We aspire to create a welcoming environment for collaboration on this project.
This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.
All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.
You should be using the master branch for most stable release, please review release notes regularly. We’re generally using semantic versioning, but we’re pre-1.0, so the API can change at any time. We use the minor version for when there are not significant API changes.
This project follows a similar development process to git flow. We use feature branches for all development, with frequent rebases to keep our feature branches in sync. All pull requests are community reviewed and must pass our continuous integration spec run and code style enforcer in Travis CI.
We have a pre-configured :doc:`Vagrant environment <developing_with_vagrant>` which generates a fresh Ubuntu development environment with all necessary dependencies.
Pull latest code from master branch.
git checkout master git pull
Create a feature branch for your work.
git checkout -b feature/do_something_awesome
Commit your work and associate with an Issue.
git add <files> git commit -m"[Issue #<number>] Does something awesome"
Push your work up and create a Pull Request for review.
git push origin feature/do_something_awesome
There are a number of tests and fixture files for this gem written in rspec. When contributing new code, please modify or write new tests to verify your code is functioning correctly. In addition, we expect all tests to comply with the RuboCop style guide conventions. To run tests and verify your code complies with our style rules, run the following rake tasks
rake default
And make sure it passes before submitting a pull request. Otherwise, your code will almost certainly fail within Travis CI.
Tests normally mock all web requests so tests can be run without needing any credentials for VBMS systems. To run the integration tests against a VBMS server, you must specify all the necessary VBMS_CONNECT
environment variables. You can then execute tests with
and it will connect directly to the VBMS for all tests of remote communication. This can be useful for verifying that our mocks are still accurate samples of real VBMS responses.
The encryption and decryption tests use a special test keystore file located in the spec/fixtures
directory whose keys are only valid for a year or so. If your encryption tests suddenly start failing, see :doc:`the instructions for generating a new test keystore<generating_new_keystore>`.