteria: the absence/presence of particular taxa, faunal turnovers, the “evolutionary stage” of taxa belonging to a well-defined phyletic lineage or “typical taxa associations”) provides a highly-detailed categorization of Italian assemblages. Nevertheless, the more detailed the bioevent sequence becomes, the more difficult it is to establish correlations on a larger scale. Multivariate analysis (the recognition of successive, non-overlapping, ecologically-adjusted assemblages of taxa living together in a given space and time) may provide a useful tool for defining faunal complexes having broader biochronological significance. As far as Middle PlioceneMiddle Pleistocene large mammalian faunas from the I...
Quaternary International, 2013
In Sardinia (western Mediterranean, Italy) studies of Quaternary climatic changes, faunal turnovers, and evolution of environments have mostly been performed autonomously in various scientific fields. The Grotta dei Fiori Cave, GFC (Carbonia, south-western Sardinia) is one of the numerous limestone caves in south-eastern Sardinia that contain deposits of large and small mammals with intercalated flowstones. A multidisciplinary study (palaeontological, sedimentological, soil micromorphological analyses, and U/Th dating) was performed on three stratigraphical successions (SA, SC and SD) for a finer time resolution and palaeoclimatical setting of the Quaternary fossiliferous deposits cropping out in the GFC karst cave. Relying on U/Th dating, results obtained by the stratigraphical and soil micromorphological analyses, integrated with a previously performed stable isotope analysis, indicate that the studied fossiliferous successions were deposited under warm, alternate wet and dry climatic conditions, albeit at different times. In particular, sediments of SC, older than 500 ka, were possibly deposited during the early Middle Pleistocene, those of SA in a time interval from about 500 to 250 ka, while the SD is older than about 350 ka. The presence of Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) henseli in deposits older than 500 ka is of particular interest, with regard to time and mode of the endemic vole evolution and to the biochronological arrangement of the late Early to Middle Pleistocene Sardinian fauna.
Hystrix-italian Journal of Mammalogy, 2019
1Envix Lab., Dept. Biosciences and Territory, Università degli Studi del Molise, Pesche, Italy 2Museo di Storia Naturale e Orto Botanico, Università della Calabria, Rende, Italy 3Wildlife Research Unit, Dipartimento di Agraria, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Portici, Italy 4FIZV, Via Marco Aurelio 2, Roma, Italy 5Dept. Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Italy 6Directorate Environment and Natural Systems, Lazio Regional Government, Rome, Italy 7Dept. of Biology and Biotechnologies “Charles Darwin”, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italy 8Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems, National Research Council, Via Salaria km 29.300, Monterotondo, Italy 9Via Arno 38, Rome, Italy 10Dept. of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science, University of Padova, Legnago, Italy 11Water Research Institute, National Research Council, Verbania Pallanza, Italy 12Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, Udine, Italy 13Dept. of Biology, University of Naples Federico II, ...
Catalogue of the late Pleistocene-Holocene fossil mammalian collection from " Canale delle Acque Alte (Canale Mussolini) " (Natural History Museum, University of Pisa). The catalogue of the paleontological mammalian collection of " Canale delle Acque Alte (Canale Mussolini) " (Agro Pontino, Latium) stored at the Natural History Museum of the University of Pisa is presented. Besides the mammal remains (456 specimens), the collection includes 3 fossil wood fragments and 27 molluscs (gastropods and bivalves). The present catalogue also includes the description of material referred to newly determined taxa. For each recognized taxon, the collection number(s), the description of the specimen(s), and the stratigraphic provenance (when available) are herein reported.
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