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新闻来源: 知识万物 于2024-01-29 0:14:13  提示:新闻观点不代表本网立场




越南网友Tran phuong Hung的回答

All the land south of the Yangtze River belongs to the Baiyue tribe, including Vietnam, present-day Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, and a part of Fujian. However, in reality, the northern part of the Yangtze River is the true primitive land of China, where the real Han people live. But it was not until Emperor Wu of Han invaded Baiyue in 111 BC that the entire Guangdong, Guangxi, and North Vietnam were occupied by the Han Dynasty for nearly 1000 years, until the late Tang Dynasty. Therefore, Vietnam's original territory included Guangdong, Guangxi, and North Vietnam.


About 4000 years ago, the civilization of the present East Asian continent (also known as Chinese Mainland) was divided into two by the Yangtze River (also known as the Yangtze River).


Yangtze River (揚子江 / Dương Tử Giang / 양자강) or Changjiang River (長江 / Trường Giang / 장강) is the longest and biggest river in China, originating in the Tibetan Plateau. It divides the Mainland into 2.


- Southern of Yangzte River: was belonged to Bách Việt (Baiyue or Hundred Of Viet Tribes) (Chinese and Korean character: (百越 / 百粵 / 백월). Among the Bách Việt tribes, there are hundreds of ethnic groups such as Lạc Việt, Âu Việt, Tây Việt, Đông Việt, Mân Việt, Hồ Việt,..etc. These tribes now include Vietnamese, Hongkongers, Cantonese (Guangdong), Guangxi, Hainan, a part of Fujian province...etc. At the time 4,000 to 5,000 years ago, these lands in the Southern of the Yangtze River were belonged to the Bach Viet breed.

-长江以南:曾属于百越或越南百族(中文和韩语字符:(百越 / 百粵 / 백월)。在百越部落,有数百个民族,如越族(京族)、岱依族、泰族、华族、高棉族、芒族、侬族等等,这些部落现在包括越南人、香港人、广东人、广西人、海南人、福建人的一部分,在4000-5000年前,这些位于江南的土地属于百越人种。

The current Vietnamese are descendants of Lac Viet, Au Viet, and the Minyue tribe. Until the Chinese people gradually migrated and eventually surrounded the south of the Yangtze River, occupied the entire land of the Baiyue people, incorporated them into China, and referred to the area south of the Yangtze River as South China (southern China).

目前的越南人是Lac Viet、Au Viet和闽越部落的后裔。直到中国人民逐渐迁徙并最终包围长江以南,占领百越人民的整个土地,将他们并入到中华,并将长江以南地区称为华南(中国南部)。

The other tribes of Bách Việt (Baiyue) finally become "Chinese people" in Hongkong, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian...ect like present today but actually, they're Bách Việt (Baiyue) people.


Their DNA, culture, and especially their language are completely different from northern dialects (known as Huaxia and later Chinese, etc.), which is why Cantonese has many similarities with Vietnamese in terms of tone, rhythm, understanding, and certain ways of speaking, similar to the way Vietnamese uses phrases and words, and even almost identical.


For example, in Vietnamese, they say 1, 2, and 3, which sounds similar to Cantonese pronunciation and is spelled "Zdack, Yi, Sam", while in Chinese it is spelled "Yi, Er, San", which sounds completely different. Or in Cantonese, "prepare" Vietnamese and "Chuan Bi (quasi pi)", while in Mandarin, "Zhu Bei"... There are also many similarities in culture and food. That's why even though they are all Chinese, in reality and to be honest, they belong to the Baiyue breed. Cantonese and Vietnamese are classified as the same language group.

例如,在越南语中,他们说1、2、3听起来类似于粤语发音,拼写为“Zdack,Yi,Sam”,而汉语拼写为“Yi,Er,San”,听起来完全不同。或者在广东话中“准备”越南语和“Chuan Bi(准皮)”,而普通话是“Zhun Bei”。。。在文化和食物方面也有许多相似之处。这就是为什么他们即使都是中国人,但实际上和诚实地说,他们属于百越(Baiyue)品种。广东话和越南语列为同一语言组。

The Bách Việt (Baiyue) Warrior in Xích Quỷ Kingdom (赤鬼 / Chi Gui / 적귀 나라), Southern of Yangtze River:


-North of the Yangtze River: belonging to the Hoa B ắ c 화 group, also known as the Huaxia ethnic group (Huaxia/Hoa H ạ/화하), this is a true and primitive Chinese, also known as the Han (Han/H á n/하) They have been living north of the Yangtze River, from Sichuan in the west to Inner Mongolia in the north. They are also mixed with some other northern nomadic tribes.

-长江以北:属华北人种 / Hoa Bắc화북), 也被称为华夏民族(華夏 / Hoa Hạ / 화하), 这是真实的、原始的中国人,也被称为汉族(漢 / Hán/한). 他们一直生活在长江以北,西至四川,北至今内蒙古。他们还与其他一些北方游牧部落混杂在一起。

Huaxia (North China), later known as the true Han people, speaks in Mandarin, which has pronunciation, intonation, and some vocabulary and understanding methods, different from Vietnamese and Cantonese in Jiangnan. Their cultures also have some differences. Although the Central Plains Dynasty invaded and occupied the Baiyue tribe for nearly 1000 years, assimilating other Baiyue tribes into Chinese, only the Vietnamese retained their true identity as Baiyue people.


However, Viet Nam also has been influenced by China quite a bit, although it has reasserted its independence and sovereignty after Ngô Quyền defeated Chinese people in 938 AD, ending nearly 1,000 years of their rule.


The Chinese warrior in Yin Shang Dynasty (殷商朝 / Nhà Ân Thương / 은상나라), China:


Almost 5,000 years ago, there was Hùng Kings Dynasty (writing in Chinese: 雄王 and in Nôm (Original Traditional Vietnamese) or also known as Hồng Bàng Dynasty (鴻龐王朝 / Vương Triều Hồng Bàng / 홍방왕조) was the very first monarchy dynasty of all Bách Việt (Baiyue) in general and Vietnam in particular.

大约5000年前,有一个雄王王朝(中文:英雄王 ;原始传统越南语称为Nôm)或也称为鸿庞王朝(鴻龐王朝 / Hồng Bàng/홍방왕조) 建立了,是百越王朝的第一个君主王朝。

Hùng Kings Dynasty is the mixture of Legendary History (Myth) and Mainstream History. Accoring to the records, Hùng King Dynasty had 18 kings but they reigned all Bách Việt tribes (Hundred tribes of Viet) for 2,622 years. Spanning from the beginning of the rule of Kinh Dương Vương over the kingdom of Xích Quỷ (赤鬼 / 적귀 나라) and later known as Văn Lang (文郎 / 문랑) in 2879 BC until An Dương Vương (Thục Phán) overthrown and conquered it in 258 BC.

雄王王朝是神话和主流历史的混合体。根据记载,雄王王朝共有18位国王,但他们都统治百越部落2622年。从公元前2879年泾阳王对赤鬼国的统治开始 (赤鬼 / 적귀 나라) ,后来这个国家被称为Văn Lang(文郎 / 문랑),直到安阳王于公元前258年推翻并征服了它结束。

- Kinh Dương Vương (涇陽王 / 경양왕), the first king of Bách Việt and Vietnam:


King Kinh Dương Vương (涇陽王 / 경양왕) was born on August 15 2919 BC and passed away on January 18 2792 BC (Lunar Calendar / Âm Lịch / 음력).


King Kinh Dương Vương's Kingdom was called Xích Quỷ (赤鬼 / 적귀 나라) which mean "Red Demon". There were many theories about the name of the kingdom, one of them is because the earth in Southern Yangtze River was red. The true reason is unknown. Xích Quỷ is later known as Văn Lang (文郎 / 문랑) after his grandson (Lạc Long Quân's son) renamed it. While in China, Đế Nghi (Emperor Yi), the older brother of Kinh Dương Vương founded Xia Dynasty (Nhà Hạ / 夏王朝 / 하나라), the first ancient monarchy dynasty of China.


- The map of the Kingdom "Xích Quỷ":


+ Yellow: Xích Quỷ Kingdom and later known as Văn Lang, the nation of Bách Việt (Baiyue / 百越 / 百粵 / 백월), since Kinh Dương Vương rule in 2879 BC to 258 BC when Thục Phán or also known as King An Dương Vương of Âu Việt Tribe overthrown the 18th and also the last Hùng King and conquered this kingdom.

黄色区域:从公元前2879年到公元前258年,当Au Vietnam部落接管第18个也是最后一个雄王并征服了这个王国时,被称为赤鬼国或文郎国。

Red: Chinese ethnic group. At that time, China was ruled by the Xia Dynasty, Yin Shang Dynasty, and Zhou Dynasty, and then fell into a long war known as the "Eastern Zhou Dynasty". This period included two periods, namely the "Spring and Autumn Period" and the Warring States Period. This period ended when Emperor Qin Shi Huang defeated six other kingdoms, including Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin, establishing the Qin Dynasty and the first unified empire in China.


After the death of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the Qin Dynasty collapsed and China fell into another period of war known as the "Chu Han Conflict", which ended with the victory of Emperor Gaozu of Han and established the Han Dynasty, becoming the longest dynasty in China. Since the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, the seventh emperor of the Han Dynasty, he expanded China's territory to the south of the Yangtze River and ruled over Baiyue, especially Vietnam, for 1000 years.


- The map of Bách Việt (Baiyue) Tribes and other ethnic groups:



+ Purple: Bách Việt (Baiyue) tribes in Southern of Yangtze River.



+Black: The Central Plains region north of the Yangtze River, originating from the authentic and primitive Han people over 4000 years ago, also known as the Huaxia people.


Then, in the reign of the Hùng Duệ Vương (雄睿王 / 웅예왕), the 18th and also the last Hùng King, he lost many lands in Southern of Yangtze River as he could not unified all tribes of Bách Việt and the division of these tribes, they separated from his kingdom to found their own states, the Hùng Duệ Vương, the 18th Hùng King now only rule the Lạc Việt Tribe (雒越部族 / 駱越部族 / 낙월 부족)


Then, the leader of the Vietnamese tribe, King Anyang, led his army to fight against the 18th Xiongwang ruled kingdom of Wenlang. The real name of King Anyang is Shu Jian, and the Ouyue tribe is one of the Baiyue tribes. After several battles, in 258 BC, King Anyang won and defeated the 18th male king, merging his Ouyue tribe with the Luoyue tribe to form a new kingdom called "Ouluo". Ouluo was the second dynasty of Vietnam after the Xiongwang Dynasty (also known as the Hongbang Dynasty).



Meanwhile, in Northern of Yangtze River, China was ruled under Qin Dynasty since Emperor Qin Shi Huang (Tần Thủy Hoàng / 秦始皇帝 / 진시황제) defeated other 6 states and unified China in 221 BC. But in 210 BC, Emperor Qin Shi Huang died at the age 49.

同时,在长江以北,自秦始皇(Tần Thủy Hoàng / 진시황제) 公元前221年击败其他6个国家,统一中国。但公元前210年,秦始皇驾崩,享年49岁。

His 18th and youngest son Hu Hai (H ồ H ợ i/호해) was killed by Li Si (L ý T ư / Under the coercion of Tri ệ u Cao/Zhao Gao/조고, Prince Fushu ascended to the throne and was suppressed (Ph ú T ô/Fushu/whatever) because these two evil politicians believed they could manipulate Hu Hai and seize power. Indeed, Hu Hai's original name was "Qin II", meaning "Qin Shi Huang II". During the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, he was corrupt, cruel, and cruel, bringing tremendous suffering to the Chinese people. Since his reign, the Qin Dynasty has declined.

他的第18个也是最小的儿子胡亥(Hồ Hợi / 호해) 被李斯(LýTư / 이사) 和赵高(Triệu Cao / 趙高 / 조고)挟持之下即位,公子扶苏被打压(PhúTô/扶蘇 / 부소), 因为这两个邪恶的政客认为他们可以操纵胡亥,夺取政权。的确,胡亥的原名是“秦二世”,意思是“秦始皇二世”。秦始皇在位期间,堕落堕落,残暴残暴,给中国人民带来了巨大的苦难。从他统治开始,秦朝就衰落了。

After the fall of Qin Dynasty, China fell in a chaos war called Chu - Han Contention (Sở - Hán Tương Tranh / 楚漢相爭 / 초 - 한 상쟁) which was the battle between Liu Bang of Han state (Hán Lưu Bang / 漢劉邦 / 한의 유방) and Xiang Yu of Chu state (Sở Hạng Vũ, Sở Hạng Võ / 楚項羽 / 초의 항우) since 206 BC to 202 BC.


There is also Zhao Tuo, a general of the late Qin Dynasty who fled this war. Zhao Tuo established his own kingdom "Nanyue" in 204 and referred to himself as the King of Nanyue. He led his army south and attacked the Ouyue Kingdom ruled by King Anyang. There are also some legends about this war, but I will discuss these legends in the next article on Vietnamese history.


And in 179 BC, Zhao Tuo won, entire Âu Lạc Kingdom was taken over and King An Dương Vương jumped into the ocean to commit suicide after his defeat. Meanwhile, Liu Bang of Han state (Hán Lưu Bang) won the war with Xiang Yu of Chu state (Sở Hạng Võ) in 202 BC, founded the Han Dynasty and declared himself to be Emperor Han Gaozu (Hán Cao Tổ).


- Zhao Tuo (Triệu Đà / 趙佗 / 조타), the King and later declared to be the Emperor of Nanyue (Nam Việt, 南越 or Southern Yue) Kingdom:



However, Zhao Tuo is an Anti-Han Dynasty. From outside, he just claimed himself to be a "King" compare to Han Gaozu, a "Great Emperor", but from inside his kingdom, he still claimed himself as Emperor Zhao Wu (Triệu Vũ Đế / 趙武帝 / 조무제). He even worn and performed rituals to Bach Viet's custom when meeting Han envoy, made Han Dynasty (Chinese people) really got angry and yelled at him that he's a Hua Xia (Chinese), not Bách Việt (Baiyue) and told him should not forget who he is and where he came from.

然而,赵佗受命于秦朝,是一个反汉王朝。从外表上看,他只是声称自己是一个“国王”,而不是像刘邦那样称自己为汉高祖,“伟大的皇帝”,但从他的王国内部,他仍然声称自己是赵武帝。 他甚至在会见汉使的时候,按照百越国的习俗穿戴和表演仪式,让汉朝使者很生气,并对他喊道,他是华夏人,不是南越人,告诉他不要忘记自己是谁,从哪里来。

Zhao Tuo was very intelligent, and he even convinced many people from the Ouyue tribe to follow and join him. These events have sparked a debate about whether Zhao Tuo is Chinese or South Vietnamese. Is he meritorious or guilty? Invaders or the first emperor of Vietnam? But most Vietnamese still believe that Zhao Tuo is Chinese, not Vietnamese.


South Vietnam continued until 111 BC, during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, when he was the seventh emperor of the Han Dynasty in China. He led his army to attack the entire South Vietnam Kingdom and all tribes. This historical event marked the beginning of the 1000 year reign of the Central Plains Dynasty in Baiyue, from 111 BC to 938 AD, until the Wu Quan uprising defeated the north, drove them away from Vietnam, and established the Wu Dynasty in Annam. Since Wu Quan, Vietnam has maintained sovereignty until today.





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