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HPLC columns
- Reversed Phase and HILIC
- Ligand Exchange
- Ion Exclusion
- Ion Chromatography
- Size Exclusion
- Ion Exchange
- Chiral Separation Column
- USP-NF Column List
Sample Pretreatment
Calibration Standards
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Important Notice
- Notification of Shodex RSpak DE-G 2A Particle Size Description Correction
- Notification of IC I-524A Eluent Condition for Inspection and Shipping Solvent Composition
- Announcement of Paperless Product Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis and Product Package Renewal
- Notification of Shodex Out-of-spec Products and Their Replacements
- Notification of Shodex Column CoA Misdescriptions and Issue of Amended CoA
Comparisons of Two Separation Modes on Saturated Fatty Acid LC/MS Analysis (C18U 2D, VT-50 2D)
Comparisons of Two Separation Modes on PFAS LC/MS Analysis (C18U 2D, VT-50 2D)
Effects of Sample Preparation Solution on Sugar Separation (VG-50 4D)
Effects of Sample Injection Volume on Sugar Separation (VG-50 4D)
LC-MS/MS Analysis of Mammalian-derived Inositol Poly/Pyrophosphates (VG-50 2D)