WWE PPVs CALDWELL'S WWE HELL IN A CELL PPV REPORT 10/28: Complete "virtual time" coverage of live PPV - Punk vs. Ryback
Oct 28, 2012 - 11:56:28 PM
WWE Hell in a Cell PPV Results
October 28, 2012
Live from Atlanta, Ga.
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
PPV Pre-Show
On the YouTube PPV pre-show, Matt Striker and Scott Stanford introduced the show from ringside. Striker plugged tonight's main event of C.M. Punk vs. Ryback, then Stanford introduced a video package on the A.J. Lee scandal storyline, including her resignation as Raw GM Monday on Raw and John Cena's involvement.
Back to ringside, Striker and Stanford sent the pre-show into the ring, where Michael Cole was standing by. Cole introduced top star John Cena, who made his way out to the ring to join Cole for a discussion. Cole and Cena sat down in director's chairs, and Cole began by noting Vickie Guerrero claims to have evidence about Cena and A.J. that she will present on Raw tomorrow night. Cena waited out boos, then said he's just as upset because he wanted to wrestle in A-Town tonight.
Cole ignored a jab, then brought up a question on whether he is passing the torch to Ryback. Cena mocked the question, then said he just wants to see what Ryback can do inside the Cell tonight. Cole then introduced a tout on what advice Cena would give Ryback against Punk tonight. Cena offered some advice that brute strength alone will not get it done, so Ryback needs to bring more against Punk. He said he's excited to see what else Ryback can bring to the table.
Next was a question on whether Cena can beat Ryback. Cena turned the question into a question for the audience. They were mixed, so Cena asked again. Cena waited out another round of reactions, then threw his name out there that he would like to be the first to challenge Ryback if he wins tonight.
Next was a question on Cena's toughest opponent. Cena noted it was this same building that the challenge was made for Cena vs. Rock at WrestleMania, and he would like to challenge Rock to another match because he thinks he can win the second match.
Next was a question on if Punk wins tonight, will Cena acknowledge Punk as the Best in the World. Cena acknowledged boos from the crowd, then said he still will not because he has to believe in himself every time he steps into the ring.
Next, a question on what one word would he offer to Vickie Guerrero. He said he can't use this word and that word, then offered "Silence!" Cena had enough of the tweets and touts, but received another tout, this time from Dolph Ziggler mocking him for his involvement with A.J. Cena sarcastically thanked Ziggler for his contribution before challenging him to a fight tonight. Cena cleared the ring, told Cole to scram, and challenged Ziggler. No sign of Ziggler, though. After a pause, Ziggler's music played.
Instead of Ziggler, though, interim Raw managing supervisor Vickie Guerrero walked out on-stage to interrupt. Vickie walked into the ring and accused Cena of getting his hands caught in the cookie jar. She said Cena is so professional... then Ziggler suddenly hit the ring to try to sneak-attack Cena, but Cena dumped Ziggler to the outside, cutting him off. Cena's music played and the announcers speculated on whether Ziggler will cash in his World Title MITB briefcase during the PPV.
The announcers then fed to a video package on the Sheamus vs. Big Show World Title feud that will culminate tonight. After the video, Stanford and Striker broke down the PPV line-up.
Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in World champ Sheamus for a pre-show interview. Mathews asked if he's actually the underdog tonight against Big Show, which Sheamus laughed off. Sheamus said Show thinks he will knock him out tonight, but this underdog's bite is bigger than Show's bark. He said Show is the type to back down from a fight, but he will never back down from a fight. He then vowed to Brogue Kick the challenger tonight.
The announcers then fed to a video package on Ryback ahead of his WWE Title shot against C.M. Punk tonight. The title match video package closed out the PPV pre-show.
Live Hell in a Cell PPV results
WWE's first PPV in six weeks opened with a video package focusing on the Hell in a Cell structure and top matches of Sheamus vs. Big Show and Punk vs. Ryback for WWE's top titles.
Live inside the arena, full pyro shot off and WWE lit the Hell in a Cell logo on-stage on fire as Michael Cole introduced the show. In the ring, Justin Roberts handed off to Ricardo Rodriguez, who introduced Alberto Del Rio for the opening match. As Del Rio made his way out, Cole introduced JBL and Jim Ross as his co-hosts tonight. Ross then narrated footage of Del Rio cheap-shotting Orton last month, setting up their feud culminating with a match tonight. JBL called Smackdown the "A-Show" to establish himself as the heel announcer by offering an obvious lie, then Randy Orton - with a shaved head - made his way out to the ring to face Del Rio.
Orton quickly dumped Del Rio to the outside and landed a big clothesline right in front of the announcers. Orton bashed Del Rio's head across the table before tossing him back into the ring. Orton followed with multiple stomps before delivering kicks and stomps. Ross noted Orton showed up highly-motivated tonight. Orton had to be pulled back by the ref trying to land corner blows, then Ricardo provided a distraction. Del Rio followed with a smash to the ringpost, targeting Orton's left arm/shoulder area.
Back in the ring, Del Rio went to work on Orton's left shoulder and arm. Very methodical attack before Del Rio paused to pose like Orton to mock him. Meanwhile, JBL plugged this feud as Alpha Male vs. Alpha Male to see which family of wrestlers is better. Orton teased a comeback, but Del Rio delivered an armbar takedown, yanking on Orton's shoulder/arm. Orton again teased a comeback, but Del Rio avoided a powerslam, applied the cross arm-breaker, and used a full five-count to inflict punishment after Orton reached the bottom rope for a break. Del Rio then slingshot Orton throat-first across the top rope before kicking the bad shoulder.
At 7:30, Ricardo encouraged Del Rio to pose like Orton before Del Rio entered That Place, fell down to the mat, stalked Orton, and teased the RKO, but Orton blocked and emphatically placed him on the second rope for a snap DDT. Orton then entered That Place, but sold an injury when he tried pounding the mat. Del Rio easily blocked an RKO attempt and hit a Backstabber for a close two count. But, Orton came right back with a powerslam for a two count. To the top turnbuckle they went. Del Rio found a way to hang Orton upside down, then balanced himself and delivered a Low-Ki double-foot stomp to the chest. It was only good for a two count, though.
Del Rio, familiarly selling frustration in a big-match setting, pounded the turnbuckles before going to the top turnbuckle. He tried something, but Orton just stood there. They were off for a second, then Orton cleaned things up with a dropkick. Orton then wanted an RKO, but Del Rio blocked. Suddenly, Ricardo yanked Orton's shoulder into the turnbuckle as Orton rested in the corner. Del Rio followed right up with the cross arm-breaker, bringing the crowd into the proceedings. Orton fought the hold by trying to grab Del Rio's hands to separate the hold, but Del Rio re-applied the hold right in the middle of the ring. Orton finally found a way to power onto his stomach to force Del Rio's shoulders to the mat for a two count.
Orton then went to the corner to recover, Del Rio tried to run at him for a step-up enziguiri, but Orton moved and nailed a mid-air RKO. Another classic mid-air RKO. Orton then used his one good arm to cover Del Rio for the win. A replay was less impressive than the actual RKO in the moment, which is probably why they only showed one replay.
WINNER: Orton at 12:38. Solid PPV opener outside of that one awkward spot where Del Rio tried a top-rope move. Meanwhile, Del Rio continues to lose on PPV. If the goal is to continue building to Orton as an eventual challenger to Sheamus, then this was the right outcome, but Del Rio could really use a credibility victory if he's going to remain in a top heel spot. (**1/2)
Announcers: Cole, Ross, and JBL talked about the A.J. Lee/John Cena scandal, including a note that Vickie Guerrero will present evidence on Raw tomorrow night. Cole then fed to a video from the PPV pre-show when Ziggler tried to sneak-attack Cena, but Cena threw him out of the ring.
Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in Vickie Guerrero, who giggled about having photos proving the affair between A.J. and Cena. Is this another Claire/A.J./Daniels fiasco? Ugh. Vickie said she looks forward to showing the photos to A.J. on Raw. Vickie turned to leave, but Paul Heyman cut her off and tried to get her to cancel the match between Punk and Ryback tonight. Vickie said Punk is just scared of Ryback and there's no way she will cancel the match tonight. Heyman, boiling on the inside, freaked out and said Punk is not afraid of anyone. Heyman calmed down, then said Vickie is doing a great job, trying to flatter her.
In-ring: Daniel Bryan's music played to bring out one-half of the tag champions. Kane's music interrupted Bryan's music as he was half-way down the ramp, then Kane and Bryan stood together in the ring not happy with each other. After a replay of Rhodes Scholars winning the #1 contender tag tournament, Cody Rhodes's music played to bring out the #1 contenders. On-stage, Damien Sandow said there is one thing all people can agree on. Rhodes finished by saying at the end of the night, they will be saying, "We are the tag champions." Rhodes Scholars repeated it all the way down the ramp, angering Bryan.
The Duke of Decency started off against Bryan, who took control of the action before Sandow rolled across the ring to tag in Rhodes. Cole randomly interjected a note about JBL's former tag partner, Faaroq (Ron Simmons), backstage in Atlanta tonight. Sticking to tag teams who worked in Atlanta, Ross shouted to the Andersons, then JBL shouted out to Doom (Simmons and Butch Reed). Cole thought he meant Legion of Doom, angering JBL. At least he didn't say Dungeon of Doom. 36 minutes into the PPV, JBL offered his first dig to Ross for Oklahoma losing to Notre Dame last night. Ross ignored. As is apparent, the announcers filled some time as the two teams felt each other out in the opening minutes of the match.
Bryan finally took control of the action with Yes! kicks to Sandow before clearing both Sandow and Rhodes to the outside. Bryan then flew to the outside with a suicide dive, taking out Sandow only. Bryan tried to re-enter the ring, but Rhodes grabbed Bryan by the foot. This allowed Sandow to cut off Bryan and give the heels an opening to isolate one-half of the tag champs.
At 8:00, Bryan teased a comeback, but Sandow cut him off. Sandow then delivered a Russian legsweep into the Elbow of Disdain for a two count. Bryan broke free of Sandow's attack by avoiding a corner attack, then tried crawling across the ring, where he eventually made the connection to Kane. Rhodes also entered and took a beating from Kane, who delivered a sidewalk slam for a two count. Kane then wanted a chokeslam, but Bryan tagged himself in and delivered a top-rope headbutt. Bryan had the pin, but Kane yanked Bryan off the cover.
The tag champs argued, then Bryan dumped Rhodes over the top rope onto Kane, who had been yanked to the floor by Sandow. Bryan then tried to follow with a running knee to Rhodes, but Rhodes ducked and Kane ate the blow. Bryan and Kane picked up an argument as ref Jack Doane watched with confusion written all over his face in the ring. Back in the ring, Rhodes trapped Bryan and delivered Cross Rhodes. But, Kane broke up a pinfall attempt just in-time. Kane then flipped out on everyone, beating up the heels without any sense of order established. The ref called for the bell, having lost control of the action.
Post-match: Kane proceeded to chokeslam Sandow, then Tony Chimel announced Rhodes Scholars as winners via DQ. Kane and Bryan continued to argue, then Kane "lost it" by shooting off his pyro. The poor crowd sat quietly, confused. Bryan then left the ring with his tag title belt as Kane flipped out in the ring.
WINNERS: Rhodes Scholars via DQ at 13:08; Kane & Bryan retained the Tag Titles. Up-and-down match that lost the crowd. The Kane & Bryan arguing bit has become old hat thanks to over-exposure on Raw and Smackdown. It's time for something else. (*3/4)
Commercial: Yes, a commercial for a new National Graphic show on people who do odd things preparing for doomsday.
Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in The Miz for an interview. Miz ignored the question and followed up on the TV show WWE just plugged - with Mathews noting the show premieres next month - before noting doomsday could be upon everyone if he does not re-establish order. Miz said first he must win back the Intercontinental Title, then save the world. Odd, forced tie-in promo.
In-ring: IC champion Kofi Kingston was out first for the next title match. Oakland A's MLB player Josh Reddick was shown ringside before The Miz came out to challenge Kofi for the title. As Miz completed his entrance, Miz plugged the 26th annual Survivor Series PPV next month from Indianapolis.
3 -- IC champion KOFI KINGSTON vs. THE MIZ -- Intercontinental Title match
Miz went for an early Skull Crushing Finale, but Kofi blocked, then teased an early Trouble in Paradise, but Miz avoided and ducked to the outside to regroup. Back in the ring, Kofi tackled Miz before chucking him over the top rope. Cole noted Miz has brought something new out of Kofi. and Ross said Kofi has become more intense since starting his feud against Miz.
Back in the ring, Miz controlled the action and focused his attack on Kofi's head/neck area. Miz took too long celebrating himself, which allowed Kofi to explode out of the corner with a big clothesline. Kofi then set up for the Trouble in Paradise, but Miz saw it coming and rolled right out of the ring to avoid. Miz ran back into the ring, drawing Kofi in, too, and Kofi followed with a big cross-body splash for a two count. The two men traded finishing move teases, then Kofi hit an SOS for another nearfall.
Miz suddenly caught Kofi in the ropes and proceeded to yank down hard on Miz's left leg. Kofi sold immense pain to his left knee, which Ross equated to Marcus Lattimore's severe knee injury in college football yesterday. Miz showed a more aggressive side by ripping off Kofi's left kneepad and delivering a very focused attack on the knee. Kofi teased a comeback, but Miz blocked and slapped on a half-Boston Crab center-ring. Kofi teased tapping out, then teased reaching the ropes, but Miz yanked Kofi back to center-ring. Kofi then offered a last-gasp move ducking underneath Miz for an inside cradle resulting in a two count. Miz then nailed a snap DDT, but Kofi kicked out in-time. Ross said no one can question Kofi's toughness now.
At 9:40, Miz wanted Skullcrushing Finale, but Kofi escaped. Miz tried again, but Kofi flung him to the outside with one good leg. Miz quickly tried to run back into the ring to follow up on Kofi, but Kofi destroyed him with Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere. Kofi then pinned Miz for the win to retain the title. Afterward, the announcers talked up Kofi proving his toughness tonight. Post-match: Matt Striker brought in Kofi for an interview. Kofi thanked Miz for bringing out the "wildcat" in him before saying he's proud to be the IC champion.
WINNER: Kingston at 10:20 to retain the IC Title. Solid match. WWE needs new stars and this helped both men, even for Miz in defeat. But, it only matters if WWE follows up and does something with it. (**1/4)
Backstage: Kane and Bryan were shown arguing about whose fault it was that they lost. Kane said Bryan is to blame because he had to break up his near-pinfall loss. Bryan said Kane is a freak who wears a mask 365 days per year. They continued to argue, then Bryan declared Kane impossible. Bryan tried to leave, but Kane said he's actually the tag champs. Kane left, leaving Bryan to mutter to himself that he's the tag champs.
In-ring: U.S. champion Antonio Cesaro was introduced for an unannounced match. In the ring, Cesaro hyped himself in his language, then in English. Justin Gabriel then came out to challenge Cesaro for the title following his non-title victory over Cesaro on Raw six nights ago.
4 -- U.S. champion ANTONIO CESARO vs. JUSTIN GABRIEL -- U.S. Title match
Cesaro controlled early on, then knocked Gabriel to the outside. Cesaro dropped him neck-first across the edge of the ring apron before following up with more offense back in the ring. Cesaro slowed the pace with a methodical attack on Gabriel as the crowd sat quietly without a rooting interest. Gabriel finally broke free and nailed a springboard moonsault - which JBL called reminiscent of a young Lionheart (Chris Jericho) - for a close two count. Cesaro came right back with an inside-out clothesline, though.
Moments later, Gabriel climbed to the top rope for a 450 splash, but Cesaro avoided. Gabriel came back with a back-flip DDT, though, but Cesaro kicked out of a pin. Cesaro then rolled to the floor to recover and took a double-foot kick from Gabriel. Gabriel then tried to fly to the outside on Cesaro, but Cesaro intercepted with a massive European Uppercut. Cesaro cracked his neck, then gut-wrenched Gabriel back into the ring. Cesaro set up Gabriel for the Neutralizer, squatted him in the air, and delivered his finisher for the win. JBL said you could count to 20, and Ross offered a jab that not even (UT football coach) Mack Brown could screw that up. Afterward, Cesaro celebrated his victory in the ring as the announcers praised Cesaro as a great U.S. champ.
WINNER: Cesaro at 7:20 to retain the U.S. Title. No chance for the audience to invest since Gabriel was probably unknown to 90 percent of the audience. Cesaro needs some regular roster members to work with or WWE needs to take the time to establish the Justin Gabriels of the WWE roster before throwing them in PPV title matches. (*1/2)
Video package: Ryback's path of destruction leading to Hell in a Cell.
Backstage: Vickie Guerrero was telling a stagehand what she needs in her office. Paul Heyman interrupted and said he could almost kiss Vickie because of how happy she has made WWE champion C.M. Punk. Heyman said cancelling Hell in a Cell has been her finest move. Vickie interrupted and said the match is on...and if they have a problem with it, then Heyman knows where to go. Heyman smirked, looked her over, and walked off. Vickie huffed at this latest ploy from Heyman.
In-ring: Rey Mysterio's music played for an unannounced match. As Rey made his way to the ring, Cole shouted to Lilian Garcia, saying they all hope she gets better soon. Sin Cara then came out as Rey's tag partner. Prime Time Players's music then played to bring out Titus O'Neil and Darren Young for tag action. Ringside, Chilli of TLC fame was shown dancing to PTP'ers theme music. Before the bell sounded, Cole said that A.J. has confirmed via Twitter that she will appear on Raw tomorrow night.
As the two teams felt each other out, Cole plugged these two teams scheduled for six-man tag action on this Wednesday's "Main Event" show. The match built to Sin Cara taking a hot tag and trying to fly at Titus O'Neil, who accepted a kick to the face. Sin Cara followed with a springboard cross-body splash for a two count. The announcers noted Cara has improved leaps and bounds since associating with Rey Mysterio, then Titus had enough of Cara. Titus proceeded to drop Cara across his knee with multiple backbreakers before simply discarding Cara across the ring.
D-Young re-entered the ring and went after Cara as JBL and Cole bickered about today's Cowboys game, which concluded during the PPV pre-show. JBL then picked up a sports conversation with Ross. Meanwhile, the Players continued to work on Cara as Rey begged for a tag from the ring apron. Rey then changed his strategy to leading the crowd in a "Sin Car-a" chant. It quickly died down as the PTPers re-asserted control of the action.
Rey eventually took a hot tag at 10:30 and kicked D-Young in the shoulder with a quick strike. Rey then sent Titus flying over the top rope to the outside and Cara came off the top with a splash to Titus. Back in the ring, Rey head-scissored D-Young into the second rope. Rey hit the 619, then climbed to the top, where he dropped the dime for the pin and the win. Ross said the PTPers had the lead late, but gave it away at the end.
Post-match: Sin Cara was being checked on by the ringside doctor while resting on his back on the floor. Cara was holding his head, which drew Rey over to check on Cara, too. Cole called it a potential neck injury. After a replay of the finish, WWE showed Cara back in the ring celebrating with Rey. WWE then found a mid-match replay of Cara being dropped on his head by Titus, suggesting that was where the head injury occurred.
WINNERS: Rey & Cara at 12:28. Basic babyface tag victory to give the crowd a feel-good moment on an otherwise uneventful show thus far. (**)
Video package: Sheamus vs. Big Show World Title feud leading to their title match tonight.
Poll Results from PWTorch Reader Poll: 42 percent say no major title change tonight, 32 percent say Sheamus loses his World Title only, 16 percent say C.M. Punk loses his WWE Title only, and 10 percent say both Sheamus and Punk lose their title.
In-ring: World Hvt. champion Sheamus's music played to bring out the World champ. Cole noted Sheamus has held the World Title since WrestleMania and JBL wondered if the Irish will continue their good weekend after Notre Dame beat Oklahoma last night. As Sheamus paced around in the ring, Big Show's music played to bring out the big man dressed in a hoodie. Show wiggled his hands to warm up the ol' KO Punch on the way to the ring as Sheamus locked eyes with Show. In the ring, Tony Chimel handled formal ring intros for Smackdown's top match tonight.
6 -- World Hvt. champion SHEAMUS vs. BIG SHOW -- World Title match
Lock-up and Show shoved Sheamus across the ring. Sheamus stood up and tried another lock-up, but Show shoulder-blocked him across the ring. Show followed with body shots that redded Sheamus's chest. JBL name-dropped Mark Henry, who has been off TV for several months, as one of Show's victims before they cut backstage to show Dolph Ziggler watching the match on a monitor while clutching his MITB briefcase. Back in the ring, Sheamus finally landed some offense, so Show slipped out of the ring to make Sheamus wait to follow up.
Back in the ring, Sheamus built some momentum with strikes and blows, but Show side-stepped a sledgehammer blow and sent Sheamus flying to the outside. On the floor, Sheamus ragdolled Sheamus into the barricade before rolling him into the ring. Back inside the ring, Show slowed down the pace and blasted Sheamus around the ring. JBL filled time by noting Show's background beating Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair in WCW.
Show had enough of beating up Sheamus in the ring so he dumped him to the outside and threw the World champ clear across the announce table into Jim Ross's lap. The announcers scurried as Show approached Sheamus to collect his victim and bring him back into the ring to deliver more punishment. Sheamus had the audacity to tease a comeback, so Show chucked him clear over the top rope to the floor. Back in the ring, Show continued to dismantle Show. Cole said it's just a matter of time until this is over, which meant it wouldn't be.
Show continued to slow the pace with a mid-ring bearhug, which Sheamus eventually broke free of. On the outside, Sheamus tried some offense, but couldn't take Show off his feet. Back in the ring, Sheamus finally knocked Show down to his feet before offering a Feat of Strength lifting up Show and delivering White Noise, which popped the crowd. Sheamus covered Show, but the big man kicked out of the pin attempt. The crowd then chanted for the Brogue Kick, which Sheamus went for, but Show grabbed Sheamus's foot. Show then smashed Sheamus with the KO Punch, which popped the crowd. Show covered Sheamus, but the World champ kicked out before three. Show, the crowd, and announcers sold shock over this development.
As Sheamus recovered, Big Show measured Sheamus for another KO Punch, but Sheamus ducked #2 and delivered the Brogue Kick. Sheamus crawled on top of Show, but Show kicked out just before three. Sheamus sold shock as he leaned against Show's fallen body. The announcers sold that no one has kicked out of the KO Punch or Brogue Kick, with JBL noting they are in unchartered territory.
At 20:00, Sheamus stood up and measured Show for another Brogue Kick, but Show intercepted with a second KO Punch. Sheamus sold like the victim of a crime, with his body sprawled out across the mat. Show covered Sheamus and it was good for the win. New World champ.
Post-match, Show sold emotion as he received his World Title belt before WWE cut to a shot of a young fan in a state of disbelief. WWE's ringside doctor then entered the ring to check on Sheamus to sell the effects of Show's finisher. After a replay of the finisher exchanges, they showed Show leaving the ring with his title. Meanwhile, Sheamus was shown recovering to his feet in the ring. JBL called him a tough Irishman as he refused medical assistance. Sheamus received applause from the ringside fans as he slowly made his way up the entrance ramp to the top of the stage. No Ziggler cash-in.
WINNER: Show at 20:15 to capture the World Title. Very slow early on, then they flipped the switch and had a strong back-and-forth finishing sequence, playing off five weeks of storyline build-up. The title change gives Smackdown something new to work with, so it will be interesting to see where they go from here. (**3/4)
Backstage: Smackdown GM Booker T seemed upset by the title change, then Divas champion Eve tried to have a word with Booker, but he ignored her and said he had to talk to Sheamus. Teddy Long then entered the discussion to mock Eve. Zack Ryder then entered the shot dressed like a witch. He said he's dressed like the biggest witch in WWE, playing up their storyline feud from a few months ago. Eve was further insulted by Teddy saying that "witch" is one letter off from what Eve really is. Eve left, then Santino joined the costume party. Ron Simmons had enough and entered the camera shot to shout, "Damn!"
Office: Vince McMahon was on the phone. McMahon told someone on the other end that Big Show was very determined tonight. He then turned around to find C.M. Punk looking at him. Punk told McMahon to call off the match with Ryback tonight. McMahon asked Punk if he's lacking confidence in himself, if he's afraid of Ryback, or fearful of Ryback. The answer was "no" to all three questions. McMahon then told Punk to go prove that he's the best in the world. Punk seemed to have another motive for wanting McMahon to call off the match, so he huffed and puffed at McMahon's lack of understanding and left McMahon's office.
7 -- Divas champion EVE vs. LAYLA vs. KAITLYN -- three-way Divas Title match
Eve was out first, followed by Layla, then Kaitlyn. WWE replayed events from Night of Champions last month when Kaitlyn was mysteriously attacked, taking her out of a Divas Title match that Eve eventually used to win the title from Layla. More replays documented the fall-out from Kaitlyn's mysterious attack leading to HIAC tonight. Once the bell sounded, Eve tried to run away, but Kaitlyn and Layla dragged her back into the ring. Layla and Kaitlyn eventually went after each other, which allowed Eve to take advantage of the face Divas compromising each other to score the win and retain the Divas Title.
WINNER: Eve at 6:30 to retain the Divas Title.
Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in Big Show, who celebrated his World Title victory over Sheamus. Show confidently strutted off, happy with his work tonight.
Trainer's Room: Matt Striker eavesdropped on Dr. Sampson administering a concussion test to Sheamus, who sat dejected on the trainer's table.
Video package: WWE Title program revolving around WWE champion C.M. Punk, Ryback, and John Cena.
In-ring: After a long pause, Cult of Personality played to bring out WWE champion C.M. Punk, who was accompanied by Paul Heyman. Punk cockily strutted to the ring as Heyman backed him up. Punk then approached the Hell in a Cell structure, felt its walls, hugged Heyman, and entered the cage. After a pause, Ryback emerged to light "Goldberg" chants. Ryback entered the Cell and Justin Roberts handled formal ring intros from outside the Cell.
8 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. RYBACK -- WWE Title match -- Hell in a Cell match
After the bell sounded, Punk remained outside the ring, not wanting to mess with Ryback. Ryback waited out Punk, then began a methodical attack in and out of the ring. Punk tried to run away as the crowd chanted, "Goldberg." Ryback then turned his attention to Heyman on the other side of the Cell walls. Suddenly, Punk sprayed Ryback with a fire extinguisher that he retrieved from under the ring. Punk tried to follow up with a chair, but Ryback kicked it into his face.
Back in the ring, Ryback press-slammed Punk into the air before leading the crowd in a "Feed Me More" chant. Ryback measured Punk for a running clothesline, but Punk side-stepped. Punk then nailed a springboard clothesline, stunning Ryback. Punk tried to follow with double axehandles from the top rope, but he couldn't move Ryback. Punk then leg-whipped Ryback in the face to deck the challenger.
The match moved to the floor, where Punk used the chair to jab into Ryback's mid-section. Punk tried one too many times, then Ryback charged Punk for a spear, but Punk moved and Ryback ate the ring steps. Back in the ring, Punk sat on Ryback's back for a sleeper, but Ryback powered out of the move into a back-drop. But, Punk came back with a corner knee into a clothesline. Punk followed with a top-rope Macho Man elbow drop, but Ryback kicked out of a pin.
At 9:30, Punk left the ring to retrieve a Kendo Stick. Punk measured Ryback for some stick shots, then landed one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven shots. On the seventh shot, Ryback intercepted the stick and tossed it aside, now fired up after receiving the punishment. Ryback followed with a clothesline into a back body drop, and JBL said Punk's title reign might be coming to an end. Ryback led the crowd in a FMM chant, then nailed his big running clothesline. Ryback called for the end, then lifted up Punk for Shell Shock, but ref Brad Maddox suddenly got in the way, then suddenly low-blowed Ryback. Maddox proceeded to fast-count for Punk, who retains the WWE Title.
WINNER: Punk at 11:21 to retain the WWE Title. And, WWE selected b.s. match finish #195 in the playbook tonight. WWE is about four weeks late on the referee angle after the NFL moved on.
Post-match: Punk and ref Brad Maddox couldn't get out of the cage because the ref on the other side couldn't unlock the cage. This allowed Ryback to come awake and destroy the ref before throwing Punk across the Cell. Back on the other side, the Cell door was open. But, before ref Maddox could escape, Ryback dragged him into the ring, destroyed him, and chucked him over the top rope into the Cell. Punk then tried to escape the Cell, but Ryback chased him down. Punk then decided to climb up the Cell wall to the roof. On the roof, Ryback caught up with Punk and delivered Shell Shock as the crowd tried to muster enthusiasm. Ryback stood tall, Ross emphasized Ryback standing tall, and Cole signed off at 9:52 with Ryback continuing to stand tall atop the Cell.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Well, if Punk was going to retain, you figured going in that Ryback would lose by cheap means, then stand tall at the end of the PPV to help viewers forget that he lost. The lack of a major run-in - and going for a heel ref angle - to create the main event outcome won't be looked upon fondly, though. The big question is whether this damaged Ryback or if WWE can move on from this PPV outcome and "tell the story" how they want to tell it on Raw tomorrow night.
Join PWTorch assistant editor James Caldwell & PWTorch columnist Greg Parks (@GregMParks) for a post-PPV PWTorch Livecast at 11:30 p.m. EST on BlogTalkRadio.com taking your phone calls on the event.
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
PWTorch offers a VIP membership for $10 a month (or less with an annual sub). It includes nearly 25 years worth of archives from our coverage of pro wrestling dating back to PWTorch Newsletters from the late-'80s filled with insider secrets from every era that are available to VIPers in digital PDF format and Keller's radio show from the early 1990s.
Also, new exclusive top-shelf content every day including a new VIP-exclusive weekly 16 page digital magazine-style (PC and iPad compatible) PDF newsletter packed with exclusive articles and news.
The following features come with a VIP membership which tens of thousands of fans worldwide have enjoyed for many years...
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-Decades of Torch Talk insider interviews in transcript and audio formats with big name stars.