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josc146 edited this page May 27, 2023 · 7 revisions

After installation, you must refresh the page or restart the browser

Basic Usage

Install this extension and click on the extension icon, you will see the setting panel, it is recommended to create an API key

Right click -> ChatGPTBox to call up the chat box

Custom Site

A better example:

  1. Open Advanced Panel and scroll down.

  2. Set Custom Site Regex to match your website. e.g. arxiv

  3. Set Input Query, Append Query, Prepend Query to meet document.querySelector

  4. Example

  5. As an example, open

  6. Ask ChatGPT should display



Want to disable selection tools?

Uncheck all items in the SelectionTools Setting, it will stop creating SelectionTools

Want to disable siteAdapters?

Uncheck all items in the SiteAdapters Setting

Want to disable search engine support?

Enable Only use Custom Site Regex for website matching, ignore built-in rules in Advanced Setting, and set Custom Site Regex to match nothing

Only need right-click menu?

Just do the above three steps

Call up the chat box by right-clicking on the blank space, then clicking ChatGPTBox of the menu

Customize your reverse proxy in Advanced Panel