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Yocto Project Layer Compatible
# meta-clang (C/C++ frontend and LLVM compiler backend) This layer provides [clang/llvm](http://clang.llvm.org/) as alternative to system C/C++ compiler for OpenEmbedded/Yocto Project based distributions. This can cohabit with GNU compiler and can be used for specific recipes or full system compiler. # Getting Started ```shell git clone https://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core.git cd openembedded-core git clone https://github.com/openembedded/bitbake.git git clone https://github.com/kraj/meta-clang.git $ . ./oe-init-build-env ``` If using poky ( Yocto project reference Distribution ) ```shell git clone https://git.yoctoproject.org/git/poky cd poky git clone https://github.com/kraj/meta-clang.git $ . ./oe-init-build-env ``` Add meta-clang overlay ``` bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-clang ``` Check `conf/bblayers.conf` to see that meta-clang is added to layer mix e.g. # Default Compiler Note that by default gcc will remain the system compiler, however if you wish clang to be the default compiler then set ```shell TOOLCHAIN ?= "clang" ``` in `local.conf`, this would now switch default cross-compiler to be clang you can select clang per recipe too by writing bbappends for them containing ```shell TOOLCHAIN = "clang" ``` also look at `conf/nonclangable.conf` for list of recipes which do not yet fully build with clang. # Providing LLVM clang recipes can provide llvm and related packages too, it might be worth using single provider for llvm and clang to save some compile time and space, select the knobs to point to clang, default is to use the version provided by core layer. ```shell PREFERRED_PROVIDER_llvm = "clang" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_llvm-native = "clang-native" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_nativesdk-llvm = "nativesdk-clang" PROVIDES:pn-clang = "llvm" PROVIDES:pn-clang-native = "llvm-native" PROVIDES:pn-nativesdk-clang = "nativesdk-llvm" ``` # Default Compiler Runtime Default is to use GNU runtime `TC_CXX_RUNTIME = "gnu"` which consists of libgcc, libstdc++ to provide C/C++ runtime support. However it's possible to use LLVM runtime to replace it where compile-rt, llvm libunwind, and libc++ are used to provide C/C++ runtime, while GNU runtime works with both GCC and Clang, LLVM runtime is only tested with Clang compiler, switching to use LLVM runtime is done via a config metadata knob ```shell TC_CXX_RUNTIME = "llvm" ``` TC_CXX_RUNTIME variable influences individual runtime elements and can be set explicitly as well e.g. `LIBCPLUSPLUS` `COMPILER_RT` and `UNWINDLIB`. Please note that this will still use crt files from GNU compiler always, while llvm now do provide crt files, they have not been yet integrated into the toolchain. # Default C++ Standard Library Switch Using TC_CXX_RUNTIME variable will select which C++ runtime is used, however it can be overridden if needed to by modifying `LIBCPLUSPLUS` variable, usually defaults used by `TC_CXX_RUNTIME` are best fit. e.g. below we select LLVM C++ as default C++ runtime. ```shell LIBCPLUSPLUS = "-stdlib=libc++" ``` in `local.conf`. You can select libstdc++ per package too by writing bbappends for them containing ```shell LIBCPLUSPLUS:toolchain-clang:pn- = "-stdlib=libc++" ``` Defaults are chosen to be GNU for maximum compatibility with existing GNU systems. It's always good to use single runtime on a system, mixing runtimes can cause complications during compilation as well as runtime. However, it's up to distribution policies to decide which runtime to use. # Adding clang in generated SDK toolchain Clang based cross compiler is not included into the generated SDK using `bitbake meta-toolchain` or `bitbake -cpopulate_sdk ` if clang is expected to be part of SDK, add `CLANGSDK = "1"` in `local.conf` ```shell CLANGSDK = "1" ``` # Kernel build with clang Newer kernels and Android kernels support clang compilation, and even support LTO, The following takes [rockchip](https://github.com/JeffyCN/meta-rockchip)'s kernel as an example to configure clang compilation. x86, arm and arm64 kernel supported full LLVM toolchain, other arch only support clang. more info https://docs.kernel.org/kbuild/llvm.html - linux-rockchip_%bbappend ```shell TOOLCHAIN:forcevariable = "clang" DEPENDS:append:toolchain-clang = " clang-cross-${TARGET_ARCH}" KERNEL_CC:toolchain-clang = "${CCACHE}clang ${HOST_CC_KERNEL_ARCH} -fuse-ld=lld ${DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP} -fdebug-prefix-map=${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}=${KERNEL_SRC_PATH}" KERNEL_LD:toolchain-clang = "${CCACHE}ld.lld" KERNEL_AR:toolchain-clang = "${CCACHE}llvm-ar" ``` if you want use LLVM integrated assembler for some older kernel, newer vesion is enabled default. ```shell do_compile:prepend:toolchain-clang() { export LLVM_IAS=1 } do_compile_kernelmodules:prepend:toolchain-clang() { export LLVM_IAS=1 } ``` if you want enable LTO, append follow content. ``` FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" SRC_URI:append:toolchain-clang = "\ file://lto.cfg \ " ``` `CONFIG_LTO_CLANG`is need for some android based kernel, mainline kernel will do auto detect. - lto.cfg ``` CONFIG_LTO_CLANG=y CONFIG_LTO=y CONFIG_LTO_CLANG_THIN=y ``` # Building Below we build for qemuarm machine as an example ```shell $ MACHINE=qemuarm bitbake core-image-full-cmdline ``` # Running ```shell $ runqemu nographic ``` # Limitations Few components do not build with clang, if you have a component to add to that list simply add it to `conf/nonclangable.inc` e.g. ```shell TOOLCHAIN:pn- = "gcc" ``` and OE will start using gcc to cross compile that recipe. If a component does not build with libc++, you can add it to `conf/nonclangable.inc` e.g. ```shell CXX:remove:pn-:toolchain-clang = " -stdlib=libc++ " ``` # compiler-rt failing in do_configure with custom TARGET_VENDOR If your DISTRO sets its own value of TARGET_VENDOR, then it needs to be added in CLANG_EXTRA_OE_VENDORS, it should be done automatically, but if compiler-rt fails like bellow, then check the end of work-shared/llvm-project-source-12.0.0-r0/temp/log.do_patch it should have a line like: NOTE: Adding support following TARGET_VENDOR values: foo in /OE/build/oe-core/tmp-glibc/work-shared/llvm-project-source-12.0.0-r0/git/llvm/lib/Support/Triple.cpp and /OE/build/oe-core/tmp-glibc/work-shared/llvm-project-source-12.0.0-r0/git/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Gnu.cpp and check these files if //CLANG_EXTRA_OE_VENDORS* strings were replaced correctly. Read add_distro_vendor function in recipes-devtools/clang/llvm-project-source.inc for more details. http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Details/574365/ ```shell -- Found assembler: TOPDIR/tmp-glibc/work/core2-64-foo-linux/compiler-rt/12.0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/x86_64-foo-linux/x86_64-foo-linux-clang -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - failed -- Check for working C compiler: TOPDIR/tmp-glibc/work/core2-64-foo-linux/compiler-rt/12.0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/x86_64-foo-linux/x86_64-foo-linux-clang -- Check for working C compiler: TOPDIR/tmp-glibc/work/core2-64-foo-linux/compiler-rt/12.0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/x86_64-foo-linux/x86_64-foo-linux-clang - broken CMake Error at TOPDIR/tmp-glibc/work/core2-64-foo-linux/compiler-rt/12.0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:66 (message): The C compiler "TOPDIR/tmp-glibc/work/core2-64-foo-linux/compiler-rt/12.0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/x86_64-foo-linux/x86_64-foo-linux-clang" is not able to compile a simple test program. It fails with the following output: Change Dir: TOPDIR/tmp-glibc/work/core2-64-foo-linux/compiler-rt/12.0.0-r0/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command(s):ninja cmTC_928f4 && [1/2] Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_928f4.dir/testCCompiler.c.o [2/2] Linking C executable cmTC_928f4 ``` # Dependencies ```shell URI: https://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core.git branch: master revision: HEAD URI: ghttps://github.com/openembedded/bitbake.git branch: master revision: HEAD ``` # Using Devtool and Upstream Development All LLVM based recipes use single llvm source directory, As a LLVM developer, you might want to work on your own repository to build related recipes, devtool can we useful in establishing such a workflow there is a script provided `scripts/devtool-clang.sh` which can assist in setting up all the recipes to use custom LLVM repository, in order to setup repository make sure that it has all the needed patches applied or else it will fail to build. Such a tree is already prepared and kept in sync at https://github.com/kraj/llvm-project There are branches under `oe` namespace which carry the needed OE patches ``` cd $TOPDIR/workspace/sources git clone https://github.com/kraj/llvm-project -b oe/main llvm-project ``` Once project is setup and meta-clang is added, run `devtool-clang.sh` script which will do the needed for setting up external sources for the yocto recipes, now yocto will use custom LLVM tree for its needs. # Contributing You are encouraged to follow Github Pull request workflow to share changes and following commit message guidelines are recommended: [OE patch guidelines](https://www.openembedded.org/wiki/Commit_Patch_Message_Guidelines). Layer Maintainer: [Khem Raj]()