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Saturday, 8 February, 2003, 01:44 GMT
Phil to quit EastEnders
Steve McFadden, who plays Phil Mitchell in EastEnders
Steve McFadden is set to appear in other TV dramas
Steve McFadden, who plays Phil Mitchell in EastEnders, is to leave the BBC One soap opera for a year, "to try other projects".

The star plans to leave the show in the autumn but his hardman character will not be killed off by scriptwriters.

Father-of two McFadden, 43, who has been in the soap for more than a decade, will return to Walford next year.

During his year out he will take up other roles in TV dramas.

Phil Mitchell being shot, in April 2001
One of the soap's biggest storylines was "Who Shot Phil Mitchell?"
He told The Sun: "After 12 years in Walford it is time for Phil Mitchell to take a break.

"I'm going to stick my mechanic's overalls in a locker while I take a look at a few other projects."

Louise Berridge, executive producer of the soap, said: "Steve McFadden is one of television's most talented and versatile actors and we are very happy to support him in his desire to try out other roles.

"I look forward to welcoming him back to Albert Square in 2004."

But just how Phil disappears from Walford for a year will be a closely guarded secret.

Explosive storylines

A BBC spokeswoman said: "We never talk about the plots because we don't want to spoil it for the viewers."

McFadden joined EastEnders in January 1990, as one of the hardmen Mitchell brothers along with his brother Grant, played by Ross Kemp.

I'm going to stick my mechanic's overalls in a locker while I take a look at a few other projects

Steve McFadden
They quickly became two of the soap's most popular characters and were involved in some explosive story lines.

One of the soap's biggest story lines was the April 2001 Dallas-style Who Shot Phil Mitchell, when the character was gunned down outside his home - by, as it turned out, ex-girlfriend Lisa Shaw.

The story drew 20 million viewers and thousands of bets at the bookies, and caused the third-largest power surge on record.

Recently a scene in which Phil Mitchell beat his nephew Jamie was criticised as too realistic by TV watchdogs.

The Broadcasting Standards Commission upheld 31 complaints from viewers, saying the scenes were too strong for a programme shown before the 9pm watershed.

McFadden has already starred in one other TV drama since joining EastEnders - an episode of Murder in Mind, a series of psychological thrillers for the BBC.

See also:

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