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Authorizing OAuth apps
{% data reusables.shortdesc.authorizing_oauth_apps %}
fpt ghes ghec
OAuth apps


Consider building a {% data variables.product.prodname_github_app %} instead of an {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}.

Both {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_apps %} and {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %} use OAuth 2.0.

{% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %} can act on behalf of a user, similar to an {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}, or as themselves, which is beneficial for automations that do not require user input. Additionally, {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %} use fine-grained permissions, give the user more control over which repositories the app can access, and use short-lived tokens. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE" and "AUTOTITLE."

{% data variables.product.product_name %}'s OAuth implementation supports the standard authorization code grant type and the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant for apps that don't have access to a web browser.

If you want to skip authorizing your app in the standard way, such as when testing your app, you can use the non-web application flow.

To authorize your {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}, consider which authorization flow best fits your app.

{% ifversion ghec %}

[!NOTE] {% data reusables.enterprise-data-residency.access-domain %}

{% endif %}

Web application flow


If you are building a GitHub App, you can still use the OAuth web application flow, but the setup has some important differences. See "AUTOTITLE" for more information.

The web application flow to authorize users for your app is:

  1. Users are redirected to request their GitHub identity
  2. Users are redirected back to your site by GitHub
  3. Your app accesses the API with the user's access token

1. Request a user's GitHub identity

GET {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/oauth/authorize

This endpoint takes the following input parameters.

Query parameter Type Required? Description
client_id string Required The client ID you received from GitHub when you {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}registered{% else %}registered{% endif %}.
redirect_uri string Strongly recommended The URL in your application where users will be sent after authorization. See details below about redirect urls.
login string Optional Suggests a specific account to use for signing in and authorizing the app.
scope string Context dependent A space-delimited list of scopes. If not provided, scope defaults to an empty list for users that have not authorized any scopes for the application. For users who have authorized scopes for the application, the user won't be shown the OAuth authorization page with the list of scopes. Instead, this step of the flow will automatically complete with the set of scopes the user has authorized for the application. For example, if a user has already performed the web flow twice and has authorized one token with user scope and another token with repo scope, a third web flow that does not provide a scope will receive a token with user and repo scope.
state string Strongly recommended {% data reusables.apps.state_description %}
allow_signup string Optional Whether or not unauthenticated users will be offered an option to sign up for GitHub during the OAuth flow. The default is true. Use false when a policy prohibits signups.
{% ifversion oauth_account_picker %}
prompt string Optional Forces the account picker to appear if set to select_account. The account picker will also appear if the application has a non-HTTP redirect URI or if the user has multiple accounts signed in.
{% endif %}

The PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) parameters code_challenge and code_challenge_method are not supported at this time. CORS pre-flight requests (OPTIONS) are not supported at this time.

2. Users are redirected back to your site by GitHub

If the user accepts your request, {% data variables.product.product_name %} redirects back to your site with a temporary code in a code parameter as well as the state you provided in the previous step in a state parameter. The temporary code will expire after 10 minutes. If the states don't match, then a third party created the request, and you should abort the process.

Exchange this code for an access token:

POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/oauth/access_token

This endpoint takes the following input parameters.

Parameter name Type Required? Description
client_id string Required The client ID you received from {% data variables.product.product_name %} for your {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}.
client_secret string Required The client secret you received from {% data variables.product.product_name %} for your {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}.
code string Required The code you received as a response to Step 1.
redirect_uri string Strongly recommended The URL in your application where users are sent after authorization. We can use this to match against the URI originally provided when the code was issued, to prevent attacks against your service.

By default, the response takes the following form:


{% data reusables.apps.oauth-auth-vary-response %}

Accept: application/json
Accept: application/xml

3. Use the access token to access the API

The access token allows you to make requests to the API on a behalf of a user.

Authorization: Bearer OAUTH-TOKEN
GET {% data variables.product.rest_url %}/user

For example, in curl you can set the Authorization header like this:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH-TOKEN" {% data variables.product.rest_url %}/user

Every time you receive an access token, you should use the token to revalidate the user's identity. A user can change which account they are signed into when you send them to authorize your app, and you risk mixing user data if you do not validate the user's identity after every sign in.

Device flow

The device flow allows you to authorize users for a headless application, such as a CLI tool or the Git Credential Manager.

Before you can use the device flow to authorize and identify users, you must first enable it in your app's settings. For more information about enabling the device flow in your app, see "AUTOTITLE" for {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %} and "AUTOTITLE" for {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_apps %}.

Overview of the device flow

  1. Your app requests device and user verification codes and gets the authorization URL where the user will enter the user verification code.
  2. The app prompts the user to enter a user verification code at {% data variables.product.device_authorization_url %}.
  3. The app polls for the user authentication status. Once the user has authorized the device, the app will be able to make API calls with a new access token.

Step 1: App requests the device and user verification codes from GitHub

POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/device/code

Your app must request a user verification code and verification URL that the app will use to prompt the user to authenticate in the next step. This request also returns a device verification code that the app must use to receive an access token and check the status of user authentication.

The endpoint takes the following input parameters.

Parameter name Type Description
client_id string Required. The client ID you received from {% data variables.product.product_name %} for your app.
scope string A space-delimited list of the scopes that your app is requesting access to. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."

By default, the response takes the following form:

device_code=3584d83530557fdd1f46af8289938c8ef79f9dc5&expires_in=900&interval=5&user_code=WDJB-MJHT&verification_uri=https%3A%2F%2F{% data variables.product.product_url %}%2Flogin%2Fdevice
Parameter name Type Description
device_code string The device verification code is 40 characters and used to verify the device.
user_code string The user verification code is displayed on the device so the user can enter the code in a browser. This code is 8 characters with a hyphen in the middle.
verification_uri string The verification URL where users need to enter the user_code: {% data variables.product.device_authorization_url %}.
expires_in integer The number of seconds before the device_code and user_code expire. The default is 900 seconds or 15 minutes.
interval integer The minimum number of seconds that must pass before you can make a new access token request (POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/oauth/access_token) to complete the device authorization. For example, if the interval is 5, then you cannot make a new request until 5 seconds pass. If you make more than one request over 5 seconds, then you will hit the rate limit and receive a slow_down error.

{% data reusables.apps.oauth-auth-vary-response %}

Accept: application/json
  "device_code": "3584d83530557fdd1f46af8289938c8ef79f9dc5",
  "user_code": "WDJB-MJHT",
  "verification_uri": "{% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/device",
  "expires_in": 900,
  "interval": 5
Accept: application/xml
  <verification_uri>{% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/device</verification_uri>

Step 2: Prompt the user to enter the user code in a browser

Your device will show the user verification code and prompt the user to enter the code at {% data variables.product.device_authorization_url %}.

Step 3: App polls GitHub to check if the user authorized the device

POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/oauth/access_token

Your app will make device authorization requests that poll POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/oauth/access_token, until the device and user codes expire or the user has successfully authorized the app with a valid user code. The app must use the minimum polling interval retrieved in step 1 to avoid rate limit errors. For more information, see "Rate limits for the device flow."

The user must enter a valid code within 15 minutes (or 900 seconds). After 15 minutes, you will need to request a new device authorization code with POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/device/code.

Once the user has authorized, the app will receive an access token that can be used to make requests to the API on behalf of a user.

The endpoint takes the following input parameters.

Parameter name Type Description
client_id string Required. The client ID you received from {% data variables.product.product_name %} for your {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}.
device_code string Required. The device_code you received from the POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/device/code request.
grant_type string Required. The grant type must be urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code.

By default, the response takes the following form:


{% data reusables.apps.oauth-auth-vary-response %}

Accept: application/json
 "access_token": "gho_16C7e42F292c6912E7710c838347Ae178B4a",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "scope": "repo,gist"
Accept: application/xml

Rate limits for the device flow

When a user submits the verification code on the browser, there is a rate limit of 50 submissions in an hour per application.

If you make more than one access token request (POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/oauth/access_token) within the required minimum timeframe between requests (or interval), you'll hit the rate limit and receive a slow_down error response. The slow_down error response adds 5 seconds to the last interval. For more information, see the Error codes for the device flow.

Error codes for the device flow

Error code Description
authorization_pending This error occurs when the authorization request is pending and the user hasn't entered the user code yet. The app is expected to keep polling the POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/oauth/access_token request without exceeding the interval, which requires a minimum number of seconds between each request.
slow_down When you receive the slow_down error, 5 extra seconds are added to the minimum interval or timeframe required between your requests using POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/oauth/access_token. For example, if the starting interval required at least 5 seconds between requests and you get a slow_down error response, you must now wait a minimum of 10 seconds before making a new request for an OAuth access token. The error response includes the new interval that you must use.
expired_token If the device code expired, then you will see the token_expired error. You must make a new request for a device code.
unsupported_grant_type The grant type must be urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code and included as an input parameter when you poll the OAuth token request POST {% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/login/oauth/access_token.
incorrect_client_credentials For the device flow, you must pass your app's client ID, which you can find on your app settings page. The client_secret is not needed for the device flow.
incorrect_device_code The device_code provided is not valid.
access_denied When a user clicks cancel during the authorization process, you'll receive a access_denied error and the user won't be able to use the verification code again.
device_flow_disabled Device flow has not been enabled in the app's settings. For more information, see "Device flow."

For more information, see the "OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant."

Non-Web application flow

Non-web authentication is available for limited situations like testing. If you need to, you can use Basic Authentication to create a {% data variables.product.pat_generic %} using your {% data variables.product.pat_generic %}s settings page. This technique enables the user to revoke access at any time.

Redirect URLs

The redirect_uri parameter is optional. If left out, GitHub will redirect users to the callback URL configured in the {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %} settings. If provided, the redirect URL's host (excluding sub-domains) and port must exactly match the callback URL. The redirect URL's path must reference a subdirectory of the callback URL.



Loopback redirect urls

The optional redirect_uri parameter can also be used for loopback URLs, which is useful for native applications running on a desktop computer. If the application specifies a loopback URL and a port, then after authorizing the application users will be redirected to the provided URL and port. The redirect_uri does not need to match the port specified in the callback URL for the app.

For the callback URL, you can use this redirect_uri if your application is listening on port 1234:

Note that OAuth RFC recommends not to use localhost, but instead to use loopback literal or IPv6 ::1.

Creating multiple tokens for {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_apps %}

You can create multiple tokens for a user/application/scope combination to create tokens for specific use cases.

This is useful if your {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %} supports one workflow that uses GitHub for sign-in and only requires basic user information. Another workflow may require access to a user's private repositories. Using multiple tokens, your {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %} can perform the web flow for each use case, requesting only the scopes needed. If a user only uses your application to sign in, they are never required to grant your {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %} access to their private repositories.

{% data reusables.apps.oauth-token-limit %}

{% data reusables.apps.deletes_ssh_keys %}

Directing users to review their access

You can link to authorization information for an {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %} so that users can review and revoke their application authorizations.

To build this link, you'll need your {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}'s client_id that you received from GitHub when you registered the application.

{% data variables.product.oauth_host_code %}/settings/connections/applications/:client_id


To learn more about the resources that your {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %} can access for a user, see "AUTOTITLE."


Further reading