The algorithms and data structures are implemented in Java.
This is a collection of algorithms and data structures I've implemented in my academic and professional life. The code isn't optimized but is written to be correct and readable. The algorithms and data structures are tested and, unless noted, believed to be correct.
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- AVL Tree
- B-Tree
- Binary Heap (backed by an array or a tree)
- Binary Search Tree
- Compact Suffix Trie (backed by a Patricia Trie)
- Disjoint Set
- Fenwick Tree {Binary Indexed Tree (BIT)}
- Graph
- Undirected
- Directed (Digraph)
- Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT)
- Hash Map (associative array)
- Interval Tree
- Implicit Key Treap
- KD Tree (k-dimensional tree or k-d tree)
- List [backed by an array or a linked list]
- LCP Array (Longest Common Prefix) [backed by a Suffix Array]
- Matrix
- Patricia Trie
- Quad-Tree (Point-Region or MX-CIF)
- Queue [backed by an array or a linked list]
- Radix Trie (associative array) [backed by a Patricia Trie]
- Red-Black Tree
- Segment Tree
- Skip List
- Splay Tree
- Stack [backed by an array or a linked list]
- Suffix Array
- Suffix Tree (Ukkonen's algorithm)
- Suffix Trie [backed by a Trie]
- Ternary Search Tree
- Treap
- Tree
- Tree Map (associative array) [backed by an AVL Tree]
- Trie
- Trie Map (associative array) [backed by a Trie]
- Distance
- chebyshev
- euclidean
- Division
- using a loop
- using recursion
- using shifts and multiplication
- using only shifts
- using logarithm
- Multiplication
- using a loop
- using recursion
- using only shifts
- using logarithms
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Exponentiation
- recursive exponentiation
- fast recursive exponentiation
- fast modular recursive exponentiation
- Primes
- is prime
- prime factorization
- sieve of eratosthenes
- Miller-Rabin test
- Co-Primes (relatively prime, mutually prime)
- Greatest Common Divisor
- using Euclid's algorithm
- using recursion
- Permutations
- strings
- numbers
- Modular arithmetic
- add
- subtract
- multiply
- divide
- power
- Knapsack
- Ramer Douglas Peucker
- Integers
- to binary String
- using divide and modulus
- using right shift and modulus
- using BigDecimal
- using divide and double
- is a power of 2
- using a loop
- using recursion
- using logarithm
- using bits
- to English (e.g. 1 would return "one")
- to binary String
- Longs
- to binary String
- using divide and modulus
- using right shift and modulus
- using BigDecimal
- to binary String
- Complex
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- absolute value
- polar value
- Find shortest path(s) in a Graph from a starting Vertex
- Find minimum spanning tree
- Find all pairs shortest path
- Cycle detection
- Depth first search while keeping track of visited Verticies
- Connected Components
- Topological sort
- A* path finding algorithm
- Maximum flow
- Graph Traversal
- Edmonds Karp
- Matching
- Lowest common ancestor in tree
- Get index of value in array
- Linear
- Quickselect
- Binary [sorted array input only]
- Lower bound [sorted array input only]
- Upper bound [sorted array input only]
- Optimized binary (binary until a threashold then linear) [sorted array input only]
- Interpolation [sorted array input only]
- Find longest common subsequence (dynamic programming)
- Find longest increasing subsequence (dynamic programming)
- Find number of times a subsequence occurs in a sequence (dynamic programming)
- Find i-th element in a Fibonacci sequence
- using a loop
- using recursion
- using matrix multiplication
- using Binet's formula
- Find total of all elements in a sequence(Arithmetic Progression)
- using a loop
- using Triangular numbers
- Largest sum of contiguous subarray (Kadane's algorithm)
- Longest palindromic subsequence (dynamic programming)
- American Flag Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Counting Sort (Integers only)
- Heap Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Radix Sort (Integers only)
- Shell's Sort
- Reverse characters in a string
- using additional storage (a String or StringBuilder)
- using in-place swaps
- using in-place XOR
- Reverse words in a string
- using char swaps and additional storage (a StringBuilder)
- using StringTokenizer and additional (a String)
- using split() method and additional storage (a StringBuilder and String[])
- using in-place swaps
- Is Palindrome
- using additional storage (a StringBuilder)
- using in-place symetric element compares
- Subsets of characters in a String
- Edit (Levenshtein) Distance of two Strings (Recursive, Iterative)
- Find in lexicographically minimal string rotation
- Find in lexicographically maximal string rotation