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Last active September 5, 2020 14:41
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Solution for change-making problem (a.k.a. vending machine change problem)
import Foundation
// Change making problem
// Solution for change-making problem (a.k.a. vending machine change problem).
// Greedy algorythm going from bigger denominations.
// Fails for changeGreedy(60, from: [50:10, 20:10])
// More tests on bottom.
func changeGreedy(_ sum: UInt, from: [UInt: UInt]) -> [UInt: UInt]? {
var change = [UInt: UInt]()
var sum = sum
.sorted { $0.key > $1.key }
.forEach { value, count in
let give = min(count, sum / value)
sum -= give * value
if give > 0 {
change[value] = give
return sum == 0 ? change : nil
// Search with rollbacks.
// Succeeds where greedy fails.
// TODO: not guaranteed to find a way to give a change.
// TODO: Change given isn't optimal in sense of number of coins given.
func change(_ initialSum: UInt, from: [UInt: UInt]) -> [UInt: UInt]? {
var change = [UInt: UInt]()
var sum = initialSum
var from = from.sorted { $0.key < $1.key }
while !from.isEmpty {
.forEach { value, count in
let give = min(count, sum / value)
sum -= give * value
if give > 0 {
change[value] = give
if sum == 0 {
return change
} else {
sum = initialSum
change = [:]
return nil
assert(changeGreedy(0, from: [100:1]) == [:])
assert(changeGreedy(50, from: [50:10]) == [50:1])
assert(changeGreedy(40, from: [50:10]) != [:])
assert(changeGreedy(60, from: [50:10, 20:10]) == [20:3]) // This assert should fire
assert(change(0, from: [100:1]) == [:])
assert(change(50, from: [50:10]) == [50:1])
assert(change(40, from: [50:10]) != [:])
assert(change(60, from: [50:10, 20:10]) == [20:3])
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