Before Radicals Were Free – the Radical Particulier of de Morveau
:1. Introduction
2. Modern Understanding
3. A Radical Birth
3.1. de Morveau’s Introduction
3.2. Lavoisier’s Adoption
4. From Radical Particulier to the Radical Theory and the Theory of Types
4.1. Gay-Lussac and the CN Radical
4.2. The General Radical Theory
4.3. The Theory of Types
4.4. Laurent and the Theory of Types
4.5. Dualities, Inconsistencies and Ambiguities within the Radical Theory
5. Valency Displaces Radicals
6. The Freeing of the Radical—the First Modern Radicals
7. Final Words
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Constable, E.C.; Housecroft, C.E. Before Radicals Were Free – the Radical Particulier of de Morveau. Chemistry 2020, 2, 293-304.
Constable EC, Housecroft CE. Before Radicals Were Free – the Radical Particulier of de Morveau. Chemistry. 2020; 2(2):293-304.
Chicago/Turabian StyleConstable, Edwin C., and Catherine E. Housecroft. 2020. "Before Radicals Were Free – the Radical Particulier of de Morveau" Chemistry 2, no. 2: 293-304.
APA StyleConstable, E. C., & Housecroft, C. E. (2020). Before Radicals Were Free – the Radical Particulier of de Morveau. Chemistry, 2(2), 293-304.