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Sreehari S sreekmtl
GIS Developer/GIS analyst, whatever you like to call.

Galaxeye space Bengaluru, India

Samuel Girardin samuelgirardin
webgl developer France

Ubpa Ubpa
USTC CG Master

Tencent/IEG, USTC/GCL Shenzhen, China

Klaus Birken kbirken
Model-based development, Automotive background, formal methods.

itemis Stuttgart, Germany

Astrid Emde astroidex
Open source GIS expert & enthusiast, OSGeo board and charter member & OSGeoLive PSC, Mapbender PSC, FOSSGIS e.V. active member, working at @WhereGroup_co

WhereGroup Cologne

Sketch sketch-hq
Makers of Sketch
Lin Junyang liynjy
ASIC/FPGA Hardware Digital Signal Processing, Acceleration. ARM/SoC/Lidar/Radar/IoT...


Alireza Poshtkohi poshtkohi
Alireza (Alvin) is an interdisciplinary scientist who applies computer science and mathematics to tackle grand challenges in engineering, physics and medicine.

University of Hertfordshire London

etcd-io etcd-io
etcd Development and Communities

The Cloud

Michele Caini skypjack
I'm a freelancer and a senior software engineer. What else?

Freelancer Florence, Italy

NVIDIA GameWorks NVIDIAGameWorks
NVIDIA Technologies for game and application developers
Structural Simulation Toolkit sstsimulator
Structural Simulation Parallel Discrete Event Framework and Architectural Simulation Components
SimulationEverywhere SimulationEverywhere
Simulators in related tools incubated in Arslab.
Marco Guazzone sguazt

University of Piemonte Orientale Italy

O’Reilly Media, Inc. oreillymedia
O'Reilly spreads the knowledge of innovators through its technology books, online services, magazines, research, and tech conferences.

Sebastopol, CA

A free and open source office and productivity suite

20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050

Open Source Geospatial Foundation OSGeo
Empower everyone with open source geospatial

United States of America

Flax Engine FlaxEngine
A true game changer


Bosheng Li edisonlee0212
I have a broad spectrum of interests in Procedural Modeling, Computational Geometry, and Physics Simulation.

Purdue University West Lafayette

Måns Beckman spatialillusions
Making Military Open Source in my spare time.
Nic McDonald nicmcd
I enjoy being a nerd.

@nvidia Utah

Yuanming Hu yuanming-hu
Ph.D. in Computer Science (MIT CSAIL) Creator of Taichi Lang
Pavel Rojtberg paroj
Graphics & Vision Enthusiast


破娃酱 breakwa11
二次元|喵星人|技術宅|學生|膜法少女|沒有威嚴的大小姐|黑長直,偶爾写写程式_(•̀ω•́ 」∠)__。最近壓力山大,因為天天被罵人品差和智障。喜歡玩遊戲、聊天。歡迎來撩,喜歡我请fo然后。。。

喵嗷污, China

Thomas BERNARD miniupnp
some experience in network programming (BSD sockets and such) retrocomputing enthousiast.



Doubango Telecom Paris (France)

Tom_48_97 ☠ tom4897
Working production in the video game industry and spending some spare time on Visual Studio.
Viktor Peng GodofMonkeys
Arma 3 Player & Chinese Localization Master (Arma Call Sign: God of Monkeys)


Kayler kayler-renslow
I like to make things.
dongdong chenjiandongx
🌈 =(◉ᴥ◉)= he/him


JunJian roubo
Code a Wonderful Life.

芒果TV/modou 魔豆路由器/长春理工大学 研究生院 中国上海/浙江金华/