Original paper

Cantharellus aurantioconspicuus (Cantharellales), a new species from Pernambuco, Brazil

Wartchow, Felipe; Buyck, Bart; Maia, Leonor C.

Nova Hedwigia Band 94 Heft 1-2 (2012), p. 129 - 137

published: Feb 1, 2012

DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2012/0094-0129

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Cantharellus aurantioconspicuus is described here from Atlantic Forest from Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil and compared to C. guyanensis. Its main features are the consistently orange pileus, the broad (up to 2 mm) and non-interveined lamellae, the solid stipe, basidia that bear mostly six sterigmata and the thin-walled hyphal extremities at the cap surface.


agaricomycetescantharellaceaecantharellus guyanensisneotropicaltaxonomy