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Olav Sørensen 8bitbubsy
Tracker related stuff (MOD/S3M/XM/IT etc)


Arlet Ottens Arlet

c-scape Gouda, The Netherlands

Flax Engine FlaxEngine
A true game changer


Zeal 8-bit Zeal8bit
In the process of making an 8-bit computer from scratch, based on the awesome Z80 processor Follow my progress on Youtube:
George Foot gfoot

Brighton and Hove, UK

Dirk Grappendorf grappendorf
CEO / Co-Founder steva GmbH Tech/Team Lead Senior Software Architect/Developer,

steva GmbH Germany

Eric Badger ebadger

Microsoft Redmond

Kevin Maier floobydust
Retired - having fun, playing with old and new technologies

Plant Earth

Renaud Forestié reunono
I make illustrations & games at More Mountains. I'm available for freelance work.

More Mountains Montreal, Canada

Steven Hugg sehugg
Creator of 8bitworkshop
I do electronics because LEGOs are too expensive, but sometimes my creations come with accidental smoke...


SpinalHDL SpinalHDL
A high level hardware description language
wuxx wuxx
Embedded Engineer, BG5DIW on the air


Shawn Hymel ShawnHymel
Machine Learning Developer Relations Engineer

Lafayette, CO

Leaded Solder leaded-solder
Projects done for the Leaded Solder web log


Troy Schrapel visrealm
Software (C, C++, x86, 6502 ASM) Retro Electronics, Hardware Emulation

South Australia

Jeff Tranter jefftranter

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Peter Wilson peterw8102
Almost 40 years as a system architect and software developer working on everything from embedded systems to work stations to servers to web site.

None UK

Sean P. Harrington 1stage
Retro hardware and software designer and hacker

1STAGE Productions Woodland Hills, CA

RC2014 RC2014Z80
RC2014 Z80 Based Homebrew Computer
Sergey Kiselev skiselev

Intel Pacific Northwest, USA

Vadim Grigoruk nesbox

Nesbox Wrocław, Poland

Brucey woollybah

Fife, Scotland

Michal Trybus komar007

ADB Gliwice, Poland

textcube textcube
Unity Game Programmer, Web Programmer, Server Programmer

Bunt Games Seoul, Korea



Simon Harrison si-design

Si Design Oxford, UK

Mark Sibly blitz-research

Blitz Research Ltd New Zealand

Matt Sephton gingerbeardman
I type stuff into computers to make them do cool things. Former Apple Technology Evangelist. ✌️

gingerbeardman Liverpool, United Kingdom

Christiaan Kras Htbaa

Kras IT Netherlands