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3H-baclofen and 3H-GABA bind to bicuculline-insensitive GABAB sites in rat brain


The presence of a novel receptor for the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on peripheral autononric nerve terminals and in mammalian brain slices has been described recently1–4. This receptor differs from the classical GABA site as it is unaffected by recognized GABA antagonists such as bicuculline and is not sensitive to the majority of accepted GABA-mimetics such as 3-aminopropanesulphonic acid (3-APS) or isoguvacine. We propose to designate the classical site as the GABAA and the novel site as the GABAB receptor. The β-p-chlorophenyl derivative of GABA, baclofen, is stereo-specifically active at the GABAB site whereas it is devoid of activity at the classical GABAA site2,5–9. We now report that high-affinity saturable binding of 3H-baclof en and 3H-G AB A to the GABAB site can be detected in fragments of crude synaptic membranes prepared from rat brain. The results support the concept of a novel GABA receptor within the mammalian brain and show that GABA and baclofen can compete for the same recognition site.

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Hill, D., Bowery, N. 3H-baclofen and 3H-GABA bind to bicuculline-insensitive GABAB sites in rat brain. Nature 290, 149–152 (1981).

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