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gui-widgets.nvim -- supporting library for gui widgets

recursive screenshot

For Front-End Devs:

Front-end GUI startup logic:

if exists("g:gui_widgets")
  " attach ui channel to gui widget rpc notifications
  call GuiWidgetClientAttach(g:fvim_channel)

RPC notifications:

vim.rpcnotify(clientChannel,"GuiWidgetPut", {
  id = 123;                -- the gui widget id
  mime = "image/png";      -- the mime data, client chooses how to present
  data = { ... };          -- binary data, serializes to str8 in msgpack

vim.rpcnotify(clientChannel, "GuiWidgetUpdateView", {
  buf = 5;                 -- the updated buffer
  widgets = {
    { 1, 123, 5, 10 },     -- [mark_id, res_id, width, height] tuple
    { 2, 234, 1, 5,        -- can have an opt dictionary
      { ['key'] = value; ... } 

A front-end needs to listen to these two notifications -- GuiWidgetPut pushes visual resource data to the front-end, and GuiWidgetUpdateView sends a list of "placements". A placement associates an extmark with a resource id, and provides display options for a widget (width, height, mouse events etc.). In addition, the UI client should keep track of the on-screen coordinates for the extmarks, so that the widgets can be aligned, clipped, scrolled, clicked, etc. etc. in the grid. The idea of this paradigm is that plugins can frequently update the placements of ui elements for a buffer without sending the large ui resource files(images).

When a plugin calls GuiWidgetPut, it will be sent right away to the client after it's loaded from the path. The client may use a LRU cache to evict resources, and use GuiWidgetRequest later if the cache misses. Note, gui-widgets does not comply to the MIME standards so it may as well send a mime 'image/*'...

Some MIME types worth implementing are:

  • image/* for bitmap images. A lot of UI frameworks can automatically detect the actual format.
  • image/svg for vector images and math formulas.
  • text/plain for virtual text -- the benefit is custom font/color/style, like markdown headers.
  • Suggestions? :)

For Plugin Devs

local gui = require'gui-widgets' to begin with.

-- load a resource file and push it to the frontend:
local img1 = gui.put_file('/foo/bar/baz.jpg', 'image/*')
-- automatically download from the web too:
local img2 = gui.put_file('', 'image/*')
-- push raw data 
local txt1 = gui.put_data('Hello world!', 'text/plain')
-- delete one or more resources, and notify the client:
-- place a widget in a buffer 
-- (id, bufnr, row, col, w, h, opt)
local mark1 =, buf, 0, 0, 10, 5)
-- send the updated placements to the client
-- clear all resources and placements for a buffer

See the implementation refresh_mkd automatically generates UI elements for headers and images. Latex math support: $e^{i \pi}+1=0$

A thin vimL layer is also provided:

" Attaching pictures to a buffer:
function TestGuiWidget()
  let w1 = GuiWidgetPutFile("F:/test/1.png","image/png")
  let w2 = GuiWidgetPutFile("F:/test/2.png","image/png")
  call GuiWidgetPlace(w1, 0, 1, 0, 20, 5)
  call GuiWidgetPlace(w2, 0, 6, 0, 20, 5)
  call GuiWidgetUpdateView(0)

Placement options

Name Type Description
Mouse events
mouse bool automatically added to indicate whether a widget is mouse-enabled.
clicked-widget widget id target widget to display when clicked
clicked-exec vimL callback on mouse clicked
released-widget widget id target widget to display when released
released-exec vimL callback on mouse released
Widget display options
halign string Horizontal alignment: left/center/right/stretch
valign string Vertical alignment: left/center/right/stretch
stretch string Image stretch: non/uniform/uniformfill
hide string Hide widget on cursor overlap: none/cursor/cursorline
virt-lines bool Add virt_lines to make up the widget height
Text display options
text-font string Font family name for a text widget
text-scale float Font size relative to guifont size. Useful for displaying headers.
text-hlid string or integer A highlight group name. Can be either an integer (1 for default), or a semantic hightlight group name.
svg-themed bool Theme svg with normal fg/bg.


  • GuiWidgetRequest should be rpcnotify, not a function -- so it can be used in redraw.
  • win_viewport does not have horizontal scroll information and sign column/number column sizes...


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