Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Michael Bay
Shia Labeouf
Megan Fox
Josh Duhamel
Tyrese Gibson
Jon Voight
Film Details
Technical Specs
The Earth is caught in the middle of an intergalactic battle between two races of robots, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. All that stands between the Decepticons and ultimate power is a clue held by young Sam Witwicky. Unaware that he is mankind's last chance for survival, Sam and Bumblebee, his robot disguised as a car, are in a race against an enemy unlike anything anyone has seen before.

Michael Bay
Shia Labeouf
Megan Fox
Josh Duhamel
Tyrese Gibson

Jon Voight

John Turturro
Anthony Anderson
Bernie Mac
Samantha Smith
J.p. Manoux
Brian Prescott
Colin Fickes
Andy Milder
Travis Van Winkle
Adam Ratajczak
Luis Conti
Tom Lenk
Cj Thomason
Laurel Garner
Ronnie Sperling
Charlie Adler
Andrew Altonji
Ron Henry
Glenn Morshower
Michelle Pierce
Michael J Fisher
Amanda Moss
Jason T White
Michael Mcnabb
Peter Cullen
Steven Ford
Luis Echagarruga
Ashkan Kashanchi
Colleen Porch
David C. Potter
Kevin Dunn
Brian Stepanek
Jimmie Wood
Martin Tillman
Dan Greco
Esther Scott
Chip Hormess
M B Gordy
Brian Shehan
Michael Shamus Wiles
Andy Dominguez
Scott Peat
Ray Toth
Sophie Bobal
Wiley Pickett
Darius Mccrary
Andrew Caldwell
Jeremy Jojola
Michael G Fisher
Robert Foxworth
Zack Ward
Rachael Taylor
Amaury Nolasco
Hugo Weaving
John Robinson
Julie White
Pete Gardner
Michael Brook
Morgan Sheppard
Odette Annable
Joshua Feinman
Jess Harnell
Michael Adams
Sean Smith
Bob Stephenson
Mark Ryan
Rizwan Manji
Frederic Doss
Jessica Kartalija
Maya Klayn
Pat Mulderrig
Carlos Moreno
Charlie Bodin
Madison Mason
Craig Barnett
Jamie Mcbride
Alex Acuna
Chris Ellis
Brian Reece
Reno Wilson
Brian Kilgore
Jamison Yang
Benjamin Hoffman
Michael Trisler
Dan Ferris
Rick Gomez
Michael O'neill
George Doering
Ravi Patel
Peter Jacobson
Johnny Sanchez
Brad Dutz
Charles Abou Aad
Erik Aadahl
H. Barclay Aaris
Mimi Abers
Ismail Acar
Terry Ahue
Coleen Aiello
Ulrika Akander
Edward Albolote
Jon Alexander
Charles Alleneck
Antonio Almaraz
Jimmy Almeida
David Amborn
Ryan Amborn
Sean Amborn
Eric Amundsen
Mitchell Amundsen
Slamm Andrews
Audie Aragon
Donald Arnold
Okan Ataman
Fahima Atrouni
John Yehia Atrouni
Christopher Aud
François Audovy
Michael Babcock
Rocky Babcock
Kenneth Bailey
Jeanie Baker
Lorne Balfe
Leigh Barbier
Stuart Barter
Ivan L Bates
Ken Bates
Ken Bates
Ken Bates
Geoffrey E Baumann
Michael Bay
Daniel Bayona
Chris Bayz
David Beadle
Robin Beauchesne
Mike Beaulieu
Eric Beaver
Kathleen Beeler
Ramiro Belgardt
Robert Bell
Elissa Bello
Jeffrey Benedict
Colin Benoit
Bill W Benton
Terran Benveniste
Scott Benza
Erik Berentsen
Howard Berger
John Berger
Travis Berger
Craig Berkey
Craig Berkos
Kevin Berlandi
Luis Bienvenedes
Jeff Biggers
Mark Binder
Matthew J. Birch
Courtney Bishop
Steve Bissinger
Duncan Blackman
Ken Blackwell
Horacio Blanco
Dianne Bloom
Richard Bluff
Jeremy Bolan
Michael Bomagat
Beau Borders
Paul Borne
George Borthwick
Sara Bozik
Andrew Bradbury
Janda D Braden
Cynthia N Braga
Timothy Brakensiek
Rosemary Brandenburg
James Brett
Corey C. Bronson
Jason Brown
Mark Brown
Scott Brust
Greg Bryant
Ian Bryce
Page Buckner
Brian Bull
Brent Burge
Michael Burmeister
Chrysta Burton
Buzzy Burwell
Jon Bush
Alex Byrnes
Kela Cabrales
David Calvert-jones
Burt Campbell
Colin Campbell
Danny Cangemi
Brian Cantwell
Kathryn Capri
Des Carey
Stacey Carino
Derrick Carlin
Damien Carr
Phil Carr-forster
Jerry Carville
Jeff Case
Mark Casey
Todd Casey
Simon Cassels
Ted Castrellon
Joe Ceballos
Tony Cecere
Matthew Center
Chris Cera
Kevin Cerchiai
Clete Cetrone
Charmaine Chan
Kai Chang
Kate Chase
Kathy Chasen-hay
Rick Chavez
Peter Chesloff
Terry Chostner
Brian Christensen
Ian Christie
Paul Churchill
Siobhan Claridy
Chris Clark
Kenneth C Clark
Allegra Clegg
Allegra Clegg
John Cleveland
James Clyne
Mark Coffey
Chandra Cogburn
Matthew Cohan
David Cohen
Tim Coleman
Nancy Collini
Brian Connor
Robert Consing
Michael Conte
Jeremy Cook
Bill Cooper
Brenton Cottman
Rupert Coulson
Catherine Craig
Richard D Crain
Barry Crane
Emily Crupper
Dax Cuesta
Mark Cueto
Rocky Curby
Sean Curran
Beth D'amato
Vincent D'aquino
Frank D'iorio
Etienne Daigle
Danielle Daly
Joseph Danyluk
Peter Daulton
Fermin Davalos
Jack Davis
Sandy De Crescent
Tom De Santo
Mike Deak
Dave Deever
Jeff Deist
David Deuber
Sean Devereaux
Peter Devlin
Fred Deyoe
Lorenzo Di Bonaventura
Al Di Sarro
Larry Dias
Francine Dichiara
Joe Digaetano
Daniel Dirks
Danielle Dispaltro
Rob Dolittle
Sierra D Donley
Brenda Donoho
Andy Dorowsky
Frank Dorowsky
Rob Dressel
Andrew Dudman
Clay Duncan
Chris Duskin
Russell Earl
C Michael Easton
Joli Eberhart
Mikey Eberle
Lou Economides
Jeff Edwards
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Sound
Best Sound Editing
Best Visual Effects
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer July 3, 2007
Released in United States on Video October 16, 2007
Released in United States 2007
Shown at the Los Angeles Film Festival June 21-July 1, 2007.
Feature film based on The Transformers toy line introduced in the United States by Hasbro in 1984. An animated television series soon followed (1984-1987), and an animated feature "The Transformers: The Movie" (USA/1986) was released by Marvel and Hasbro.
Previous directors mentioned include Roland Emmerich and Jonathan Mostow.
Takara, the Japanese company that manufactured the toys upon which Transformers were based, will also be involved in development.
Hasbro will work with the production team on all aspects of the film's creative development, marketing and merchandising.
Released in United States Summer July 3, 2007
Released in United States on Video October 16, 2007
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at the Los Angeles Film Festival June 21-July 1, 2007.)
Winner of four 2007 awards including Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects Driven Motion Picture, Best Single Visual Effect of the Year, Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Motion Picture and Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture by the Visual Effects Society (VES).