Valence Bond Theory—Its Birth, Struggles with Molecular Orbital Theory, Its Present State and Future Prospects
:1. Introduction
2. The Roots and Development of VB Theory
2.1. The Lewis Electronic Cubes and Electron Pair Bonds
2.2. Heitler, London, Pauling and Slater, and the Development of VB Theory: Heitler and London’s Study and Follow-Ups
2.3. Pauling and Slater
3. Origins of MO Theory
4. The MO–VB “Wars”
5. Hybridization Is Being Called into Doubt
6. Conceptual Errors Made during the Early Development of VB Theory
6.1. Assessment of the Covalent–Ionic Bond Scheme
6.2. Missing the Antiaromatic Character of C4H4
7. Myths about VB Failures
7.1. The O2 Myth and Mystery
7.2. The Myth of the Photoelectron Spectroscopies (PES) of CH4 and H2O
8. Modern VB Theory
Modern Quantitative VBT Approaches
9. Modern Conceptual Approaches in VBT
10. VB-Motivated Approaches
11. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Shaik, S.; Danovich, D.; Hiberty, P.C. Valence Bond Theory—Its Birth, Struggles with Molecular Orbital Theory, Its Present State and Future Prospects. Molecules 2021, 26, 1624.
Shaik S, Danovich D, Hiberty PC. Valence Bond Theory—Its Birth, Struggles with Molecular Orbital Theory, Its Present State and Future Prospects. Molecules. 2021; 26(6):1624.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShaik, Sason, David Danovich, and Philippe C. Hiberty. 2021. "Valence Bond Theory—Its Birth, Struggles with Molecular Orbital Theory, Its Present State and Future Prospects" Molecules 26, no. 6: 1624.
APA StyleShaik, S., Danovich, D., & Hiberty, P. C. (2021). Valence Bond Theory—Its Birth, Struggles with Molecular Orbital Theory, Its Present State and Future Prospects. Molecules, 26(6), 1624.