The magic starts here - where will it lead you? chARTer~TECH High School for the Performing Arts is a regional high school which opened its doors to students in 1999 and serves the surrounding 4 counties. Offering 5 different pathways in Career and Technical Education, students declare a major in one of our CTE programs which include dance, instrumental music, theatre arts, TV/video/animation production or vocal music upon admission. Any student who resides in New Jersey and is registered in a public school district may apply.
Located in Somers Point, NJ our facility supports one of the most technologically advanced infrastructures of any high school. Every student has a desktop computer in every academic class with access to the Internet, Microsoft Office, online textbooks, electronic search engines, and academic software. Our TV/Film/Animation studios support wireless laptops, HD television equipment, a Sony Anticast system, editing suites, and IMACS for Digital Art. The music department has a keyboard lab, recording studio, and music software including Protools. We are the only high school which is a certified Protools training center. The dancers have a studio with a suspended floor and locker room. Theatre arts’ students can perform right in their own black box theatre, work sound and lighting from our control booth, and design and build sets in the scene shop. Our vocal department has use of the piano lab and an acoustically pleasing classroom for practice sessions. Our remote computer access allows students to work from home or anywhere there is Internet. Teachers have complete access to their files, and parents can access their child’s grades via the Internet. The academic year is divided into two semesters and four marking periods. All students must take a college preparatory curriculum which includes 4 years of performing arts, English, social studies, math, science, and health/physical education. Two years of a foreign language and performing arts’ electives are also required which gives graduates a total of 160 credits. Block scheduling allows students to concentrate on 5 subjects per semester. Dual credit, internships, online college courses, and honors courses are available. Students must meet the NJ requirements for graduation. Our seniors have made Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) in the NJ HSPA testing the last three years and all members of our teaching faculty are highly qualified.
Students have the opportunity to work with professionals, learn the skill sets needed in their industry while receiving the academics necessary to pursue post secondary training in a college or university.