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Explanation of Relationships

The Southern Baptist Convention lists the following colleges and universities as a service to Southern Baptists and the Baptist state conventions with which it maintains a cooperative relationship. With the exception of the five theological colleges associated with our SBC seminaries, the Southern Baptist Convention has no direct connection with any of these institutions. It provides no funding. It elects no trustees. Each institution is related to one of our partnering Baptist state conventions.

The Cooperative Program is the unified budget plan adopted by the SBC. Each state convention receives Cooperative Program funds from churches in its state or region. The state convention retains a portion of Cooperative Program contributions from its affiliated churches for missions and ministries in its respective state or region. If a college or university receives funding from a Baptist state convention, this funding comes only from Cooperative Program funds forwarded to the state convention by churches in that respective state. No Cooperative Program funds forwarded by the states to the national convention (the SBC) are allocated to a college or university related to any of our partnering Baptist state conventions.

The SBC provides no scholarship assistance to any student through the SBC Cooperative Program Allocation Budget. Scholarship awards are coordinated through each respective college or university’s finance office in accordance with guidelines adopted by the individual school.

The governance and funding procedures of the five colleges associated with the SBC seminaries are compatible with the Southern Baptist Convention’s bylaws and its Business and Financial Plan.

Anderson University |  | affiliated with the South Carolina Baptist Convention
Averett University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Association of Virginia
Baptist University of Florida |  | a cooperating ministry of the Florida Baptist Convention
Baptist University of the Americas |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas
Baylor University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas
Blue Mountain College |  | affiliated with the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board
Bluefield University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Association of Virginia
Boyce College |  | undergraduate program operated by The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Brewton-Parker College |  | affiliated with the Baptist Convention of the State of Georgia
California Baptist University |  | affiliated with the California Southern Baptist Convention
Campbell University |  | affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
Carson-Newman University |  | affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention
Cedarville University |  | endorsed by the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio
Charleston Southern University |  | affiliated with the South Carolina Baptist Convention
Chowan University |  | affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
Clear Creek Baptist Bible College |  | affiliated with the Kentucky Baptist Convention
Criswell College |  | affiliated with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Dallas Baptist University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas
Davis College |  | affiliated with the Baptist Convention of New York and is endorsed by the Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania/South Jersey
East Texas Baptist University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas
Fruitland Baptist Bible College |  | a ministry of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
Gardner-Webb University |  | affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
Hannibal-LaGrange University |  | affiliated with the Missouri Baptist Convention
Hardin-Simmons University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas
Houston Baptist University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas and is fraternally related to the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Howard Payne University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas
Jacksonville College |  | affiliated with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Leavell College |  | undergraduate program operated by New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Liberty University |  | in partnership with the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia
Louisiana Christian University |  | entity of the Louisiana Baptist Convention
Mars Hill University |  | affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
Mississippi College |  | affiliated with the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board
Missouri Baptist University |  | affiliated with the Missouri Baptist Convention
North Greenville University |  | affiliated with the South Carolina Baptist Convention
Northeastern Baptist College |  | a ministry partner with the Baptist Convention of New England
Oklahoma Baptist University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma
Ouachita Baptist University |  | affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention
Samford University |  | affiliated with the Alabama Baptist Convention
Shorter University |  | affiliated with the Baptist Convention of the State of Georgia
Southwest Baptist University |  | affiliated with the Missouri Baptist Convention
Spurgeon College |  | undergraduate program operated by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Texas Baptist College |  | undergraduate program operated by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
The College at Southeastern |  | undergraduate program operated by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Truett-McConnell University |  | affiliated with the Baptist Convention of the State of Georgia
Union University |  | affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas
University of Mobile |  | affiliated with the Alabama Baptist Convention
Wayland Baptist University |  | affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas
William Carey University |  | affiliated with the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board
Williams Baptist University |  | affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention
Wingate University |  | affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina