
Length630.0 ft
Height150.0 ft
Speed65.0 mph
Vertical Angle90.0°
ElementsLIM Launch (multi-pass)
Vertical Rollback
Twisted In-Line Rollback


ArrangementSingle train with 7 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 28 riders.


Former namesVertical Velocity ( to )
Former statusOperated from to
Capacity900 riders per hour


Vertical Velocity was closed for the start of the 2002 season while it was modified to be no more than 150 feet tell -- a height limitation imposed by the city. The forward tower was changed from a 90° vertical tower to 45° inclined tower. The rear tower remained vertical, but was shortened, presumably to 150 feet. How/why the Vertical Velocity was erected in excess of 150 feet is a mystery. Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Illinois also built a identical Vertical Velocity for the 2001 season. While identical rides, the press releases differed by park - Six Flags Great America claimed a height of 186 feet while Six Flags Marine World claimed 150 feet.


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