Pearl Harbor
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Michael Bay
Ben Affleck
Josh Hartnett
Kate Beckinsale
Alec Baldwin
Cuba Gooding
Film Details
Technical Specs
On a sleepy Sunday morning in December as children played and families prayed, squadrons of Japanese war planes screamed across the skies of a Hawaiian paradise and launched a surprise attack on the U.S. armed forces at Pearl Harbor--the infamous day that jolted America from peaceful isolationism to total war and altered the course of world history. The story focuses on the life changing events surrounding December 7, 1941 and the war's devastating impact on two daring young pilots--one from the U.S. Army Air Corps, the other from the British Royal Air Force--and a beautiful dedicated nurse, with whom both of them fall in love. It is a tale of catastrophic defeat, heroic victory, personal courage and overwhelming love set against a backdrop of wartime action.

Ben Affleck
Josh Hartnett
Kate Beckinsale

Alec Baldwin
Cuba Gooding

Jon Voight
Jennifer Garner

Tom Sizemore
Pat Healy
Seiki Moriguchi
James Saito
Greg Zola
Yuji Okumoto
Peter James Smith
Estevan Gonzalo
Reiley Mcclendon
Brandon Lozano
Rod Biermann
Jesse James
Marty Belafsky
Josh Green
Abe Sylvia
Steve Rankin
Madison Mason
Graham Beckel
Eiji Inoue
Ben Easter
Viv Weatherall
Will Gill
Christopher Stroop
Ron Harper
Michael Milhoan
Jaime King
Nigel Boucher
John Pyper Ferguson
Rufus Dorsey
Blaine Pate
Garret T Sato
Benjamin Farry
Sung Kang
Joshua Aaron Gulledge
Matthew Davis
Matt Casper
Beth Grant
Howard Mungo
Kevin Wensing
Michael Shannon
John Fujioka
Vic Chao
Robert Jayne
Catherine Kellner
Rob Mccabe
Vincent J Inghilterra
Sean Gunn
Toru M Tanaka Jr.
Jeff Wadlow
Ewen Bremner
Michael Gradilone
Cory Tucker
Raphael Sbarge
Chad Morgan
David Kaufman
Scott Wiper
John Diehl
Fred Koehler
Randy Oglesby
Angel Sing

Scott Wilson
Tak Kubota
Bret Roberts
Patrice Martinez
Tim Choate
David Hornsby
L L Ginter
Andrew Bryniarski
Marco Gould
William Fichtner
Paul Francis
Kim Coates
Tomas Arana
Mark Panasuk
Joe Kelly
Colm Feore
Dan Aykroyd
Seth Sakai
Michael Shamus Wiles
Brian Haley
Nicholas Farrell
John Howry
Guy Torry
Precious Chong
Ping Wu
Ian Bohen
Tony Curran
Nicholas Downs
Mark Noon
Andrew Baley
Chuck Lipscomb
Ted Mcginley
Glenn Morshower
Thomas Wilson Brown
Eric Christian Olsen
Rodney Bursiel

Peter Firth
Sara Rue
Tom Everett
Daniel Mays
Cary-hiroyuki Tagawa
Brett Pedigo
John Padget
Stan Cahill
Jason Liggett
Sean Faris
Brian D Falk
Noriaki Kamata
William Lee Scott
Curtis Anderson
Leland Orser
H. Barclay Aaris
Jan H. Aaris
Mimi Abers
Mitch Admundson
Barbara Affonso
Jose Manuel Aguilar
Luis Aguilar
Marco A Aguilar
Vicente Aguilar
Terry Ahue
Archie K Ahuna
Donovan Ahuna
Fern Ahuna
Guy G Aiu
Ulrika Akander
Chris Akers
Heriberto Alanis
Edward Albolote
Kipp Aldrich
William R Aldridge
Mark Allen
Shadi Almassizadeh
Ritchie Alonzo
David Alvarado
Peter Alvarez
Queta Amador
David Amborn
Eric Amundsen
Mitchell Amundsen
Mitchell Amundsen
Terry Anderson
Slamm Andrews
Pete Antico
Harold Arlen
Louis Armstrong
W E Armstrong
David A Arnold
Bryan Arnston
Javier Arrieta
Ricardo Arvizu
James Ashwill
David M Atkinson
Chaney Attaway
François Audovy
Lee Auerbach
Francis J Ayre
Bob Badami
Klaus Badelt
Tim Bailes
Al Bailey
Charles Bailey
Daniel Bailey
Roger Bailey
Peter Bakic
Taylor Ball
Natalie Ballesteros
Michael Balog
Lori A Balton
Jim Bandsuh
Jose Guillermo Barcena
Edward T Barnes
Gregory J Barnett
William Barr
Chad C Barrow
Roger Barton
Count Basie
Count Basie
Maurice Bastian
Jim Batchelder
Ivan L Bates
Ken Bates
Ken Bates
Steve Battaglia
Michael Bay
Chris Bayz
Brenda L Baz
Ben Beaird
Randall K Bean
Eyde Belasco
Robert Bell
Jon G Belyeu
Laurent Ben-mimoun
Vanessa Bendetti
Jeffrey Benedict
David Beneke
Scott Benza
Erik Berentsen
Ken Berland
Gloria Berra
Carrie Best
Chrissie Beveridge
Don Bies
Kathy Billings
Jon Billington
Richard E Birch
Stewart Birnam
Melody Bishop
Guy Black
Duncan Blackman
Horacio Blanco
Patty Blau
Rob Blue
Jason Bogard
Kelly Bohn
Aron Bonar
Will Bonefas
Scott Bonnenfant
Rob Bonstin
Beau Borders
Rafael Borges
George Borthwick
Mark Boucher
Darin Bouyssou
Christopher Boyes
Jason Brackett
Stacye Branche
Ben Bray
Patrick Brennan
Phil Brennan
Eric Brevig
Eric Brevig
Jeff Brewer
Jason Bright
Richard J Brock
Corey C. Bronson
Phil Brotherton
Bob F Brown
Charlie Brown
Kate Brown
Megan Brown
Ronn Brown
Troy Brown
Jerry Bruckheimer
Kurt Bryant
Todd Bryant
Steven E Bunyea
Richard Buoen
Kalani Burell
Danielle Burgio
Susan Burig
Michael E Burke
Michael Burmeister
Bobby Burns
Tom Y Burns
Natalie Burris
Cathy Burrow
Rodney Bursiel
Richard Burton
Keith Butler
Stacey Byers
Alvin S Cabrinha
Philip Calhoun
Erica Callas
Greg Callas
Brian Callhan
Cristian Yair Camacho
Victor Camacho
Mike Cambell
Mario Camilleri
Thomas L Camp
Keith Campbell
Danny Cangemi
Shawn Carberry
Douglas M Carr
Kay Carter
Chris Castaldi
Gloria Castro
Tony Cecere
Lydia Cedrone
Rocio Ceja
John Cenatiempo
Dianne Chadwick
Lawrence Chandler
Joshua Chapel
Gerri Char
Doc D Charbonneau
Kathy Chasen-hay
Mark Chavarria
Manny Chavez
Teresa Chavez
Simon Cheung
Terry Chostner
Dave Christensen
Shawn Christensen
Tony Ciccone
Christine Clement
Dick Clement
Dick Clement
Art Clever
Lindsey Cline
Robert Clot
Sean Clouser
Colin Codner
Richard Cody
Gerrard Coffey
Matthew Cohan
Matthew Cohan
Jason Coleman
Keith Collea
Jian Cong
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Wins
Best Sound Effects Sound Editing
Award Nominations
Best Song
Best Sound
Best Visual Effects
Miscellaneous Notes
Nominated for the 2001 Award for Best Cinematography from the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC).
Nominated for the 2001 award for Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing - Feature from the Cinema Audio Society (CAS).
Released in United States Summer May 25, 2001
Released in United States on Video December 4, 2001
Randall Wallace received $2 million to write the screenplay.
Began shooting April 10, 2000.
Completed shooting September 15, 2000.
Michael Bay has forfeited his $6 million directing fee until the film breaks even and won't get a percentage of the profits.
Released in United States Summer May 25, 2001
Released in United States on Video December 4, 2001